The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 1468: The unexpected appearance of the French

Slide 1468

"Then what is the result of the chart deduction? Can we catch up?" Lieutenant General Lebris asked.

"Basically, we can't catch up to the target. Even if the German fleet has former dreadnoughts in the formation, the speed can still be maintained above 18 knots. If they retreat at full speed, the distance between us and them is currently about 15 nautical miles. Its maximum speed is 20 knots, and it is unlikely to catch up with the opponent. After all, the opponent will be home as long as he is close to the Dardanelles." The officer thought for a while and said.

"This is really bad news." Lieutenant General Lebris said, touching his chin. After experiencing the initial anger, Lieutenant General Lebris, who had calmed down, began to consider the current situation of the two fleets.

I was really surprised today. If it hadn't been for escorting a British army to Chios Island, the French fleet would never have appeared here. The French armored cruiser that was attacked at the beginning sent a report to itself, but because the radio cabin was destroyed during the sending process, Lebris did not get a complete piece of information, but only knew that the island of Lesvos to the north had an accident. , So he hurried with the fleet. Later, when the German fleet bombarded the port, Lieutenant General Lebris received relatively complete information, and for the first time determined that there was a super fearless presence in the German fleet.

So now it’s a bit embarrassing for Lieutenant General Lebris. Judging from the current situation, the German fleet has successfully clashed, and he must not be able to catch up. Of course, he may not be able to catch up. France People don't know that this time the German fleet is carrying all high-explosive bombs. Moreover, even if it can, the French fleet is unwilling to engage in a battle that has suffered heavy losses on both sides. After all, the French navy's wealth is so small. If you really fight it, what will you do with France, a world-class colonial empire? ! The German bombardment of the port this time has caused the French to suffer heavy losses. These are all sunk costs. You can't just put the fleet in because you have suffered heavy losses... The war has just begun for a year, don't send it so fast, the most elite fleet of the French Republic is in your hands!

"We are too careless. The Spey fleet is a pack of wolves. Before we are sure to kill all these wolves, we must not take it lightly. Send a report to the fleet stationed on Chios, asking them to increase their guard. Sending a report, I hope that Britain and France can form a joint fleet and blockade the Dardanelles. This kind of thing can never happen again." Lieutenant General Lebris ordered.

To be honest, as a French admiral who once clashed with Count Spey at sea, the disaster of the last "Crete" is still fresh in the French memory. Now, the Allied Mediterranean fleet has recovered to a certain extent. Strength, the French feel that it is a little dangerous for them to be alone in a squadron overseas. Therefore, Lieutenant General Lebris hopes that the eight super-fearless ships of the British and French main fleets can merge. In this case, the Germans should not dare to trouble themselves. ? 8 super fearless and a group of quasi fearless, even if the Germans are the sons of God, they can't beat them, right?

The other thing is the Dardanelles. It seems that the idea of ​​giving up attention to the strait proposed by the British this time is obviously problematic. The German fleet can enter and exit the Aegean Sea steadily, and it will be backed slightly. You can go home, TM feels uncomfortable thinking about it. Of course, you want the British and French fleets to rush directly in. It is probably not realistic. In the narrow lanes of the Dardanelles, there are Turks’ turrets on both sides, Bavarian aircrafts overhead, and the Allied Mediterranean fleet on the front. How could the Allies attack?

Therefore, for the strait, Lieutenant General Lebris’s suggestion is to blockade and guard the Germans by placing another circle of mines outside the minefields laid by the Germans to ensure the blockage of large-scale surface fleet operations. At the same time, rely on camouflage reconnaissance ships, Speedboats and submarines form a cordon and patrol day and night. This time the German sneak attack was too terrible for the French. Lieutenant General Lebris estimated that this one had directly lost tens of thousands of horses. A French division and a lot of equipment were gone...

At the same time, the British fleet stationed in Athens also received news. Sir Fisher was awakened by the guards in his sleep. After learning that the Allied Mediterranean Fleet broke out of the Dardanelles, he directly sent Herreso After the French landing troops in Port Sibu directly took a spoonful of food, Sir Fisher felt impossible at first! Didn’t the Air Force and Navy claim that they beat the Spey fleet to the ground last time? Why did this thing happen again? !

"Jazz, it is possible to make mistakes in aerial observation, and several months have passed. It is time for the German fleet to regain combat effectiveness. Therefore, this time, it is entirely possible that they attacked and severely damaged the French." The super fearless Major General Duff with the 4 Iron Duke-class said to Sir Fisher rather euphemistically.

In fact, Major General Duff, who has been working and fighting in the first-line fleet, is suspicious of the results of the last British air strike, because all but the two warships that were sunk in Constantinople have confirmed pictures that can be confirmed. , All other sinkings are not accurate and detailed picture information. Moreover, after the air raid ended, the remaining Allied fleets actually killed the Russian Black Sea Fleet directly. The British have this combat power after the bombing. Are you ashamed to write in the report that the opponent was completely hit?

Don't think that the British are not and don't think that the upper echelons are all kinds of wise martial arts. It is like in history that Churchill could not give Turkey face, and deduct the two battleships for which the Turks had paid most of the money. It's like being so self-confident when starting the Dardanelles battle. Most people at the top of the British navy recognized this result. Although it may be for political purposes, it has to be said that this recognition gave the Allies a profound influence on the situation of the entire Balkan war. And made allies pay a very heavy price,

"We're rushing over now, I'm afraid the German fleet will have run away long ago." An officer looked at the telegram in his hand and said with some embarrassment.

"But we still have to go. This is a question of attitude, and I think the French have a lot to say to me, although these words may not be heard by us." Sir Fisher said bitterness in his heart! He could already imagine the sad scene of an angry Frenchman spraying on his face.

"Telegraph to the French, saying that we will set sail immediately and join the French fleet on Lesvos!" Sir Fisher ordered.

The second is more~~~! Seek to subscribe for a reward~~!

(End of this chapter)