The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 1669: Rift One

Chapter 1669 Crack 1

For example, in April 1917 in history, France had 109 infantry divisions and 7 cavalry divisions on the western front, while the British had only 62 infantry divisions and 5 cavalry divisions. By 1918, this ratio remained unchanged. The French had 104 infantry divisions and 4 cavalry divisions on the western front, while the British had 60 infantry divisions and 3 cavalry divisions. In that case, the maximum strength of the British is about 60% of the French!

And what about this plane? Although the war did not last long, the forces invested by both sides far exceeded the same period in history. The current situation is that 210 divisions of the British and French allied forces on the western front fought against 180 German divisions, and the number of heavy equipment far exceeded history. In this battle that is more cruel than the first war in history, the cost of casualties paid by the French so far is close to the casualties of the first three years in history!

If we say that without coal and other resources, the French can import from Britain, but can they import from abroad without weapons? But what if there is not enough manpower? Of course, some people can say it was imported from the colony! Haha, there is no use for eggs! It will not play a decisive role in the battle situation. With a population base lower than that of the British, the French bear 60% more army size than the British and more than double the loss of personnel of the British army. Can you say whether France can afford it? Come on? ! It is not too much to say that the First World War killed the elite of the French generation!

Although the hatred between France and Germany is a bit big, but no matter how big it is, the French also said that they really can’t play anymore. Especially on this plane, the Bavarian Army has suddenly emerged, which has raised Germany's strength to a new level. Without hope of victory!

As General Haig expected, after the public inquiry, French President Armand Falière specially summoned the Secretary of the Army Gallieni, the French Chief of Staff Wei Gang, and the French Commander of the Eastern Mediterranean Theater. Now, prepare a small meeting on the current situation.

"Unless God is a Frenchman, we cannot win this war at all. We now need to seriously consider ending this war decently. We cannot destroy an empire for such a meaningless war of attrition. !" Petain said bluntly when meeting the president. Only those who have personally experienced war know how terrible war is. They will not talk about it. In such a severe situation, they can only calculate gains and losses with precision like a machine. War is not a struggle of spirits, what is fought is profit. If there is no profit, or if there is only a loss of profit, then it will be a shame!

"This issue has been discussed by the cabinet. If the Germans are willing to maintain the border at the beginning of the war, then the war can end, and the British have similar ideas." President Armand said.

"This is impossible. The Germans cannot agree to it. Moreover, after this year, the Russian government will come to power. It is not clear who will come up. The people who come up may not be our friends. The Germans have already made good preparations for this day. Prepared, they must have supported some of them. The variables are too big, so this condition is not operable." Bethan thought for a while and said.

"At present, the only thing we can strive for is to maintain the status quo on the Western Front, especially to ensure the neutrality and territorial integrity of Belgium. After all, we are now on the Western Front and the Germans are evenly divided. But if you look at the overall situation, once the Germans are in the future If the fruits of victory on the Eastern Front are digested, then the French Republic will never be able to compete with this powerful Germany." Armand said.

"If we accept this result today, then we can only choose to surrender. This war broke out almost in the best condition for us. If none of the three first-class powers together can defeat the Allies, then in the future, we There will be no chance. Today’s compromise is actually another failure, an irreversible failure." The French President said weakly.

In the decades after the end of the Franco-Prussian War, the French and Germans have been in a state of hostility. It is not that the two sides have no chance to get close. When Britain and France have colonial disputes, Germany has expressed its willingness to help France, but the premise is the border between the two sides. The line cannot be changed, which means that France will lose Alsace and Lorraine forever. Faced with this condition, the French refused.

Silence, silence in the entire conference room. An unwilling but helpless atmosphere gathered in the entire conference room. The power of Germany is like a huge shadow over the hearts of the participants. The French really don't want to fight anymore, but no matter which result, they can't accept it! Although the world is big, the French can no longer find a more reliable ally!

"In any case, we have to block the fiercest wave of the Germans. France will never accept the Germans’ iron hoof stepping into the Champs Elysées once again! We have to make the Germans realize that they can’t let the proud France yield. Forced to accept our terms! We may not be able to prevent Germany's annexation of Eastern Europe in this battle, but we must guarantee the neutrality and territorial integrity of Belgium!" Armand said.

"There is still a big country in this world, and they also don't want to see the transitional expansion of the German Empire!" At this time, Petain's words caught everyone's attention!

"Are you talking about the United States? The contradiction between the United States and the Allied countries is irreconcilable. The Japanese let the American plan to move out of the Americas for the first time to be and the Americans left the British with a backhand in Boer. A scar has been laid, and now, the United States is still in a state of hostility with the Allied Powers. Not surprisingly, after the war, the Americans will re-enter East Asia together with Germany." Wei Gang said.

"But these are the grievances between the United States and Britain and Japan, and it has nothing to do with us. In short, the Americans are absolutely unwilling to see Germany's overpowering. It is still possible for us to use the United States to delay Germany's eastern line. They don't need to stand on us. On the one hand, as long as they reduce the supply to Germany, they can greatly affect the determination of war within Germany." Betten paused and then said: "We don't have a better way now, do we?"

"Order, note the British government, the French Republic will withdraw all troops deployed overseas to its homeland within two months, including the navy, will also withdraw to the Western Mediterranean."

"Notify the ambassador to the United States, let him test the US government's attitude towards this war, and release our goodwill. Our Indochina colony in East Asia can accept the US government's open door policy, that's it." President Armand was at the meeting. Said at the end.

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(End of this chapter)