The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 1699: The leading party is formed like this tw

Slide 1699

Morris did not believe the rumors that the relationship between the prince and the German Prime Minister Bismarck was tense. This is not only because the prince took good care of the prime minister’s son Albert after Bismarck’s death, but more importantly, he believed that the prince and this The head of iron and blood has the same origin relative to the people!

That is to ensure the welfare of the people, include as many people as possible into the middle class, and leave a pretty good channel for upwards! Responsible and capable aristocrats and capitalists who are controlled but capable of continuous development, although they have mastered the country's vast economic and political resources, it is undeniable that these people are still a minority in absolute population. Therefore, the kingdom must take into account the interests of most people!

Therefore, Ruprecht tried his best to ensure the living standards of ordinary people, and let them benefit from the development of the kingdom. Through financial payment transfer, taxation, education, medical care, and pension benefits, the kingdom benefited from the government, nobles and capitalists. A considerable part of the Chinese government has been transferred to the people, and a group of talented people among the people have been encouraged and educated to enter the middle class, including engineers, teachers, financial professionals, and so on. In this case, only after life is guaranteed and the people realize that they can benefit from the expansion of the empire, the civilian class will work with the government. This is why Bavaria is now the most stable country, and it also makes Bohemia, One of the important reasons why Moravia also has a sense of identity with the Kingdom of Bavaria!

Everything about the Kingdom of Bavaria allowed Morris to see his expectations of a perfect country, that is to say, he has faith, and after having faith, human potential and subjective initiative can be brought into full play! So, no surprise, Morris wanted to move this model to Hungary. As for the independence of the Hungarian nation? In his opinion, don't look at Hungary as a king, but for hundreds of years, the kings of Hungary have been foreigners... As for his family, it is hard to tell who has more German blood and Hungarian blood... Thus, Morris and the entire Esterhazy family became the important spokespersons of the Kingdom of Bavaria in Hungary. To paraphrase later generations is to lead the way....

"So, Count Albany is just taking advantage of us, and after the internal struggle in Hungary is over, they will clean us up?" Pal asked.

"There won't be that day. Whether it is Count Albany or others, they will only end in failure. They can't give Hungary a better tomorrow. They can't even get through this winter because they even satisfy the most basic things in Hungary. There is no ability to consume materials! Hungary’s food is not enough, and the industry is very backward. Therefore, it must rely on Austria and even Germany to survive and develop. The dual empire of the year illustrates this problem, but now, we can’t It's just a little change on this basis." Morris said.

In fact, this reform of Fritz still allowed the retention of the national character of Hungary, but only to strengthen the central power. The purpose of Fritz's action was actually to gradually turn Hungary into a state similar to that of the United States. At the same time, as much as possible to let all ethnic groups merge. This is acceptable to Morris. After all, what the former did has taken care of the national sentiments of Hungary. What makes Morris more satisfied is that the Austrian government is willing to conditionally accept Hungarian civilians who are currently living in difficulties.

As for how Morris views the Hungarian ultra-nationalists in China? Just look at Transylvania in southeast Hungary now... Even the Romanian stragglers can't deal with it, so what kind of Great Hungarianism is there to talk about? Why can the small group of people who are not fast enough, not enough money, short-sighted, old-fashioned and unaware of change say that they represent the future of the Kingdom of Hungary? ! National pride also needs to be supported by examples, OK?

Count Albany also expressed doubts about the political tendencies of the Esterhazi family, after all, the relationship between this family and Austria and Bavaria was too complicated. But in the current situation, it is obviously not the time to consider, because if this political struggle fails, then he will not have his turn to discuss the future situation in Hungary, and he will be directly liquidated by the radical bourgeois revolutionaries! Even in his heart, even if he and his party control the Hungarian regime in the future, want to take away the lost territory from Austria? How do you take it? Relying on the mouth or the real sword? Earl Albany himself had no bottom.

For Morris, and for the boss behind him, using this incident to clean up some of Hungary’s internal forces is a necessary process for Austria to integrate Hungary in the future. So, from this perspective, Albany’s Independence Party It's really the best choice! Because the radicals of the bourgeoisie have the background of the Allied Powers behind them, and the red forces are even more incompatible with him! The current situation is just that everyone has their own needs!

"So in the future, who will the emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire be?" Morris felt a little uncomfortable with Pal's sudden question, because it was too sensitive and too erratic.

"This issue is not something we can discuss." Morris said with some But this is something we must consider. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has completed its reorganization and the central government has strengthened its efforts. The Emperor Fritz is obviously a bit old. At this time, who will take over this brand new empire? "Pal asked.

"Although His Majesty is old, he is still in power. Behind us are His Majesty Fritz and the Crown Prince of Bavaria. They will consider this matter. No matter who comes to power, he will uphold the will of His Majesty Fritz and the ideals of His Royal Highness. We only need to know this.” Although, as the spokesperson of Austria and Bavaria in Hungary, I have faintly felt that someone will take over the crown that represents the glory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but now, he really cannot say!

Earl Albany left confidently after obtaining Morris’s assurance. He still has a lot to do. He needs to negotiate with other nobles, and needs to buy off the vacillating officers and soldiers under them. He needs to consider When will it start? However, he did not consider how the civilians in Budapest should spend this winter. In his opinion, as long as the Austro-Hungarian Empire maintained the aristocratic rule for hundreds of years, nothing else is important.

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(End of this chapter)