The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 1795: Public

"I have a dream. In the great German Empire, no matter what class you were born from, whether you are a nobleman, a teacher, a worker or a soldier, all people, as long as the development and strength of the empire If they have made a contribution, then they can all benefit from the strength of the empire! Every victory of the empire will no longer be a victory of generals, officials, and capitalists. Every civilian will get his own benefit from it, and farmers can renew By acquiring their own land in the increased territory, the residents of the city can get better welfare. As the king of the state, part of the profit will be divided from the national industry to improve people’s livelihood. The strength of the empire will allow our nation More cohesiveness, and the people united together will make our empire stronger!"

"And now, as the Poles who were our enemies, the moment they set foot on the German territory, my dream was dealt a heavy blow! No matter what purpose they have, no matter how much they do. Legitimate cloak, and no matter what certain people promised them. I can only be sure of one thing, that is, their actions trampled on the rights and interests of all people in the German Empire! Trampled on the most basic human law of giving is equal to reward! "

"In this war, whether it is Protestants or Catholics, whether by the Prussians in the north or the states in the south, we fought side by side and condemned with the enemy, using our blood and fighting to take away vast territory for the empire! We have now defeated one enemy and are about to defeat the other two enemies. If the dispute between His Majesty the Kaiser and the Parliament disappoints me, I can understand this behavior after all. They have not touched my bottom line, at least for now , Our front is still stable. We will not lose the war!"

"But the Poles! Why did they invade our land when we had internal disputes? We liberated them from the bayonet and whip of the Russians. We also considered giving them certain rights, but It's a pity that they are like a group of unfamiliar wolves! When they saw our brother humiliating against the wall, they showed their fangs and claws!"

"Maybe some people are unable to punish them because they estimate certain things or their strength is limited, then this matter is left to us! The Bavarian Army will not take any transgressive behavior against Prussia and Prussian citizens. If it causes damage, We will compensate according to the price. Our goal is only one, and that is to teach the Poles a good lesson. We hope that all those who truly love Germany can stay with us!” A day later, Ruprecht’s speech was over the German Empire. Echoing, countless newspapers published this article, countless radio stations sent the voice of the crown prince to the country!

   And the repercussions caused by this telegram are very huge. It is okay to say that a lightning bolt was drawn in the hazy night sky! With Ruprecht's power on, a large amount of materials and weapons from Bavaria were transported by rail to the logistic positions of various army groups. And a day later, the aircraft wing, painted with the unique camouflage of the Kingdom of Bavaria, also arrived on the western front. Of course, this wave is dominated by fighter jets, and their mission is also very simple. They are free to hunt and kill all the Allied aircrafts they can see.

   So, when the grassroots soldiers on the western front can eat enough convenience food provided by Bavaria, the attitude of both Protestants and Catholics toward the Kingdom of Bavaria immediately changed!

"I have to say that the things in the south are really good. Now I am more and more uncomfortable with the things produced by Rheinmetall!" In a bunker, a German machine gunner opened the MG09 wrapped in greased paper. Said after the machine gun. "Although the workmanship is not so sophisticated and a lot of stamping parts are used, it is stable and reliable, the rate of fire is very fast, it is very convenient to replace the barrel, and the most important thing is the light weight. The machine gun produced by Rheinmetall is like a handicraft with more than one. A weapon."

(German machine gunners are specially trained. They not only need to be familiar with the various machine guns installed in their army, but sometimes they also need to learn how to use machine guns from neutral or enemy countries. In fact, Storm Commando sometimes uses them. The Madsen machine gun produced in Denmark and the Lewis machine gun seized by the British. As for the French Shaosha? Not to mention it.)

"The weapons are very good, and their field rations are also very good. Not only are they richer, but they also have a self-heating function. Damn, I have been gnawing on biscuits and jerky for 2 weeks before, and my taste buds are about to lose efficacy. . Their quartermaster is more conscientious than ours.” Another rifleman said.

"Have you heard? The Bavarian Legion is going to punish those brave Poles. I am a Silesian. His Majesty the Emperor doesn't care about my hometown, but the Bavarians help us drive away the robbers. I am really disappointed in William. "A grenadier said.

"Yes, Crown Prince Ruprecht is very right to say that pay and return must be equal! The empire cannot disappoint anyone who contributed to its and we will sincerely respect it. Everyone who treats us fairly." Another soldier said.

   And just as a group of people were discussing enthusiastically, their immediate boss was accompanying General Seckett, the chief of staff of the First Army who came to inspect. These remarks naturally spread to the ears of a group of officers.

   "General, I will stop this from happening again." A major said embarrassingly.

"They are right. Pay and return, blood and loyalty. Isn't this what we are advocating now? Remember, an officer who doesn’t understand his subordinates and seeks reasonable benefits for his subordinates is unqualified. They are ours. Brother, it's our sword. Okay, I'll take all the things that His Royal Highness gave to me and divide it up. Although it's not much, it's more of a friendship." Said Seckett.

   This German general, who had helped the Hungarians on the Eastern Front and was almost eaten by the Russians, was then transferred to Asia Minor to fight the British and French forces under the Crown Prince. He finally returned to the Western Front three months ago. Ruprecht didn't have trouble for this general who seemed to have come to trouble him at first. The evaluation given to him is still very high, so the general smoothly became Crook's chief of staff. And he has a very good impression of the Bavarian Army.

   Von Seckert is considered a diehard loyal of the Kaiser. When the German emperor issued an order for the army to suppress the parliament, Seckett, the chief of staff of the First Army, immediately asked General Crook to allow him to bring his troops back to suppress the parliament.

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