The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 1914: Lost East, Harvested Mulberry

As for the fact that if Paris is not captured, will the French surrender? Actually, to be honest, whether the French surrender or not has much to do with taking down Paris. The capital of a country is indeed very important, but the key to sustaining it lies in national strength. The French's national power has now been overdrawn to the limit. Before the turmoil in Germany, the French began to think about peace, but now? The Bavarian Army marched westward. In the case that the last fight between Britain and France in the winter did not work, I am afraid that the French are already negotiating with the Americans and let the Americans act as intermediaries to contact the Germans, right?

   A little tap and let the French know how powerful it is, so that the French can accept a negotiation condition that is very favorable for Germany, such as colony and capital. Of course, in order to take care of the face of the French, the Germans can describe the reparations as interest-free loans. Well, that's it.

   From a deeper strategic point of view, Ruprecht really wanted to try whether he could alleviate the contradiction between France and Germany through a show of good. To be honest, the knife of the German army is fast enough to make the French realize that there is no way out for confrontation. After all, this time the Allies have almost united all the countries that can be united. As a result, the two sides fought one after another. how is it? Don’t the French still have to trust the Americans for the safety of their capital? The French have consumed a lot of national power and abundant funds for this war, and even took the lives of a generation of French. It's all reached this level. If it weren't really no way, the prince thought that the possibility that the French would continue to choose to confront Germany was not high, because the confrontation is not heroic, but fool! Can't you recognize the situation?

"Okay, now you know what you should know, and I don’t have to tell you what you shouldn’t know. Under the current strategic situation, in fact, you only need to do a little better. That’s how to ensure your own Pain the French with less loss, let them realize our strength, and let them know whether we can enter Paris is just a matter of thought!"

   "As for the British? We must fight fiercely! Use twelve points to deal with the British! Offensive at any cost make the British pay a greater price." Crown Prince Ruprecht said.

"This is not a problem, but if I can, I would like to ask a digression, what if the British decide to negotiate peace? You have just said that the Americans want to strike a balance in Europe, and it is not in the interests of the United States to weaken Britain too much. "Crook asked.

"British peace talks, we only need to propose conditions that they cannot accept. It is still far from the time for peace talks with the British. As for how to deal with the Americans, that is my business. As long as you know my strategic goals, you know You know the reason for doing this, and you can cooperate fully." After speaking, the prince looked around everyone: "So now, do you have any questions?"

What has been said is very clear. The number one enemy of the Germans is the British. Killing the French will not cause the British to be hit hard, and the Americans have a subtle attitude. They do not allow Germany to dominate the European continent, so it is very difficult to forcibly knock out France. In other words, the gain is not worth the loss. Therefore, the final strategy of the prince was to beat France and Britain, and the way to beat Britain was to deal with the Great Fleet! This is known by Churchill as an armed force that can lose the war within a day!

Of course, even if the British fleet is destroyed, it will be difficult for the Germans to set foot on the British mainland. Although the Americans and the British can be called feuds, the Americans will not let the Germans dominate the European continent, let alone the Germans. Britain also knocked out. Therefore, it is unrealistic to completely kill Britain and France in this war.

   However, after the British were defeated, the Germans had too many advantages in strategy. Without the large fleet, the Germans can obtain a large amount of colonies and compensation during the negotiation, because the last barrier of the British is gone! For Americans, it is in their interest for the Germans to obtain territorial and economic compensation. After all, the Americans don’t let the British die, but they don’t want the British to live comfortably! The Germans can offer even harsher terms than in the Franco-Prussian War!

   For the French, the prince is ready to open the net because France and Germany are next to each other. If the French are not convinced, Germany can push France at any time, but the UK is different! The British industry, geographical location, population, and colonies all over the world have made Britain a true world empire. For such a country, if you want a war, you can defeat the British Empire that has dominated the earth for hundreds of years? What do you think? !

   Ruprecht is ready to use the two world wars to completely defeat the British! If World War II breaks out, at the end of the war, the prince really wants to hold a military parade in London. By the way, forgot to say, in fact Ruprecht himself has the status of the heir to the British throne. , Ah, very good, European royal blood is so interesting!

   If you have to use one sentence to summarize Ruprecht’s strategy and it is the mulberry that is lost and harvested! If you can't get compensation from the French, get it from the British! And by the way, sell a good to the French. The best result is that France can be neutral in the next world war. As for the worst result? Then it takes a month to push France out. The French can hold it during World War I, but in World War II? That's it!

   "Are you going to personally lead the High Seas Fleet and the British in the largest naval battle in history?" Crook asked.

   "Yes, this is my responsibility and my glory. A victory can give the empire the most benefit. If I fail unfortunately, I hope everyone here can continue to fight for the empire." The prince nodded and said.

   "You actually don't have to." General Howson said with some emotion.

   "It is not necessary for individuals, but as a monarch, it is absolutely necessary. Otherwise, people really think that my throne was picked up by blood." The prince said with a smile. "One last question, do you have any questions?"

   "No more." Crook first agreed. This time, Crook was really convinced. As a traditional soldier, Crook had always resisted and distrusted politicians. In addition to professional issues, there is another reason that Crook believes that if he does something by himself, he might be better than those politicians. But now, how should I say, Crook still despises other people, but he agrees with Crown Prince Ruprecht's strategic talent and responsibility.

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