The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 192: Roosevelt's decision one

The situation is already obvious. The Japanese also have plans to get involved in the Philippines, and they have gained the tacit approval and even support of the British, and they are fighting against a regional naval power on the other side of the ocean, behind which is the most powerful empire in the world. , Even Roosevelt was a little worried and hesitant. The United States is indeed very strong, and various industrial indicators are very good, especially indicators linked to quantity, which are simply crushing levels. The United States relied on its strong national power to put forward the famous Monroe Doctrine, and all countries in the Americas must look up to the United States. For many years, Americans have regarded America as their backyard.

  But Roosevelt is still not satisfied, the future America should be the world leader! And if you want to lead the world, you must project your power to Eurasia, the largest continent in the world! The powerful European countries are not something the United States can provoke, and entering Africa will also be suppressed by European powers, and the only breakthrough is in the Far East! The gateway to the Far East is the Philippines!

If the United States cannot take advantage of Spain’s weakness, this door has become gradually decayed, and if the new power has not yet risen, this door may be closed for 10 years, 20 years, or even longer. time! The Americans can't wait! Whether it is Russia's expansion into the Qing country or Japan's defeat of Russia to become the hegemon of the Far East, they will fix this door firmly, and may even step out of this door and head for America!

  Roosevelt didn’t think about waiting two years before talking about it. After all, the competition between Russia and Japan cannot be determined in a short period of time. In the next 5 years, internal fighting is impossible! This is also the opinion of Day and Simpson! But Roosevelt knew he couldn't wait at all.

  Yes, if you wait a few years, the U.S. fleet will be even bigger, but if you wait, it doesn’t mean that Japan will wait. No matter what the Americans are, the Japanese will definitely take action in 1898. And when the Japanese got the Philippines and operated for a few more years, why did the United States, which lacked a base in the Far East, launch an expedition to break the ocean? From the United States to Samoa in the Far East, besides a Hawaii that can be used as a base, is there another place that can supply a huge fleet? Until now, the Americans don’t even know how long it will take to transfer a fleet from the east to the west coast! At this level, you still want to cross the Pacific to fight Japan, right?

  Some people may say that the United States can wait until the Russo-Japanese war breaks out before acting! But Roosevelt knew this was impossible. The reason was simple. The United States was not facing a single Japan! Britain and Japan are allies, and if Japan does it alone with Russia, Britain may not intervene, but if a third party dared to come, Britain will definitely intervene!

  Roosevelt would not think that the Americans’ current national power could frighten Britain. No matter how strong your US is, what is your long-distance projecting ability? It's not that the British have never played against a country stronger than their own! Whether it was Spain in its heyday or Napoleon, the great European emperor, have the British ever counseled? No! So if the United States wants to take action when Japan and Russia go to war, it must consider facing the British navy.

The American industry is indeed strong, but when the U.S. navy can surpass the British navy is unknown. Even if the U.S. is willing to build a world-first fleet, the U.S., lacking overseas bases, cannot compete with the British, at least in the next 20 years. There will be no opportunities within a year. And even if the United States entered the war after the Russo-Japanese War broke out, the cost would be terribly high. In order to deal with the Japanese, how many fleets does the United States need to send? How many army? Do those people in Congress have the guts to go to war? These are all unknowns!

  Based on Roosevelt’s experience, by then, it is possible for the United States to help Russia behind the scenes, but it is impossible for the president and Congress to pass a resolution on war against Japan! The risk is too great, enough to scare away most people! Even now the president of war against Spain is only acquiescence, if you want to fight really, you need to use some small means!

  So, the only opportunity for the United States is to launch an offensive before the Japanese Navy has grown up! Taking advantage of this fight against Spain, take the Philippines together! Anyway, this time the British promised not to interfere, at least for now they can still seek help from Russia. The Japanese still need to defeat both the Spanish and American fleets before they can occupy the Philippines. At least now Japan is out of weakness, forcibly taking drugs to save a navy. The overall environment is better than that after the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War.

  Moreover, the cost of a game is relatively low now. Even if it loses, it’s not a big deal for the U.S. national power. What if the 8 cruisers sent to the Far East sink all? The navy made it back in two years. The navy started construction on 3 battleships in 1996 and 2 in 1997! Once stimulated, the US Navy can get more funding! So Roosevelt was not worried about failure at all.

  Of course, not afraid of failure does not mean that he is willing to fail. Since Roosevelt dared to insist on bringing the Philippines into the control of the United States of America, it means that he has this ability! Even if the paper fleet is weaker than Japan, it can still defeat the Japanese navy!

  Roosevelt was a politician, but he was also the second in command of the Navy, so Roosevelt, who was a part of naval politics, knew how to plan this matter from two aspects. If you want to win Japan, you need to be prepared in two ways, one is supply, the other is the fleet! The British have made it clear that they are not willing to help, so well, the Americans can find someone else!

  After searching for a long Roosevelt tragically discovered that the United States can only rely on Germany at this time! From the point of view of the distance from the Philippines, there are actually three choices, namely France in Cam Ranh Bay in Annan, Dutch East Indies, and German islands in the Pacific, such as the Land of Emperor Wilhelm, Bismarck Islands, German Solomon Islands All the way to German Samoa.

  But in fact, the Netherlands absolutely dare not offend the United Kingdom, so the Netherlands directly eliminated it, and the possibility of France is not high, because the relationship between the United States and France is very general. Why do people risk offending the British to cooperate with the Americans? It makes no sense.

  But Germany is different! During the Qing-Japanese War, Germany and Japan settled their grievances, and now the relationship is still based on buying and selling business. If it is said that the Japanese can spend money to "buy back" Germany's favor, then the relationship between Britain and Germany may be relatively long to recover. After all, the British did not recognize the counsel afterwards, the Germans have no face, and the future emperor of Germany I don’t like the British either!

Moreover, the German infrastructure is good. In order to allow the Munich-class armor to be domesticated and deployed in the Far East, the Germans have made some preparations. The French have a few cruisers in the Far East. The tonnage is small and the conditions in Cam Ranh Bay are good, but That is a natural condition, not a port condition!

  Thank you book friends Dugu Siqin and threelol for their rewards~~~, as well as book friends flydragon, **** emperor, Fengyu 15, jinyufeng, cllyf for monthly pass support~~~, please subscribe for rewards~~~~!