The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2047: Deep behind enemy lines

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"Your Excellency, a telegram from your Royal Highness the Crown Prince." When night fell, Admiral Schmidt received a telegram from the German headquarters, and in this telegram Ruprecht had a message for the Gustav assault group within one day. Everyone praised the defeat of 4 French divisions, and added an independent armored brigade and a fast division to the assault group, which made Schmidt's forces stronger and the general's ambitions even greater! Now, he needs to consider the next attack direction from a new angle!

He used to have 5 divisions, 2 armored divisions and 3 fast divisions in his hand. Now, he has 6 divisions and an armored brigade in his hand. Although he has three divisions in the hands of Crown Prince Ruprecht, he can reinforce at any time. Infantry division, this makes him quite strong! Although the three divisions under the direct control of the crown prince may be transferred to other fronts at critical moments, based on the strength of 6 divisions and 1 independent armored brigade, and looking at the current combat effectiveness of the French army, it is even the French army gathered in front of the German army. The main offensive force, he can touch it!

"We now have two options. One is to attack the main flank of the French army to the north and support the main force to launch an offensive. In this case, our supply line is very short and will not be cut off by the French, and the other option is to attack the French army. In the rear, where are the materials and ammunition hoarded by the French, and it is also the only way for the French army to withdraw. Of course, there are at least 200,000 elite French army reserves and other troops. In this way, our supply line will be pulled. Long, and if the three infantry divisions in the hands of the crown prince do not keep up, the supply line may be cut off.” At this time, General von Seckert, who was the chief of staff of the Gustav assault group, analyzed.

Although von Seckert's uncle was not friendly to Bavaria, he had fought foreigners on the Eastern Front with the Bavarian Army, and then fought Britain and France in Turkey. He is considered a comrade-in-arms this way. Considering Bavaria The relationship between the Legion and the Prussian Legion. This time, von Seckert participated in the operation as the chief of staff. From his performance, his ability and experience are still sufficient for this position! A few words will analyze the current situation very thoroughly.

   "The French army now and the French army we met in Turkey before are completely two concepts. I really want to know what the so-called elite is." Admiral Schmidt made no secret of the irony in his words. This TM is also called Elite? Although I had 5 divisions on hand, only 3 divisions participated in the battle today, and then 4 French divisions were defeated in one day! Although from the statistics on the battlefield, the average strength of each French division does not exceed 7000, on the one hand, it is because the French division itself is not satisfied with the organization, and on the other hand, because some auxiliary troops are still behind, but it is so bad. Fighting power really does not allow Schmidt to have any respect for the current French army. Because this French army has rotted in quality and fighting spirit!

"Today's battle during the day is mainly an encounter. In this case, the armored unit’s undefended infantry is simply crushing, but if we continue to move forward, our 80-kilometer-long supply line will be directly exposed to the French. Under the blade of the main force, if the opponent chooses to suspend the frontal offensive and sends an elite armored unit to the south, it will be difficult for us to resist it, neither the environment nor the strength of the force." Von Seckert said. Relatively speaking, he is more inclined to go north, and then join the main force to attack the main force of the French army, which is more secure.

"We don't have to worry about logistics at all! At most three days, His Royal Highness will launch an offensive from the front! The supplies we carry can fully support our operations. Oil and food can be obtained from the French, and the French cars and tanks use oil. Like us, they are all produced in the United States. As for ammunition? Our ammunition is enough to support 7 days." Admiral Schmidt said.

"Furthermore, we can also get support from the air force. Their effective depth is less than 30 kilometers! There are not many tanks and lack of bunker fortifications. Almost a charge can be broken! So, I will speak to His Royal Highness Ruprecht Issue a request to continue marching west, if your Highness agrees, then follow my strategy!" Admiral Schmidt said.

   "Well, it's up to your Highness to decide." Speaking of this, Sekt naturally couldn't continue to insist on his opinions, so the decision right went directly back to Ruprecht.

"Continue to intersperse to the west! Break down the Frenchman's rear completely, don't care about supplies, don't think about the back, you just use forward! Leave the rest to the main force." Ruprecht's response was very simple and simple. Resolute, so the Gustav assault group will continue to move westward. At the same time, the main front of the German army is also stepping up its combat readiness, ready to attack at any time!

   "If the main force of the French army dared to attack Admiral Schmidt's logistics supply line, then we must first concentrate on attacking the French!" said the crown prince. Although Lord Hamilton’s British army is elite, but the number is The most important task now is to force the French to surrender as soon as possible. Once the French are counseled and get out of the way, the Army Group A in the north can start. On the offensive, without the French, how could Lord Hamilton’s troops, Howard, can withstand the attack of the four German armies? Funny?

   "What if the main French army just sticks to it?" Prince Albert asked.

"At the beginning, the French may indeed hold fast, but if General Schmidt breaks through the defense line of the French army reserve, then Foch will definitely mobilize the main army, because we directly attacked the French with a long knife. On the neck." The little Moqi on the side said a little depressed. Now, everyone can see that the Kaiser wants to train Prince Albert, and may not inherit the throne, but it will definitely be reused. However, as a powerful member of the royal family, you How can you not understand the military? Look at the Crown Prince Ruprecht of Bavaria and Grand Duke Albrecht of Württemberg. The gap is not so big!

   "His Royal Highness, if the French do not act for the time being, how will our total time be set? Now, our total attack time is 4 days later." Calipute asked.

"Depending on the situation, if the Schmidt battle group progresses quickly, we can consider launching an offensive in advance. The French are no longer able to do so. I just don’t know what the British are doing now. In addition to leaving the scheduled reserve team to focus on the British, other main forces will attack. French!" Ruprecht said.

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