The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2224: Battle One

"Your Excellency Commander, the situation is a bit bad. The Germans adopted a brand new camouflage pattern, which greatly affected our range finding. The seaplane we sent was also intercepted by German fighter jets! It is difficult to complete the corrective mission! "When the distance was close to 21 kilometers, Lieutenant General Duff really couldn't hold his breath. In theory, at this distance, the two sides could already start the first round of masturbation. What happened to the Germans? The British don't know. , But the British fleet is really unable to carry out effective fire control at this distance.

"Order the fleet to prepare for the battle! Send a signal to the first battleship squadron to make them a compass point on the left, and the warships behind to keep up and prepare to approach the enemy ship as soon as possible! The first destroyer squadron is ready to launch a lightning strike. Since we can't do it at a distance Effective fire control, then bring the distance closer."

   "Telegraph to Thomas! Once we fight against the main German fleet! Let him immediately launch an attack on the Hipper fleet, don't tell me any difficulties! I just want the result!"

   At the most critical moment, when some people in the British fleet were overwhelmed by the "magic" of the High Seas Fleet, Jericho decisively issued an offensive order! At this time, Jericho, who has always been cautious and conservative, finally gave the order to fight back! Because he knew that even if the British wanted to leave at this time, the Germans would not let the British fleet leave! And even if the British fleet leaves, facing the confederate fleet, are the British preparing to be crushed by a big score in the next battle?

   "We have no choice! We have to fight to the end!" Jericho said to himself after the order was issued.

   "The target is 21 kilometers apart!"

   "The goal is 20 kilometers apart!"

   "The British fleet is ready to turn! The four Vengeance-class battleships headed by them have begun to adjust their course! Follow-up British fleet follow up!"

  At this time, in the control tower of the battleship Bavaria, the Germans were constantly monitoring the movement of the British, and the distance between the two sides had entered the edge of the battle. The British decided to fight close combat, and the Germans were looking for the best time!

"Order the main force of the fleet to sail at a constant speed of 18 knots! One-third of the compass point to the right of the direction. After entering 18 kilometers, all warships will allocate targets according to the predetermined plan! Each squadron can independently determine the timing of firing according to its own needs." Rupp Recht gave the order to exchange fire! One third of the compass point to the right is to get closer to the opponent faster. Colleagues use course deflection to increase the difficulty of distance measurement for the British. For the German fleet, the course deflection of one third of the compass points is also in the pose. Within the tolerable range of the rangefinder! When the British changed course to prepare for close combat, the German fleet decisively launched an attack! After 2 minutes. The four Bavarian-class battleships of the German First Battleship Squadron launched the first round of the naval battle!

   Boom! Accompanied by a thunderous roar, huge orange-yellow flames sprayed out from the slender muzzle, and huge waves of air even formed huge ripples on the sea. The crimson shells turned from friction flew out of the muzzle at a speed of more than 750 meters per second, as if the last offensive horn was sounded. After the first battleship squadron opened fire, less than 2 minutes, the German high seas The remaining four battleship squadrons of the fleet opened fire in turn. For a time, huge fire and smoke filled the entire battle line, and even part of the battleship's hull was covered!

   In less than a minute, hundreds of tons of steel with a destructive atmosphere flew towards the British fleet in the distance. After dozens of seconds, hundreds of water columns leaped around the British fleet, and British battleships passed through the dense water columns.

   "Fire!" After a while, the British finally gave the shooting order! The British fleet has 21 battleships, nearly a hundred turrets, and nearly two hundred artillery roars! Relying on their numerical advantages, the British seem to have a stronger momentum than the Germans, but unfortunately, their accuracy has some problems!

"Damn! The German shelling is too accurate!" The four Vengeance-class battleships commanded by Lieutenant General Bernie are the closest to the German fleet, and they are also facing the Helgoland-class battleship with the fastest firing rate in the German Navy. Fast battleship! You can shoot three volleys in one minute at the highest rate of fire! Almost every 20 seconds, the Helgoland-class battleship can perform a quick skew! In addition, the service time is longer and the quality of the personnel is relatively high. Even in the face of the Vengeance-class battleships, the four Helgoland-class battleships under the command of Lieutenant General Bernk are not afraid! And in the fifth minute after the war, the first hit in this naval battle was made!

   A heavy M shell from the Helgoland flew straight to the sidestring of the Resolution! This shell accurately hit the transition area between the armor belt of the gun gallery and the main armor. Even at a distance of 16 kilometers, this hard-capped armor-piercing projectile still pierced the 8-inch armor and exploded inside the gun gallery! The huge explosion not only destroyed the two 6-inch artillery nearby, but also lifted the upper deck of the gun gallery into pieces! Several 12-pounder and 2-pounder guns were torn to pieces, and more than 20 British Royal Navy officers and soldiers nearby turned into dust.

Moments later, Turingen also scored a hit. A main artillery shell left a huge penetrating wound on the superstructure of the battleship Vengeance. The Oldenburg did not dare to show weakness. A large hole was opened in the front armor belt of the hull, which brought hundreds of tons of water into the latter. The best effect was the Rhineland, which successfully destroyed one of the main gun barrels of the Sovereign A turret, and the other main gun was temporarily unavailable due to the malfunction of the hydraulic equipment.

   When the German fourth battleship squadron hit at least 8 rounds of the opponent's artillery shells, the most elite Vengeance-class battleship squadron of the British Grand Fleet did not get a hit! Even three of the three warships have not formed a straddle! This terrible situation made Lieutenant General Bernie uneasy. However, it is only uneasy. The 330MM armor belt with sufficient conscience is immune to 350MM naval gun attacks at such a long distance, so although the Vengeance-class battleship is temporarily down, the battle situation is still stable.

   However, the British second and third two battleship squadrons, which have been in contact with Germany's most powerful naval strike force at this time, were not so lucky. Just after the battle, these already somewhat outdated things are already in danger! For the Bavarians of the High Seas Fleet, these British super fearless armors in the distance are as fragile as paper! The gap between them is even far greater than that of Hipper and Betty in the Battle of Jutland that year!

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