The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2388: The war is not far away five

2388 silly

"Yes, it is related to the size and tonnage of the warship itself, but the German aircraft carrier construction idea is obviously different from ours." Then, Betty took out a few photos, some of which happened during the Norwegian naval battle. A photo of a German aircraft carrier taken dead.

"The German aircraft carrier seems to be very wide?" Thomas saw the problem.

"Yes, in order to pursue speed, the aircraft carriers we choose are all warships with long and narrow hulls. The length is large and the width is limited, so the width of the flight deck above is also limited. At the same time, because the hull has a relatively large aspect ratio, it is stable. It's worse. We don't dare to widen the flight deck rashly."

"But the Germans are different. Their aircraft carrier has a moderate speed. We all know that when the speed is high to a certain level, every increase in the section will require a considerable price. This price may be weight, money, or It is a ship type. The German aircraft carrier has a lower speed, but their hull width is large and stable, so the deck width can be made large. And if the width of the German aircraft carrier can hold one more plane, it represents them A wave of attacks is more than a dozen more planes than us!" Betty said while gesturing on paper!

"Another problem is the elevators. Our elevators are installed in the middle of the hull. As a result, the elevators occupy hundreds of square meters of hangar space, and once damaged, it will affect the take-off and landing of the aircraft. If we set the elevators in The side of the aircraft carrier will be much better, at least it will not squeeze the hangar space." Betty said.

"These are all details. If you notice it, you can really improve your combat effectiveness." After listening to Betty's words, Thomas nodded in agreement.

"But regarding what you said just now, I have some questions. Do you think the aircraft carrier is better with a double-layer hangar or a single-layer hangar?" Thomas asked the first question.

"This is really hard to say. From the perspective of the working area, the double-layer hangar is undoubtedly much larger, but the height of the single-layer hangar will be relatively small, and the construction will be very complicated, because we can directly Just build a shelf directly on the hull, but for the double-layer hangar, at least the lower hangar must be integrated into the hull."

"Furthermore, the double-deck hangar will have some problems in warming up, because the height of the lower hangar from the sea is too low. If the vent on the side of the lower hangar is opened during high-speed navigation, the sea water will easily flow in. If the carrier-based aircraft can only be warmed up on the deck, it will greatly reduce our operating efficiency." Betty thought for a while and said.

"So how did the Germans solve it?" Thomas asked.

"It seems that the Germans are also hesitant. Their aircraft carrier has both a double-layer hangar and a single-layer hangar. As for the specific operation details, we are not clear." Betty said. (If it’s an aircraft carrier during the Cold War, a natural single-story hangar is the best choice, because the jet aircraft of later generations are too tall. Take FA18 as an example, this aircraft is 4.7 meters high, and in the second war The height of the hangar of the Aoryu aircraft carrier in Japan is no more than this value, and if the folding wings and reserved maintenance height are considered, the height of the aircraft carrier’s hangar should be at least 7 meters. Therefore, there is no double deck at all, and if If this problem appears in the second battle, it is not necessarily the case. The author will elaborate on this problem in a future article.)

"So, if we can, can we practice it on the Japanese?" Thomas said meaningfully. "How is the progress of the aircraft carrier we are building for the Japanese?"

"The selected ship has arrived in Singapore. Various accessories, equipment and workers have been put in place. The improvement work is now in progress. Because this is a cruise ship improved, so if it is to be converted into a double-deck hangar, the engineering volume will be reduced. It’s very big. What we mean is that it can be directly changed to a single-story hangar. With the help of the Japanese, we can complete the improvement in up to 9 months.” Betty said.

"The Japanese seem to be building their own aircraft carriers?" Thomas asked.

"That's the case, and the tonnage is not small, but they do a good job of confidentiality, we don't know what performance." Betty said.

"Do they have an aircraft carrier in service now?" Thomas asked.

"One ship is already in service, and the other one will be outfitted within two months. It is said that there are two to three ships on the slipway, but I don’t think this news is reliable. If you count the time from now on, If the period is one year, then I think that before the war begins, remove the one we provided, and the Japanese will have up to three aircraft carriers in service or about to serve.” Betty thought for a while and said.

"Why?" Thomas asked.

"I don’t know much about the Japanese Navy’s industry, but based on the feedback from the carrier-based aircraft instructors we have sent to Japan, their number of trainees is very limited, plus those who have been trained before plus follow-up. According to the plan, there are only 400 crews in total, and this number of crews includes a large number of reserve personnel." Betty said.

"From the current situation, the situation of the Japanese Navy is quite bad." Thomas said.

"Yes, if the Japanese dare to fight the German-American fleet in areas outside the coverage of the land-based aviation, maybe it will only take one afternoon for Japan to lose the colony they have been fighting for for more than ten years." Betty said. .

"However, the Germans will not try their best to support the Americans, after all, they still have to watch us." Thomas thought for a while and said.

"The result is the same. In this war, the Japanese will definitely spit out some It's just how much it is. The situation on the battlefield only gives the two sides an opportunity to negotiate. Even if the Japanese navy is on the battlefield. It is absolutely impossible to win in the long run. The industrial scale of Germany and the United States is too terrifying. They are more than ten times the Japanese! The Japanese are superstitious in tactics, but you and I know that the outcome of the war is determined. It is comprehensive national strength." Betty said.

"The rapid defeat of the Japanese is not in line with our needs, and it's a bit difficult." Thomas said.

"I have an idea." Betty said.

"Talk about it," Thomas said.

"I want to retire, and then go to the Far East. Even though my previous performance was not good, but I believe that this time I will do well." Betty said.

"If the naval battle fails, you can't be caught." Thomas said.

"Don't worry," Betty said.

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(End of this chapter)