The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2498: Horn of War II

"I also just got the news yesterday. Our ambassador to France checked the list of the remaining supplies in France after the war and discovered that before the war, a part of the supplies provided to Japan by France was used to offset loans. Among them, there were about 16 GPF heavy artillery. If these artillery are changed to fixed heavy artillery, the elevation angle will be increased, and the range of 25 kilometers will not be a problem at all.” Pershing said depressed.

"It seems that some changes have taken place in the situation." Benson said without words. After all, he was caught off guard.

"This is not the worst. In addition to the ultra-long-range artillery, the Japanese should have received a large number of British howitzers. These artillery are hidden behind the bunker, and the ballistic advantage brought by the high elevation angle will also cause us a great deal. Trouble, even more terrible than the former, after all, the Japanese do not have many ultra-long-range artillery. The true pillars of the Japanese army’s firepower are still howitzers and machine guns. If the long-range cannon can’t be dealt with, the navy must at least help us. Get those howitzers," Pershing said.

"Well, although this question is a bit difficult, it's not impossible." Benson thought for a while. "I will contact the fire support fleet. They have made some preparations." From an objective point of view, the Americans are still able to prepare. They considered the possibility of Japan using obstacles or bunkers to deploy some artillery. In the ammunition depot of the fire support fleet, some small ammunition bags are specially designed. Their function is to reduce the initial velocity, and then allow the projectile to hit the ballistic as completely as possible. Of course, after changing the propellant, it is definitely necessary to re-customize the firing table. The Americans are also doing well.

The two then revised the fire support plan again. General Benson satisfies most of Pershing's requirements. As for some artillery with a long range? I'm embarrassed. After all, the position is too tricky and the long range is too long. There is really no way to do it, and if it can't completely suppress the Japanese artillery, is it impossible to fight? Obviously not. When we were on the Western Front, the ultra-long-range artillery of both sides was rarely suppressed. To paraphrase a German military officer: "You need to learn to withstand the pressure in war and face the things that cannot be changed."

At this time, on the remote island of New Ireland, the Japanese army of four divisions and more than 100,000 affiliated units, led by Japanese army general Yoshihisa Oshima, has been in the battle for two years. Among the staff of Oshima Yoshihatsu, several officers from faraway Britain are particularly eye-catching.

"Your Excellency, I always think that the heavy artillery we deployed at this position is inappropriate because it is too far forward and is within the range of American naval guns. Although the surrounding area is wide, there is also not enough shelter. This makes the cannon nest we built very fragile. If possible, I hope to move the 6-inch or more artillery back about 3 kilometers. In this way, we can rely on the ridgeline to get cover." A pseudonymous Wells The British officer suggested.

"We deploy artillery in this position to directly attack landing ships at sea. It is better to kill the enemy at sea than to put it on the shore. As for the firepower of American naval guns, I don’t think we need to worry about it. There are more artillery shells above us, so there will be less left for the joint fleet, and they will not be so stupid." Oshima Yoshiharu said.

"If the Royal Navy fights this battle, we will only use the former Dreadnought Fleet to support. The main fleet is generally not easy to open fire. Although the US Navy cannot compare with the large fleet in its heyday, they At least there are more than 2 dozen pre-dreadnoughts and 1 dozen heavy cruisers that can be rotated. We are not a naval fortress here, and there are no battleship-level heavy artillery. So, in this case, it is the same as the 12-inch and 10-inch US Navy. If the output of heavy artillery is higher than the output, it is obviously not worth the loss."

"Do you think this would work? We all stepped back. The longer-range artillery remains in its original position. What do you think of us withdrawing part of the howitzer from the battlefield? For example, move the position of the 6-inch L13.3 howitzer back. How about 3 kilometers? Their maximum range is only 8700 meters. It is very difficult to attack sea targets, so we removed them first. How about dealing with the landing enemy?" Wells thought for a while and said.

"However, these artillery pieces are already in place, and the war is about to begin. Is there still time to move the artillery pieces at this time?" Oshima Yoshihisa frowned.

"It doesn't matter. The total weight of the 6-inch howitzer is less than 4 tons, and it can be split. The heaviest barrel is only 1.3 tons. It can be transported on an animal cart. We can't put all the eggs in it. In a basket?" Wells said.

The U.S. Army is catching the ducks on the shelves this time. Although the Japanese Army is better, it also has some problems in deployment. Although the Japanese army fought gold on the western front, the main battles were placed on some unimportant fronts. The reason was simple. The British were not at ease with the Japanese combat effectiveness! In the middle and late stages of the war, a large number of Japanese troops were either used as second-line troops or deployed to the Mediterranean battlefield. Generally speaking, they had seen the world's top land warfare, but the difficulty of getting started was not that big.

And this time, with regard to the issue of firepower deployment, the main problem with the Japanese army is that with the goal of destroying the enemy at sea, deploying a large amount of heavy firepower at a higher position. The Japanese army’s idea is to kill and wound a lot at sea The American army came to force the Americans to abandon the landing. This idea obviously underestimates the determination and preparation of the Since the Americans are ready to go to war, they must be willing to bear certain casualties. The US fire support fleet is also not vegetarian.

In this regard, the British are much more rational. They have experienced a war and know that when the offensive team launches an offense, even if you prepare more on the first line of defense, you can’t stop the opponent’s offense, because there is only the opponent. Attack only after gaining an overwhelming firepower advantage on a certain battlefield! Sooner or later, the positions deployed in the front will be torn to pieces.

Therefore, the real countermeasure is still a deep, multi-level defense system plus a preset pocket defense method to pull the troops backwards as far as possible from the US naval gun support range, and at the same time, deliberately design several weak points on the position. Point, let the Americans break through, and then let them get into their pockets, killing and wounding a large number of American troops in the preset positions.

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