The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2502: Fulcrum and pry

"The best target is the former dreadnoughts! Because they are easy to kill, we can kill them at a very low cost. I don’t think it’s a good choice to directly confront the Americans’ super fearlessness. In night battles, because of the distance The armor is not reliable. Even if we defeat the opponent and even score a 2-0 record, our warship will be damaged to a certain extent. Afterwards, the damaged warship will return to China for repairs. The final result may be It is in the next few months that we and the Americans both have two battleships withdrawn from the battle sequence! So good, think about it, if this happens, do we make a profit or lose?" Betty Asked with a smile.

This matter is the issue of the timeliness of the war. To give a very simple example, the first aircraft carrier duel in the 2nd war-the Coral Sea battle. In this naval battle, from a purely tactical analysis, the Americans sank one ship. The Nemesis-class aircraft carrier, a Japanese navy ship sunk, is now tactically dominant, but the problem is that after the battle, the carrier-based aircraft forces on the two Japanese aircraft carriers, Xianghe and Zuihe, have been wiped out. , And there were battle damages, so the two aircraft carriers were forced to return to the mainland, resulting in the upcoming midway naval battle, Nan Yunzhong lost the two most powerful aircraft carriers!

York City returned to the battlefield immediately after the repairs were completed. In the Battle of Midway, the two sides were 3 against 4. The combat power is within an allowable range, and if there is no Coral Sea battle, and if you directly fight the Midway Island naval battle, then the ratio of the two aircraft carriers will be 6 to 4! Even if the US military has the advantage, the situation is very difficult to handle!

Betty grasped this point, and gradually changed the situation of the battlefield through a low-cost, low-risk tactic! It is unrealistic to directly plot the first-line US battleship because the risk is too great. On the contrary, if you can start with a second-class battleship, the situation may be much better.

"Everyone, don’t underestimate the role of the former dreadnoughts in the landing battle. Considering that the battleships of both sides must keep an eye on each other’s warships of the same level. Ships, then there will be a fire vacancy in a landing site of the U.S. military. That’s good. Now the question is coming, what should the U.S. military do? They either abandon this landing site or use precious first-class battleship artillery and shells to provide fire support. . This is an advantage for us."

"In order to attack land, they need to replace armor-piercing shells with high-explosive shells, and they need to carefully calculate the life of the artillery barrels. Every once in a while, these new warships must be supplied, which will directly affect their night attendance rate. Time. It may not be much if it is short, but if it takes a long time, then some of the battleships will definitely be very tired. They need to return to the port thousands of kilometers away for replenishment and maintenance, and their main fleet will usher in a period of decline earlier. , And this is our chance!" Betty said.

"What then? Are we looking for an opportunity to launch a large-scale attack?" Kato Seiyoshi said with some excitement. He understood Betty's thoughts. This was actually a roundabout tactic. By killing the former dreadnought, he increased the burden on the US main fleet and gradually weakened the opponent. In his opinion, after such a weakening, the Japanese fleet should have a chance!

"No, this is simply not enough. Even if the Americans use 4 super-dreadnought ships to replace the war-sinking or war-damaged Front Dreadnought, and assuming the task of supporting land, we are still at an absolute disadvantage, and it is not advisable to launch a large-scale decisive battle. Yes, we need to continue to weaken the opponent." Betty shook his head and said.

"The Americans and Germans are not fools, and the weather cannot always stand by our side. If we succeeded in this attack, then the difficulty will increase a lot next time. It is only in imagination that we want to weaken our opponents through continuous sneak attacks. "Sao Shimura said.

"Yes, you are right. I support this. So we must choose another way to weaken the US military, especially by trying to remove the German fleet from the US military's combat sequence." Betty said.

"Exclude the German fleet from the US military's combat sequence? This is a very good idea, but how to do it? We can't take the initiative to arrest the Germans, right?" An officer said.

"Actually, you have already figured out how to contain the German fleet. I remember His Excellency Shimamura once suggested using the captured Rurik-class battleship to break the mission. After our first active offensive, I think it is to let stay It's time for the Rick-class battleships to attack. If the Germans don't add new fleets, then the two Rurik-class battleships will be very tricky for the American lines of communication!" Betty said with a smile.

"So, let the ocean-going warships put pressure on the U.S. logistics supply fleet, and then force the German fleet to encircle and suppress, and then we will find opportunities to launch an active offensive? If the time card is better, part of the U.S. fleet may have returned to the port. After maintenance, the number of American fleets will be reduced to a high level of difficulty that we can accept, and then we will launch an offensive? Great, a complete combat plan has come out, and we have found the key to victory!" Said triumphantly.

"The key to victory? It's too early to say. We just found a way to repel the opponent temporarily. At best, we can only guarantee to win this battle." Betty said with some disdain in her heart. Even in the most favorable situation, he doesn't think the Japanese can win!

"Finally I would like to remind you that we need to weaken the US naval aviation force as much as possible before the attack is launched! We must kill as many American fighter forces as possible, kill their pilots, and try our best to ensure Our own aviation forces, and even if necessary, we need to concentrate a small number of aviation forces with the ability to attack and attack as a backup. After all, our weather forecasts may be unexpected. When necessary, the fleet needs aviation cover to get from the battlefield. Get out." Betty said at last.

As a result, with the end of the meeting, with the participation of the British, the Japanese finally came up with a relatively feasible combat plan. Before the arrival of the US Navy, the Japanese made the final adjustments, including four The new fighter squadron was incorporated into the front-line combat organization. Four days later, when the US Navy Expeditionary Fleet finally appeared in the northern part of New Ireland, the war finally kicked off!

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