The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2512: Summary two

Your country’s M1A3 actually corresponds to the K09-3 cannon. The improvement direction of this artillery is to make the elevation angle of the artillery larger in order to have a more diverse trajectory. The prototype of the K09 cannon you know has a maximum elevation angle of 43 degrees, while the elevation angle of the M1A3 is 75 degrees. The idea of ​​changing the elevation angle to obtain some special trajectories is very good, but the strength of the gun mount is very problematic. "

"In fact, there is no need to worry too much about the life of the cannon. The United States of America has enough heavy artillery for us to spend, as long as it can suppress the Japanese long-range artillery, then everything is not a problem." Pershing said.

"Okay, but what about the related transportation vehicles and auxiliary equipment? You know, whether it is on the soft sandy beach or on the bumpy gravel ground, these guys with a weight of more than ten tons need special tractors. Full track Type. The requirements for power and vehicle stability are also very high." Major General Karls said.

"The problem is not big, we try our best to satisfy." Pershing's words hesitated. For the United States, if the problem can be solved by quantity, it is not a problem, but if it needs a technical solution and it cannot be achieved technically, then This is really the problem.

"Well, that's the case, then I think I can put forward a general idea to solve it, everyone to improve it." Saying that Major Karls will pull out a shooting table from the file, and then quickly walked to a huge sand table. "The reason why naval guns could not effectively suppress the Japanese long-range artillery was not only a matter of range, but also a problem with ballistics. We need a more curved trajectory, such as this." As Major General Karls drew an arc in the air.

"Because our shells need to cross many mountains and heights, we need a higher trajectory, but because the distance between the two sides is very long, we need a longer range. Well, now the only way is one. The artillery is fired with strong charges at high elevation angles. We have also carried out similar operations on the western front, and the effect is not bad, but the damage to the artillery, especially the gun mount, is relatively large." Major General Karls said.

According to the most basic mathematical principles, the maximum range of the artillery is obtained at an angle of 45 degrees. Therefore, in general, the maximum elevation angle of the long-range cannon of World War I will not exceed 45 degrees, because as a long-range suppression artillery, your elevation angle will not increase the range, and the requirements for the gun mount will be higher, so the later long-range artillery will increase the elevation angle. It's just for more diverse ballistics. The elevation angle of more than 45 degrees will shorten the range of the projectile. The most terrible problem with the Japanese long-range artillery position is that if you want to attack this target, first, your ballistic trajectory needs to be bent, and secondly, you need the range. And if you want to solve this problem, you can only increase the elevation angle of the artillery, while using strong medicine to meet the needs of range.

"Even if the ballistics is feasible, we have to find a suitable location to deploy these artillery. We cannot deploy to the current landing field because the Japanese will find these places soon and easily destroy our long-range artillery." Pershing said.

"New Ireland is a big island. In addition to the landing sites currently selected by the US military, there are actually some open spaces in the coastal areas. These open spaces are close to mountains or plateaus. Because they cannot enter the island’s inland from here, your army did not pay attention. , But if we deploy artillery positions in these positions, we still have a chance to threaten part of the Japanese long-range artillery from the side.” With that, Major General Karls marked several positions on the map with his push stick. "Deploying some 155MM long-range artillery here, we have the opportunity to suppress nearly half of the Japanese long-range artillery that has been discovered today."

In fact, to talk about the understanding of the new Irish islands, both Americans and Japanese are too lofty compared to Germans! After all, Germany has been entrenched on this island for more than 40 years! The rigorous Germans conducted a fairly detailed survey of the entire island, and combined with the performance of the weapons and equipment in their hands, the Germans can naturally infer which places can be used. Although these places seem to be very unfriendly to heavy equipment, they are either tidal flats, beaches, or rocky coasts. This is why Major General Karls raised the issue of the need for high-horsepower special vehicles. But since the United States said it was okay, the remaining engineering issues are American issues and have nothing to do with Major General Karls.

"Major General Marshall, tell me your opinion." Pershing said.

"No problem. At least on the beach, we can transport these heavy weapons. We will use special heavy-duty tractors for towing. Before, we have considered the issue of heavy artillery on the beach. We have replaced all the heavy artillery with tracks. There is no problem with normal passage, and we have also prepared a large number of prefabricated steel plates. As you should have seen, it is the hollow steel plate with porous structure. We can use engineering machinery to make a relatively flat position and then lay the steel plate. "Major General Marshall said.

The Americans' preparations are still very good, especially the logistics and infrastructure are MAX level! This includes not only providing an indefinite amount of drinking water for the crew on the destroyer and equipping the submarine with ice cream machines, but also including the establishment of a military station, artillery position or airfield in places where the Japanese army seems impossible!

"What about the other half?" Major General Marshall thought for a while and asked. And Major General Karls made a helpless move, meaning that I can't help you either.

"If we can mobilize heavier artillery, is there a chance to solve the remaining problems?" Marshall still said unwillingly.

"The heaviest towed artillery in the empire is the 175MM cannon, and the highest level is the train I don’t think that under the current circumstances, the United States can deploy the train cannon here, and your country There seems to be no towed artillery larger than the 6-inch gun in China.” Major General Karls said.

Karls clearly understood that if you want to hit farther, you need a larger artillery, and it must be able to be deployed here. The American’s largest 6-inch artillery is the German 175MM artillery, but if it needs to be transferred and transported from Germany, it is definitely not a problem that can be solved in a short time, so you can make do with it first.

"It's not easy to solve half of it. We can't push everything to our allies. Here, I thank the German Empire for its help to the United States. If there is a need on the front line, can you and your subordinates reach it? On the front line? Of course, I can guarantee that the US military will try to ensure their safety. They are only responsible for artillery related work." The old black man Pershing said sincerely.

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