The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2518: Aviation 3 Big Two

"Mr. Fokker, you can just say something like this to us. We can treat it as a joke. In Germany, at least in Southern Germany and the Austro-Hungary Empire, the kings hate commercial monopolies and even more so-called underground interests. Divided, as kings, their interests on domestic issues are different from ours. We want to make more money, and what they want is higher efficiency and better products." Hugo Junkers Said very seriously.

He still remembers what Ruprecht said to him when he received the first loan from the Bavarian government when he opened an engine factory by himself: "Mr. Junkers, I support you only because of your Talent and ability are enough to open a new era for the German aviation industry. Although money is important to me, sufficient competition and the resulting products are even more important. I sincerely hope that one day, the engine designed by your company will be available in Bavaria. Produced in the engine factory. But I also need to remind you that this kind of treatment is not only for you, but for all capable and ambitious people. If one day when Junkers’ behavior disappoints me, then This kind of treatment will also end. I have only two requirements for you, that is, non-monopoly competition and excellent products!"

Hugo Junkers has been well-known in the aviation industry since the airship era. When the aircraft industry emerged, Junkers was also preparing to build his own airport, but unfortunately, although he was quite technically Some level, but he was shy in his pocket, and the environment at the time was also very unfriendly. In terms of engines, Daimler-Benz and the Bavarian engine manufacturing plant started earlier than him, with a more complete technical team, and a large amount of funds. Support, in this era, it is not possible to open factories based on technology.

And not to mention the Daimler Benz located in the Kingdom of Württemberg, nor the ground snakes in Bavaria. Even in Prussia, the Prussian aircraft factory established by the Kaiser is quite strong. In front of these three mountains, Hugo Junkers is very difficult. Even if he opened a factory, he would not be able to compete with these three companies that have become large-scale. Therefore, if the will is not so firm, I am afraid the best choice is to go directly to Someone else becomes a technician.

However, the head of Junkers is relatively iron, what should I do if there is no funds? Find a way to borrow. In the end, however, he did not expect that the largest loan amount he obtained would come from the Bavarian royal family, and this amount did not attach any restrictions to himself! After Hugo Junkers got the loan, he really opened up the situation. For example, the reconnaissance aircraft used by the German military and the torpedo and attack aircraft used by the navy are the JU5 series produced by the Junkers Aircraft Factory. Aircraft, and the JUMO series engine has become one of the three major German aero engine manufacturers!

Hugo Junkers respected the help that His Royal Highness once provided. And to his current level, in fact, pure economic interests are not so important anymore. What he values ​​more is the manifestation of self-worth! Therefore, after Fokker tentatively put forward the idea that everyone should allocate the market, Junkers directly gave a warning! This is not only because Fokker's ideas violated the crown prince's taboo, but also because he himself does not like it!

"To be honest, it is difficult for me to understand that as a businessman, making money is not the main goal. I also understand why North German factory owners and financiers are very dissatisfied with the Kingdom of Bavaria. It’s hard for me to understand why you, Mr. Dornier and Mr. Daimler respect this very much? Judging from your performance, this is not just a deterrent of power, but from the heart." Fu Ke asked. On the one hand, he wanted to ease the atmosphere, and on the other hand, because he also wanted to know the reasons.

"Well, you are a foreigner. Even when you are producing fighter jets for the empire, you still don’t forget that you are a Dutchman. From your point of view, you must have deep feelings for your country. You are like this, in fact we are like this. To a certain extent, our industry and the prosperity of the empire are tied together. Look at the current Britain. They originally had the most developed aviation industry in the world and stood in a neutral perspective. In general, it was only in the last year of the war that we surpassed the British aviation industry in general."

"But look at the current Britain. They are defeated. Then the German Empire as the victor can destroy the British high-end industrial system, not just the aviation industry, shipbuilding industry, automobile industry, optical instrument and chemical industry. No one can run away. It is foreseeable that even if there are some remnants left, the aviation industry of the British Empire will not be glorious when the country is embarrassed and does not have sufficient capacity to support it. Seeing the British now, we are worried. If one day, the empire fails, what will happen to us? Our career, wealth, and even personal safety cannot be guaranteed. So from this perspective, we and the empire’s prosperity are tied together! Only a powerful empire can To ensure our safety, the empire also needs our products and our talents." Hu Ge Junkers said with some emotion.

"The empire is now moving from Europe to the world, and for the same reason we will also go to the At home, you can rely on relationships or various unfair competition methods to gain benefits, but what if you go abroad? In addition to facing local protectionism and tariff barriers, you also have to face competition from other countries’ companies. They won’t sit down and discuss with you how we distribute our benefits. The shopping mall is the battlefield, and sometimes we cannot retreat. , We can only draw a gun! And at this time, products with excellent performance are our most trustworthy weapons! Sometimes when you are lazy, you need external force to spur yourself!" said Dornier on the side.

In the end, any multinational company must expand internationally. At this point, monopoly becomes very difficult. Whether it is now or in the future, each powerful country has its own technology and products. Some purchases do consider political factors, but in the end they still have to speak with product quality. Therefore, whether it is Junkers or Dornier, they are not afraid of competition, and even hope to sharpen their long sword in domestic competition!

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