The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2521: Challenge from abroad 2

The air confrontation on the Eastern Front is not fierce, so the J6 aircraft of the Bavarian Army can maintain a larger fleet size under the condition of higher production costs, and the production requirements are not high. But the Western Front is different. Germany faces the British and French Air Forces on the Western Front. The loss of fighter jets is very large. In this case, the Luftwaffe first wants a low-cost fighter with reasonable performance. On the contrary, there are no particularly high requirements for ground attack and range. In fact, you can see the Fokker D aircraft, which has an empty weight of 680 kg and a maximum take-off weight of 910 kg. This basically has no other carrying capabilities except the pilot and the necessary fuel!

In fact, Fokker himself is also ambitious. He is keenly aware that fighter jets will not only be air combat in the future, but will also undertake ground attack missions, so he also wants to build fighter jets like J6, but unfortunately, he does not have that. Technical conditions, and even if it is done, there is no production capacity, so many things just stay on the drawings and have not been completed. However, after the war ended, the demand for fighter jets was greatly reduced, and Fokker estimated that these drawings could only be locked in the cabinet, but what was unexpected is that they have to be taken out now!

"Yes, everyone needs to cheer up. Our opponents are not only the Bavarian aircraft manufacturer, but also those French colleagues. The Fokker company is under great competitive pressure, and ours is not small. We may want to compete with Caudron's new plan is in conflict." Junkers said.

The performance level of the French bombers is much worse, and it can even be said that they are not at the same level as Britain and Germany. However, this is also subject to the battlefield conditions. In other words, the French cannot provide enough resources and production capacity to equip a large number of bombers. Especially the heavy bombers, so the performance of the bombers they are equipped with is relatively average. For example, the Gordon R11 bomber has a maximum take-off weight of only over 2 tons. A very small bomber with only two 210 horsepower engines as power. Two engines together are not as good as a later German engine. Even the largest Breguet F60 bomber, the maximum take-off weight is only more than 5 tons, very general performance. Compared with the German K6 and K8 bombers, it is too far behind, but what can I say? The Bavarian Aircraft Factory can be despised, but it is not the turn of Junkers!

In the future, if Junkers wants to make a difference in the twin-engine medium-sized aircraft, first of all, they must defeat their counterparts from France, and then break their arms with the Bavarian Aircraft Factory. Therefore, Junkers' pressure is not small.

"If possible, I think we can develop some technologies together among the three of us? Or we can bid for certain projects that our single company cannot afford? For example, large aircraft." At this moment, Dornier proposed a proposal Suggest.

"Is this a monopoly to some extent? Didn't you just say that Bavaria does not like monopoly?" Fokker said.

"No, we are integrating resources. Our current level is far from monopoly. In certain mainframe projects, the Bavarian Aircraft Factory will definitely participate, and the French Breguet and Farmand companies will also have certain They are likely to join forces, and the Prussian aircraft factory in the north may also participate. After all, in addition to the Bavarian order, there is also an order from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The latter is definitely larger. In this case Next, I think a strong combination is a good way. If possible, I think we should build a four-engine large aircraft similar to the V1500 level!" said Dornier.

"So what is the use of building such a large aircraft? I don't think that a simple cargo or postal aircraft can use such a large aircraft. As for heavy bombers? The amount of equipment in peacetime will definitely not be large, and even if we can We cooperated with each other and won the production order, but the quantity will certainly not satisfy us." Fokker thought for a while and said.

"This kind of aircraft may not be of much use at home, after all, even now Germany is definitely not a vast territory. But we can target the international market, such as the future European civil aviation industry, and the transportation of the empire in the colonies! We! It is impossible to repair railways in the vast Africa as in Europe. That would be too much investment, and when something needs to be transported, air transport is one of the alternatives, and if civil aviation can develop, it also needs a bigger one. Airplane." Dornier said. Dornier is actually very ambitious. Thinking about the DO-X super spacecraft equipped with 12 engines that Dornier has produced in history, we can understand how deeply this buddy has obsession with large aircraft... Of course, the current Dornier Company does not have this confidence, but it does not prevent him from making a large aircraft ambition!

“It’s a bit of a big challenge if you go directly to 4 large engines, and it’s estimated that the number of orders will not be too large. This is not economically cost-effective. In addition, from a technical point of view. We cannot compete with other companies in the existing technology framework. , Because we do not have the advantage in terms of mainframe design experience or reserves. Therefore, if we decide to make a new aircraft, then we must have a new breakthrough in technology, such as an all-metal aircraft! To be honest, wood-based aircraft have big problems in environmental adaptability and maintainability, and the flat-panel wing is too large and takes up too much space. The body design must also be improved. Most of the current aircraft body design is completely Not aerodynamic Junkers said.

Hugo Junkers is indeed an old predecessor of the German aviation industry. He has a very deep understanding and research on aerodynamic layout. Otherwise, he would not build the first wind tunnel in Germany! He knows very well that if it is just a simple expansion, then they have no chance of winning, because the Bavarian Aircraft Design Bureau can do better if the basic structure remains unchanged, just change the K8. Just at this point, Junkers has no chance of winning, because so far, none of the three companies has made an aircraft with a take-off weight of more than 8 tons!

Therefore, Junkers’ idea is very simple. Everyone starts with a twin-engine aircraft, and directly adopts new technologies. For example, to create an aerodynamic layout that at least looks in line with aero-hydrodynamics. For example, build a more robust and effective A body with a comparative advantage in maintenance. Of course, for Junkers, it is necessary to continue to innovate in engines. Compared with Fokker and Dornier, isn't Junkers' biggest advantage in engine production?

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