The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2525: Marcel's Yidi

Ruprecht still admires Dassault and his company. Perhaps the aircraft produced by Dassault can only be said to be excellent, a bit worse than the top level, but to a large extent it is because of France's own national strength and The result of economic problems, such as the French production of Mirage 3 and Mirage 2K, is largely due to limited economic strength and the inability to equip twin-engine fighters.

The tragic maneuverability of the Phantom 2K can also be blamed on the engine to a large extent. (Of course, the aerodynamic design is definitely not as good as the F16.) In addition to the stability, the M53 engine is completely tragic to a certain extent. You can believe the body For the turbofan engine, is the fuel consumption rate in the non-afterburning state higher than that of the Russian AL21? The latter is turbojet! In the history of the engine, the only thing described as a leaky pocket fan is the M53... Of course, Dassault is not responsible for the production of the engine, and can completely throw the pot to Snecma!

Well, what is the value of Marcel Dassault to Germany? If it is only a propeller fighter aircraft, then the value is not so great. After all, even if the historical F190 can be equipped with a Griffon engine (the ultimate revision of the British Moline engine in the second battle.), then the performance must be better. High promotion. The 190D9 can be used in the first place, and after providing nearly a grade of engine, the performance can be regarded as similar to that of the late American and British aircraft. Therefore, even in the worst case, the fighter jets in German history can make do with it. So the pressure is not great.

(F190 can make do, but BF109 can’t do it. The plane is too small, the high-power engine is installed with too much torque, and the wing load is too large, the operating performance is too bad. In terms of firepower, because the aircraft is inherently compact , The weapons carried are very limited, and even the space can only be satisfied by adding drum kits. Therefore, although it can fly very fast, the actual combat performance will be compromised.)

What Ruprecht really valued is Marcel's accomplishments in jets and transport aircraft. To be honest, although Germany has built many bombers in history, there is no medium transport aircraft comparable to the MB220. History The most famous transport aircraft in Upper Germany is the JU52, equipped with three 710-horsepower engines. The load capacity is similar to that of the MB220, but the speed is only 265 kilometers per hour and the cruising speed is 211 kilometers per hour. The French MB220 is equipped with two A 915-horsepower engine has a maximum speed of 350 kilometers per hour and a cruising speed of 300 kilometers per hour...

To be fair, the MB220 is definitely a very top transport aircraft before World War II. Its performance is worse than that of the DC2. After all, the latter has a lower engine power, and the B220 is not as good as the DC3. Because the latter uses a larger engine and a larger body, the DC3 uses a P1830 engine with a maximum output of 1200 horsepower, and the empty weight and total weight have been increased to 7650KG and 11430KG respectively. The maximum speed and cruising speed have also been improved. The maximum speed has been increased to 370 kilometers per hour, and the cruising speed has been increased to 333 kilometers per hour.

But from a design point of view, MB220 and DC2, DC3 can be considered a level. The performance gap between the two parties can be said to depend on engine technology. This is what the so-called miracle works! In other words, if Marcel is provided with two engines with reasonable output, then it will have no problem at all to come up with a German version of DC3!

As for JU52? This thing is obviously inferior to the previous ones! The total power is actually not low, but the slow speed can be described as a snail. The difference between the maximum speed and the cruising speed is nearly 100 kilometers. What do you think? ! Of course, you can say that the JU52 came out earlier and was technically backward, but in history, Germany did not later develop a better twin-engine transport aircraft.

Someone may have said, is it the same as a medium transport plane to be a bomber? This is obviously different! Don’t think everyone is a twin-engine aircraft. After all, the design requirements of both sides are different. A bomber like the JU88 emphasizes high speed and transports bombs, so the body is designed like a flying pencil. And the wing load is relatively high. The length of the runway is also relatively high.

But the transport aircraft is different. First of all, it does not require high speed. It requires people to be transported. Therefore, the body design cannot be made into a slender flying pencil, and it emphasizes a lower wing load. Emphasizes fair takeoff and landing performance. For example, the wing load of MB220 is only 131KG per square meter. The wing load of JU88G1 is as high as 240KG per square meter! The take-off and landing performance is obviously different. By the way, the wing load of Japan's Type Zero 21 fighter is 107KG per square meter.

As for, can the Germans build a good twin-engine transport aircraft? This Ruprecht can only say that the subsystems are okay, and the German technology is sufficient, but whether it can be built well, it will be another matter. After all, the Germans' performance in transport aircraft is very ordinary in history. And Marcel's performance is very good. In this case, for the sake of safety, before there is no better solution, Ruprechtening can choose Marcel's MB220 improved version as a guarantee option!

Even before the war broke out, it could be used as a civil aviation aircraft in Germany. After all, the MB220 was considered one of the more mature civil aircraft in history. It can't be in this plane. Germany still uses JU52...

If the dual-engine medium transport aircraft is one of the weak points of the Luftwaffe in history, then the mature large 4-engine aircraft is another weak point. In fact, in World War II, Germany was equipped with only two large bombers, one is and the other is HE177. The former is actually used as a mixture of maritime patrol aircraft and bombers. Is the latter? Because of the Luftwaffe's brain-dead shooting requirements, the HE177 was forced to use the DB606 and DB610 engines with complex structures and poor heat dissipation. The stability alone is enough to make the Luftwaffe headache. So is there any reference for the French?

First of all, let's talk about the 4-engine patrol aircraft and transport aircraft. In fact, the MB160 that the French did not put into mass production and the subsequent derivative bomber MB162 is a very good aircraft. Historically, the MB160 was developed as a 14-seater civil aircraft. If you look at the performance of the aircraft, it is actually very general. The empty weight is no more than 9400KG, the total weight is no more than 14,500KG, and the maximum flight speed is only 350 kilometers per hour. The cruising speed is 310 kilometers per hour. This data is not even as good as some of the last-generation twin-engine aircraft of the Second World War, but you have to know that the engine used by this aircraft is only 740 horsepower! Then there is such a poor performance, it is easy to understand, after all, the engine is too watery, you can not expect how high performance!

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