The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2529: Marcel and the Jet Flight

So, now the question is, if German jet fighters are developed, then even mysterious fighters can definitely form an overwhelming tactical advantage over the American fighter group! After all, it is impossible for the Americans to create F86 directly. They don’t have a crossover. What’s more, whether it’s F80 or F84. Or F86, their range is not enough to cover the strategic bomber units from Britain, even with auxiliary fuel tanks. No, the reason is simple, even if your theoretical voyage reaches Berlin or even Munich? How big is the area of ​​Germany and Austro-Hungary? Can we move the future heavy industry base to the east?

As for dealing with P51D or H aircraft? how to say? Mystery is not bad in the first generation of jet fighters after all. In addition to the range, P51 tactically is still sufficient.

Well, in terms of fighter quality, if the P51 responsible for long-range **** cannot suppress the new jets, then for German fighters, they still need to face British and American bombers! The American B29 bomber with thick skin and dense hedgehog-like self-defense firepower is still very fierce, while the German fighter needs to have fierce firepower as far as possible!

Well, how about the firepower of this MiG 15? Looking at the paper data, 2 23MM NR23 cannons and 1 37MM NR37 cannons look good, especially the latter, which uses 37MM*155MM shells and weighs as high as 735 grams. Is this fierce firepower?

But look at the ammunition capacity of the MiG 15, the two 23MM cannons each only have 80 rounds, while the 37MM cannon only has 40 rounds.... And although the weight of the 37MM cannon is only 103 kilograms, which looks good, but the muzzle velocity is only 690 meters per second... The rate of fire is 400 rounds per minute. The trajectory of this shell can be imagined....... The trajectory of the German MK108 jelly bean launcher is stronger. After all, the muzzle velocity of the latter is worse, but the fire rate is high, more than 650 rounds per minute. Therefore, for this weapon, it is really just a veteran. The weapon! And the ammunition capacity of 23MM cannon shells is also very bad.

Well, what about the weapons of the mysterious fighter? Its normal weapon collocation is quite satisfactory. There are four British Sispanno HS404 20MM cannons, but each cannon has 125 rounds of ammunition, and the rate of fire is very fast, 600 to 700 rounds per minute, and the muzzle velocity is at Between 840 meters and 880 meters per second, although this weapon does not have the lethality of the BT of the NS37, it has a fast fire rate and abundant ammunition reserves. From the perspective of its use effect, it is definitely better than the MiG 15's 37 guns and two 23MM The machine gun is better.

Well, maybe someone said, since the MiG 15 is not good, then just change the weapon? Wouldn't it be enough to replace it with the mysterious HS404 gun? 4 doors too! Well, if you change it, it's okay, but it must be explained that the strategic bombing by the United States and Britain in the Second World War, Germany can not only rely on 4 20MM machine guns or 1 37 guns and 2 23 guns. , In actual combat, a lot of additional external weapons are needed!

Take the F190A8 as an example. This aircraft has 3 types of cannon pods, one is a pod equipped with two MG151 cannons, and the other is a pod equipped with MK108 cannons. One is a pod equipped with an MK103 cannon. And these pods are very heavy! Need a very strong load.

So, the problem now comes. When it comes to load, the MiG 15 is a tragedy. The MiG 15 is a purely air combat aircraft. Its high performance is largely due to weight restrictions, such as Speaking of MiG 15 bis, the empty weight is only 3681 kg, and the maximum take-off weight is only 6,100 kg. Its biggest plug-in is the 2 auxiliary fuel tanks, which is directly up to the sky.

The idea of ​​the MiG 15 for weight reduction and air combat advantage is inherited from the propeller era, and the same is true for aircraft such as the Pull-7. For example, the empty weight of the Ra-7 fighter is only over 2600 kg, while the weight of the F190A8 is as high as 3,200 kg. So are the Germans designing garbage? Naturally impossible! From the firepower point of view, F190A8 is 4 guns and 2 guns! Just 4 MG151 cannons have a total of 780 rounds! And the pull 7 is either 2 machine guns, a total of 400 shells, or 3 20MM machine guns, each with 100 shells... This firepower is two grades worse!

The weight is not enough, which puts the aircraft at a disadvantage in terms of load and protection. The improved F190A has a maximum external suspension of 1.8 tons. Even if the normal A type is suspended with two 300L auxiliary fuel tanks and one 500KG bomb, it is no problem. The LA7 can Bring a 500KG bomb? Obviously impossible! Moreover, the internal oil of F190A is not high, and the internal oil of LA7 is lower. Therefore, after careful comparison, it can be found that the data on paper actually seems to be good, but it really is not the case at all!

In terms of air combat, the LA7 is on the same level as the F190A. The speed is similar. It has an advantage in climbing, a disadvantage in firepower, and a disadvantage in range. As for the ground? Does LA7 have the ground capability? This is the cost of weight. Unless the design is particularly brain-dead, the increase in aircraft weight is justified. This is like the normal combat weight of the F190A8, which is 4300KG, which is nearly 500KG higher than the F190A5. Although the paper performance is reduced, the overall combat effectiveness is improved! Otherwise, the Germans have problems with their heads before studying A8!

The same is true for the evolution of the P51B into the P51D. The P51B started with only 4 12.7MM machine guns, the firepower was too weak, and the fuel consumption was relatively small, which did not meet the needs. So when the P51D was designed later, the fuel volume and weapons were increased, and the structural strength was strengthened. The flight performance of the P51D was actually inferior to that of the P51B, but it caught the better vision, greater range, and stronger weapons, the P51D The comprehensive ability of actual combat is higher than that of P51B. These are actually the trade-offs between paper performance and actual combat.

Then, if you extend this question, you can understand MiG 15 is just a fighter, and the F86 and Mystery both have a certain ground attack capability and a strong plug-in capability. F86 can be said to be better than MiG 15, mysterious air combat should not be as good as MiG 15, but the load situation is much stronger than MiG 15.

So some people may have said that what I just said was an interception of bombers, so why do we have to discuss the burden? This is what you don't understand, right? According to the experience of the Luftwaffe in the Second World War, the normal weapon configuration of all single-engine fighters is very laborious when facing the rough-skinned B17. Under normal configuration, the F190A's firepower is almost the strongest. The door is equipped with a thin shell MG151 machine gun and 2 MG15 machine guns! Moreover, the ammunition is sufficient. Except for the 4 20MM Sispano machine guns of the Storm fighter and 800 rounds of ammunition, no fighter can say that it has won the F190 in terms of firepower!

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