The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2532: Situation in Russia 2

"We can break through to the south. Budjoni’s main force is concentrated in the north and east. The defense in the south is very weak. We can enter the Ukrainian territory smoothly. They are not in the original eastern part of Ukraine and north of the Caucasus Mountains. Has the region established a country? We can completely occupy it and use it as our base." Korninov thought for a while and said.

"Hehe, it seems that after such a long time of defeat, your head has been broken by tossing and evacuation?" Korninov mocked mercilessly. "Open your eyes and take a good look! What is written on this! That Ukrainian state is recognized by the Allies and provides protection! If we dare to attack there, then it is equal to war with the Allies. In the end, all of us will Be crushed by the Allies and Budjoni! Instead of this, you might as well fight the enemy to the west to the end! Then let the people choose their own way of life!"

"This, maybe it's just a propaganda strategy?" Denikin wrinkled his head and said.

"Where are we from the intelligence personnel, there are Ukrainian troops and German troops stationed there, they have moved to the border area, if you want to try, just try it, don’t bring the innocent ones. People!" Korninov said.

"Damn it, there has never been a Ukrainian site, that's our Russian! The Germans used our site to house Ukrainians! There are other ethnic groups in the Transcaucasian region!" Denikin cursed in a low voice. Tao.

Denikin is very clear about the German and Austrian approach. They may be able to control a huge land, but they can never easily eat the tens of millions of people on this land, especially the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Its core ethnic group was originally less! Adding tens of millions of Ukrainians and Russians must be in trouble. Therefore, the attitude of Germany and Austria is to allow Ukrainians to establish their own country. On the one hand, this country can be a satellite country of Germany and Austria, and on the other hand, it can accommodate from The Ukrainians who moved eastward all the way to the east, in this way, the Austro-Hungarian Empire only acquired a large amount of land, and the population pressure was relatively small. At the same time, he also gained an ally. The only thing that suffers is the Russian nation, because in the new Ukraine, the Russian nation is a weak nation. Once the Ukrainians who have been oppressed for hundreds of years turn over, what will happen? Can figure it out!

"I understand your anger, and so do I, but none of this is of any use to us now, do you understand? We must survive before we can talk about other things!" Korninov said.

"If I can, I would rather buy the Austrians through money, and then let them agree to our withdrawal into the newly formed Ukraine! The Germans can't always maintain a strong army there, as long as the Germans leave, use the army in our hands. With resources, and the people willing to follow us, we can completely oppose the goal! Control the power of Ukraine, and then form a new country!” Denikin said. "For the Allies, they just need a country that is hostile to the future Russia, and they don't care if the leader of this country is a Russian or a Ukrainian! As long as we are hostile to the future government of Russia!"

"This seems to be a good way?" Korninov's face, which had been twisted into a ball of anxiety and anger, finally stretched out. It will be true that Korninov is not willing to take refuge in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In addition to the hostility between each other, the most important thing is that once he takes refuge in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, then his army will definitely be disbanded, and the personnel will be certain. Will be scattered. For a high-ranking officer like him, it would be nice to be able to disarm and return to Tian Shanshou in the end. Where is the future?

But if you can bring the army into the newly formed Ukraine, it will be different. Perhaps after entering Ukraine, the army will be disarmed, but after all, Ukraine and countries like Austria-Hungary are different. First of all, in the new Ukraine, There are also many Russians. Korninov and others have a certain mass basis. If you want to make trouble in the future, the local Russians will be a strong backing.

Secondly, the newly established Ukrainian army is actually very poor in professional quality. This is reflected in the lack of quality of officers and soldiers. It is impossible for Germany and Austria to use their bayonets and money to maintain the country’s armed forces. Therefore, after reaching a certain level, Ukraine You must build your own army, so the opportunity for someone like Korninov who has had a lot of experience on the battlefield is here! They can enter the army, and then gradually master the army, and then control the power, turning this place into a little Russia!

As for whether Germany and Austria will interfere? This Denikin’s analysis is also reasonable. After all, what Germany and Austria need is a country that is hostile to the future Soviet Russia. They don’t care whether the government of this country is Ukrainian or Russian. At least, Korninov agrees with this statement. of!

"Your idea is very good, but how do we get in touch with the Austro-Hungarian Empire? I don't think that the Austro-Hungarian officials in charge of the border area have the ability to directly contact Vienna! And even if the contact is made, what price we need to pay ?" Korninov said.

"I don't know what to do, but at least we still have some chips in our hands. Do you remember the gold loaded on the trucks? The entire 300 tons of gold still have a lot of silver, jewelry, cultural relics and crafts. No one will take this wealth Fall on deaf ears! Even the king is like this!"

"We cannot pin our hopes on We can also try to contact Bavaria. Don’t forget, if the Austrian emperor abdicates now, then the future Bavaria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire can be regarded as one family. , And from the current situation, the crown prince Ruprecht is the real master of Vienna and Munich! And if we want to contact the crown prince, we can try to get in touch with the Eastern Bavarian Military District, Carip The super general is now in charge of military affairs in eastern Bavaria, and he has the right to report directly to Ruprecht." Denikin said.

"I'm going, what's the situation?" Korninov looked at Denikin as if I didn't know you. It's nothing for Denikin to think of contacting Bavaria. After all, everyone knows Bavaria and Austria. What is the relationship between the Hungarian Empire? However, knowing that General Calipt has the ability to directly contact the crown prince, this is a bit of a chat, right? Can confirm the accuracy of this news, at least the middle-level or higher personnel of the relevant departments in Bavaria? How did Denikin know?

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