The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2536: Talk about

"Can we understand that this is a kind of kidnapping? For our own benefit, use the comparison as a footnote? I would like to know, what use are those university professors, engineers and technicians to you? Can you be a soldier? Or sit in a department that doesn’t exist and waste your life? Let’s take a step back. All the personnel who are not in the military, if they are willing to leave and we are willing to accept, then you must not interfere? Don’t play tricks, some of you Behavior will directly lead to unpredictable consequences!" Calipute said.

"We need compensation." Denikin gave in. He knew that some talents were destined to be unretained. "Technical personnel are also very important to us. Without them, our equipment guarantee situation will be very bad. And we must ask you to ensure that they enjoy the most basic citizenship benefits."

"We provide assistance in terms of security. As for the latter? For Bavaria, any Russian who is talented and willing to become a law-abiding citizen is the wealth of the kingdom. We have done a lot better than your country. You don't seem to have a reason to blame us." Caliput said.

"Okay, let's talk about the next question. How is your saber going to fight for the interests of the Allies?" Calypte looked at Denikin without refuting, so he asked directly.

"We will continue to fight against Budjoni’s army and try to pay for the lost ground. This is our duty and mission. You don’t have to worry about this. But in order for our army to have a rear, I hope that we can take the logistics The base and base camp are established in the newly established Ukraine. This can save your country a lot of trouble." Denikin finally began to explore the core issues!

What Denikin said to Korninov before is a real idea. He really wants to retreat to the newly established Ukraine, and then rely on the support of the Russians in Ukraine to gradually control the country, but all this cannot It’s too obvious. For example, now, it’s impossible for him to directly withdraw troops to Ukraine, because one of the purposes of the Germans supporting you is to let Denikin continue to lead the army to fight against the enemy and give you help. What do Germans think if you choose to run directly? What would the Germans do? And even if the Germans agree to your withdrawal into Ukraine, disarming is a must! Because neither the Allies nor the Ukrainian government will allow Denikin's army to remain armed in Ukraine!

Therefore, in order to gain the population of the Germans, Denikin must continue to fight in what is now Russia! On the one hand, it was forced, and on the other hand, Denikin could also seek more benefits in the name of combat needs. For example, after some improvement in the war, the Germans agreed to the White Army to recruit troops from Ukraine, and Set up bases, training camps, and representative offices in Ukraine, and then gradually "turn positive" for yourself! From a group of skirmishers to a political organization recognized by the German government!

Denikin needs to get in touch with the Russians in Ukraine, and only after gaining their recognition, sympathy and support can he be prepared for the next step. He needs more support for himself, whether these people are from Russia or Ukraine, no matter these Is the person a Russian or another ethnic group!

If this step is reached, then the remaining work will be much easier to do. Once a political organization is established, a political party can be established in the next step! Once a political party is formed, you can participate in the presidential and cabinet elections of Ukraine! Then you can become president or prime minister, and finally realize the plan you made before-control this German satellite country!

As for what Denikin said to the Germans before, if necessary, Denikin will defeat Soviet Russia and become Russia's new master! Give me a break! In other words, Denikin didn't believe it, nor did the Germans on the other side believe it! If they all lose like this, even if Denikin is more powerful, as long as the Germans do not directly send large-scale military support, the victory of Soviet Russia will be a certainty! But on this issue, Denikin also has his own opinions!

Even if it is impossible to restore the rule of the entire Russia, if you can control a territory and bring more Russians into your control, you can establish your own country independently if the form permits! After all, there are Germans behind them, and according to Denikin’s understanding of the Germans, they wish that a powerful Russia would become torn apart! Opponents also suffered heavy losses in this war, so if your own army shows strong combat effectiveness and there is external support, maybe your opponent will eventually agree to form a separate country!

If all of this is really done, then it is almost a start to Denikin now! Your cronies control this newly established country, and you can control Ukraine through elections and rely on the support of the Russians within Ukraine. Then in the future, no matter what decision you make, there is room for Denikin to operate. Have become a lot bigger.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Denikin must prove the value of himself and his army in order to gain the trust of the Germans and a greater degree of support. The war will continue, whether it is Budjoni or himself. , Never thought of ending the war at this time!

"This request of yours is not something I can answer at Your request is too much, and it involves the sovereignty of another country." Caliput said. He naturally would not allow Denikin to establish similar bases in Germany or Austria-Hungary, because now these two countries really don’t want to cause trouble. They can provide you with arms, but they want to make Germany and Austria-Hungary fall into the military. It is impossible to be in danger of conflict or to be subjected to some external political pressure!

Just like the intervention forces of Britain and France and other countries in history, I can send a part of the army to deal with Soviet Russia, but it is only involved in the war within a certain limit. It is not a problem that cannot be beaten, but a problem that cannot be committed! And to be honest, the Germans are also worried that Denikin's people would encourage the Russians to make trouble in Germany and Austria! This disturbance may not be a major event, but it obviously affects social stability.

"And the most important thing is that you made so many demands before you proved your strength. Don't you think it is too much?" Calypte leaned forward slightly, giving Denikin a strong sense of oppression. !

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