The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2539: future

"In the future, we will use machinery to replace animal power, and the role of horses will be greatly reduced. It may be difficult for many people to accept now. Perhaps the cost of machinery may be higher than that of horses. But this is the only way. The country has taken the risk for us. We can naturally turn these horses into real gold and silver. The crown prince is determined to promote industrialization and mechanization. The first step is for us to go out, and then the Austro-Hungarian Empire." Calypte said.

"From a military point of view, if Denikin, who is already very weak, wants to continue to fight, with limited funds, there is no future for machine guns and light artillery alone. There is no essential difference in military equipment between the two sides. The opponent’s strength has a huge advantage. Denikin’s idea is very right. To obtain strategic and tactical advantages through the mobility of the troops, we cannot give them a large number of tanks and armored vehicles. They also have enough technicians to control them. These weapons, so we can only give them horses, which also confirms Denikin's ability on the other hand. He has a fairly clear understanding of himself and the situation of the battle." Calypte said.

"However, the upper-middle-class soldiers with this ability are still almost driven to death by their enemies. I always feel that in the next war, on the tactical level, the opponents we will encounter may be more difficult than this time." Von Seckert said.

As a soldier, von Seckert was naturally very concerned about the Russian Civil War. After studying many battles, von Seckert discovered that although the current Soviet-Russian civil war is at the same level as the Russian army in the first war, There is a big gap in comparison, but their tactics are more flexible and changeable. They are no longer the rigid tactics of the old Russian army. From the perspective of the leader, the generals on both sides have been upgraded to a notch. Moreover, the fighting will of the troops is stronger than in the first World War, so von Seckert came to the conclusion that even though Russia has suffered a heavy loss in terms of hardware, if a more efficient government controls the country, then Russia may cause more trouble to Germany in the future.

"Yes, the Russians learn very quickly. If the previous Russian army only learned a little bit, then the current Russian army is trying to systematize the previous experience and the enemy is also growing, so we must continue to improve." Calypte said.

"Are you serious about Denikin's words at the end? Does His Royal Highness really want to create a second vassal on the Eastern Front?" Von Seckert asked.

"If it is possible, this is naturally the case, but unfortunately, I am not optimistic about Denikin's army. They lack a mass base, which fundamentally limits their combat effectiveness until they consume their gold and wealth. After they are exhausted, they will only fail. I don’t deny that some Soviet Russia’s actions did create some enemies, but most of the Russians supported them. When the empire was unwilling to be involved in the Russian civil war, Our help can only delay the pace of Russia's reunification." Caliput said. "If there is no second vassal state, then we at least hope that the territory of Ukraine will be larger."

"You mean that when necessary, Ukraine will also be involved in this war, and the empire will serve as Ukraine's backing, tearing another piece from the territory of the Russians now?" Von Seckert said.

"Yes, at least this is the plan now. We must train our vassal state so that it has certain capabilities. What we need is a strong ally, not a baby who only knows to be under the protection of the German Empire. So some Things have to be experienced by them," Caliput said.

"His Royal Highness, this is the result of the negotiations between General Caliput and the Russians. Please have a look." Earl Schelling sent a report to the crown prince.

"Okay, put it aside." The crown prince nodded and said.

"His Royal Highness, in fact, there is an opinion in the army that since we are so afraid of the new country that is about to rise, why don't we launch a preventive war again next year or the next year? After all, our environment is different from before. No one on the European continent can stop the imperial frontiers." Count Schelling said.

"Do you know the horror of this regime?" Ruprecht said. "The horror of it is that simple hard oppression can hardly make him succumb! War pays attention to cost. We cannot fight a war that loses money or even kills one thousand enemies and destroys 800! If everyone develops peacefully If the gap between us and the enemy continues to widen, then we naturally have to choose development instead of war. Before the outbreak of the war, the fundamental reason why we thought we must start a war was that we were ready, and the Allies, especially The Russians are not ready yet, so we must start the war when the comparison of strength between the two sides is most beneficial to us!"

"Military people want to get promotion and benefits through a war, which is understandable, but as a government we cannot be influenced. At this point, Calypte sees clearly that he is good at war but not warlike, so In the future, he can be the chief of staff of the Bavarian Army." The crown prince said.

To be honest, the historical development of the Soviet Union is indeed very fast, and the efficiency of the Soviet Union's governance is indeed far higher than that of Tsarist Russia. But this is not the reason why the crown prince must limit the war with the Soviet Union! The reason is simple, no matter how fast the Soviet Union develops on this plane. Nor can it be faster than Germany and Austria integrating the entire Western Europe and most of Eastern Europe! The Soviets have lost too many industrial, mineral, human and technical resources so they are not in a hurry for the crown prince! Take it easy!

As a result, under the control of the Germans, the war that was about to extinguish on the Eastern Front once again had a chance to reignite. After receiving a large amount of German arms and material support, Denikin’s White Army once again revived. , Abruptly blocked Budjoni’s three large-scale attacks. At the same time, under the leadership of Korninov, a large number of Cossack cavalry tore the opponent’s line of defense and rushed toward the depths, which directly led to Budjoni’s Give up the front line and start a large-scale retreat. And this relatively hasty retreat would naturally leave a large amount of personnel and materials to Denikin, so the White Army, who was about to hang up, jumped alive again!

However, because of problems on the western front, Soviet Russia had to mobilize the troops originally used to encircle Kolchak from Central Asia and Asia to increase the siege of Denikin on the western front. However, in this way, Kolchak's troops, which had been on the move, had a chance to breathe.

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