The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2546: Talk two

"Really? That's good. In fact, I want to say that we can also have afternoon tea in the factory." Marcel felt that the customer in front of him had a great appetite for him. He could feel from him that he belonged to him. The breath of science and engineering personnel of the same attribute means that he is a technician, not a layman. There are many things, and the communication between experts will be smoother.

"To be honest, you and your team are really good in design. The ability to use an air-cooled engine with a low horsepower to fly at a speed of 220 kilometers per hour shows that this aircraft is very worthwhile in terms of aerodynamic layout. For the research area, it would be better to use a night-cooling engine." Henkel said.

"Liquid-cooled engines are more complex in structure, more expensive, and easily damaged in battle. Of course, if a racing machine is built in peacetime, there is no problem with using liquid-cooled engines." Marcel thought. Want to say.

"Just now you said you were going to equip this aircraft with a liquid-cooled engine?" Henkel asked.

"That's it. After all, the cross-sectional area of ​​the air-cooled engine is too large, the resistance is too large, and the heat dissipation is not as good as liquid cooling, so in the next fighter we are going to use a liquid-cooled engine, and then change to the British Victory engine. The output power of at least 400 horsepower allows this aircraft to surpass various single-engine aircraft including the J6 in performance." Marcel said.

"Isn't it OK to switch to the DB series engine produced by Daimler Benz?" Henkel asked.

"It's okay, there is no technical problem. After all, the size and performance of the two are actually very close, but this requires additional money. And the amount will be a lot, because we need to redesign the engine bracket, fuel supply system and purchase the engine." Marcel fully embodies the shrewdness of a businessman at this moment.

"Money is not a problem." Henkel walked and looked at the layout of the entire factory. "The question is, Mr. Marcel, do you have enough ambition and perseverance to go further in the aviation industry?"

"Naturally, if I only consider economic issues, I might close this factory in half a year." Marcel said.

"So are you capable?" Henkel asked.

"I don't understand what you mean." Henkel's question made Marcel very upset, but there was no way, the other party was a customer, and the customer was equal to God.

"I mean, if I come here next time and I order a fighter jet, can you come up with a good enough design?" Henkel asked.

"It seems that you are not only working in a club." Marcel felt that this man was a little unfathomable. "The war is over. France does not need fighter jets for a long time, but now only Germany and Austria still have enough economic strength to research and develop, and I am a French engineer." Marcel said. There is so little hostility.

"It seems that you and Mr. Pasteur have very close views." Henkel said. (What? You ask who Pasteur is? Science knows no borders, but it is his famous saying that scientists have a motherland.)

"So..." Marcel sighed, he could feel that maybe his business might be ruined next moment, and even his aviation career would be over. what? You said that if the other party breaks the contract, the deposit will not be collected? I went, and judging from the posture opposite, this German visitor obviously didn't care about the deposit of tens of thousands of marks!

"Don't say it hard." Henkel stretched out a finger and shook it before the opponent's eyes.

"First of all, the war is over." Henkel said. "The end of a war heralds a new beginning. We all know that a country’s policy is not static, and there are no permanent enemies or friends between countries, only permanent interests."

"Whether you want to admit it or not, even if Germany again wars with other countries in the future, Germany and France will not become enemies. Do you think that?" Henkel said.

"Yes, but it's just neutrality under the bayonet." Marcel sighed. "After the Armistice Treaty was signed, we were not defending against Germany." Then he did not say a word.

"However, we can become friends in the future." Heinkel's next sentence surprised Marcel.

"Hatred is hard to forget." Marcel said with a frown. As a person in history who would rather go to prison than cooperate with the Vichy government, Marcel's bones are quite hard!

"The Hundred Years' War between Britain and France, the Seven Years' War, the war between Emperor Napoleon and the British." Henkel said with a smile. "Look at the borders of France in Napoleon's time and the borders of France now, and the Americas in the Sun King era. Think about Quebec, Canada. If you want to say who has done the most damage to France in history, the British deserve it, right?

"We can understand your country’s desire for Alsace and Lorraine, but by the way, I hope that your country can also remember the harm the British have caused to your country, and most importantly, now, Germany and France have become friends. The foundation of this, and the British hostility to your country will not disappear because of the end of the war. Do you understand what I am saying?" Henkel said.

"However, we and your country are only in economic and trade relations, just as we were importing coal from your country's Ruhr area before the war. Of course, oil may be added now." Marcel said with a sigh.

"Yet your country is only a medium power."

"And as a medium power, it has a huge colony that does not match its national strength! There are more than 10 million square kilometers of colonies in the Far East there is Indochina, in South America there is French Guiana." Henkel said. "You are like a not strong person walking on a street with bad security with a lot of banknotes. Do you understand what we mean?"

"There is no country in this world that can deal with this threatening world without allies. The British Empire in its heyday cannot, nor the German Empire, and France seems to be even worse." Henkel said.

"But France's Ann can't count on his former enemies." Marcel said.

"Then who do you count on? Russia has collapsed, and the new Russian government in the future will be incompatible with the entire world. The British are your enemies, and the Americans are beyond reach. France and Italy are not without conflict in the Mediterranean and North Africa. Spain? They? Has chosen to give up as a great power. Therefore, France really has no choice. Especially when we show sufficient sincerity." Henkel said.

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