The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2561: Wind Rise and Cloud Chapter

"If our fleet attacks the US fleet in two directions at the same time, then the Americans will be able to quickly analyze our strength. Then, what do you think the Americans will do next?" Betty asked.

"They will most likely choose to divide their forces and rescue the attacked American fleet separately." Shimamura said after thinking about it.

"This is a possibility, but the biggest possibility is that the German fleet will bite one of our fleets, and then the other fleet will outflank! For the Americans, they don’t have to consider sending the entire Japanese fleet at once. Done! As long as one of the fleets is killed, it is enough to make Japan undone. Even if it is the 6 Fuso-class battleships of the first team, if it encounters 4 Bavarian-class battleships, it would be difficult to get rid of it in a hurry, right?" Betty Said his concerns.

Su Xiong would not have any thoughts in the face of the fully-organized main force of the Japanese joint fleet, but if there were only half of them, even if it were six Fuso-class battleships, Su Xiong had plans to take a bite! You know, people were experts who played less and more during the war, for example, slipping out of Thomas, for example, using the time difference to battle the Japanese fleet in 2 batches, a total of 4 battleships! Two ships were sunk! Only from the tactics of small-scale fleet engagements, Su Xiong is definitely the top person in the world, otherwise, he would have knelt early! And once you bite, even in bad weather, Su Xiong will be able to peel off the Japanese fleet, right?

"To be honest, if we deploy forces like this, the risk is too great. Carelessness will cause catastrophic consequences. Sometimes the bargaining chip in our hands is a deterrent. If we only send one fleet, and the other If the fleet is a supporting fleet, even if we are unfortunately bitten by the Germans, as long as our other fleet does not show up, it will be a shock to Su Xiong."

"But if like the current deployment, if the two fleets are exposed at the same time, then this psychological deterrent effect will disappear. The Su Xiong fleet can bite one of our fleets, and the US fleet is learning about our other fleet. After the position of the fleet, it will also prevent us from meeting, and if we are to evacuate, the mutual cover between the two fleets will cause a lot of trouble, which is obviously not worth the gain in tactical terms." Betty tried to convince one last time. Japanese.

"To be honest, this plan has many problems." Shimura Hayao said with a sigh.

"Fuck, what's the situation? Do you know that there is a problem with this plan and still carry it out? What do you think?" Betty frowned, trying to speak, but did not say anything. He is waiting.

"Although your plan is conservative, it has the highest safety factor, and from a tactical point of view, we will at least make some money. We also understand your continuous weakening strategy. I have to say that if there is enough time, then this The strategy is indeed the most suitable for Japan. But unfortunately, what we lack most now is time. To be honest, the combat effectiveness of the US Army is beyond our imagination, and the defense situation of New Ireland is already very bad." said Yasuo Shimura.

Americans underestimate the Japanese, and the Japanese underestimate the Americans! To be honest, apart from the days when the landing battle just started, the Japanese used their home court and equipment advantages to beat the Americans. At other times, the Japanese Army’s performance was really far inferior to the U.S. Army. More than 20,000 people have been injured or killed. What about the Japanese Army? Now there are more than 15,000 people who died in the battle, and more than 40,000 people were injured! In other words, if we simply talk about the exchange ratio, the Americans also have an advantage over 1 for 2 under extremely unfavorable circumstances.

Although the Japanese government stated that the price of recruiting a soldier is a popular letter. But in fact, for the army of any country, the losses for well-trained and experienced soldiers are huge. The skeleton of the army's grassroots combat effectiveness is these experienced soldiers and officers! In history, there is a saying that the first wave of British Army officers and soldiers who participated in World War I were replaced within three months, either killed in battle, in hospital, or retired due to injuries. At this rate, no more than 2 months, the Japanese front-line troops on the island of New Ireland will be replaced!

Compared with the huge casualties on the front lines, the Japanese army's supplies are somewhat out of supply. "The U.S. Navy is also very fierce when it is desperate!" This is how the captain of a Japanese destroyer commented on the U.S. Navy while writing his diary after a certain night battle. The U.S. destroyer and submarine forces repeatedly attacked the Japanese navy’s **** formations and anti-submarine nets. At the same time, they had to drill the port areas of the Japanese army in order to throw a mine into the offshore area. This blockade obviously gave the Japanese Navy’s sea. Transportation has caused tremendous pressure. Although the number of transport ships that have sunk up to now is not considered to be too many in Virtue's opinion, that is the opinion of the big family. For the shallow Japanese, it is dead! So much so that the Japanese Navy recommended "appropriately reduce the amount of material transportation."

Ever since, in the eyes of the Americans, the battle on the island of New Ireland has reached a stalemate, UU read www.uukanshu. com and for the Japanese, they have heard the bell before the end! If we continue to fight like this, it will no longer be a question of when the Americans can take the island, but a question of when the Japanese will consider withdrawing troops to stop losses! Although the island of New Ireland is important, it is not the place for a decisive battle. There are places like New Guinea and Kalimantan behind!

Therefore, from this point of view, the overall view of the Japanese Navy is still much higher than that of the Pacific battlefield in history. At least, the Japanese know what a stop loss means, and what it means is not to do it! Think about the history of the Battle of Guadalcanal, the Japanese navy and the army began to do their own things, the army built an airfield, the navy did not know, and then was occupied by the Americans, the Japanese navy and the army fought in the American home field all the way. ? For this island, it’s not enough, so just throw it away. The result is so much waste and loss, so it is still thrown away in the end?

Of course, before the stop loss, the Japanese still intend to recklessly. The Japanese know very well that it is not easy if they want to open the situation on land. After all, you are in a defensive situation and the Americans have played 1 for 2 The above exchange ratio, if the Japanese Army attacked, then this exchange ratio is estimated to be unreadable, so the only chance is the Navy! Surprise, catch a wave and leave!

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