The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2576: Approaching science

We survived? "An officer said in disbelief.

"Yes, we survived." At this moment, Colonel Lacey, who finally tried his best, sat paralyzed in his position, big beads of sweat fell from his body, and the heart that had been beating at high speed finally began to slow down slowly. After giving the order to prepare the survivors to evacuate the battleship, Lacey wanted to stay on the first battleship he commanded for a while, because he knew that although the battleship was lucky enough to land on the beach, the previous battle injuries were too serious. It’s impossible to fix it.

"Are you blessing me? Brother?" Lacey looked at the navy sword from Germany in her hand and whispered. What he has experienced in just a few dozen minutes is more exciting than his naval career in the previous ten years, and it has ups and downs. He couldn't imagine that he could survive, this is really a blessing in the dark!

"I'm sure I was chosen by the **** of luck. When other warships were attacked by the Japanese army, I successfully avoided. When I wanted to attack the Japanese fleet, the Japanese fleet slowed down. When the Japanese fleet launched a counterattack, I There was no way to retreat, and when I had to choose to rush to the beach, the Japanese fleet gave up its attack on me. My colleagues did not make any definite hits in this naval battle, but I hit my opponent at least 6 times. Although it didn't have much effect. But I can confirm that this time, the **** of luck is on my side."

Lacey was really shocked by his experience, so that not only did he write this in the diary, he even prepared to move it to the battle report! Because in his opinion, there are too many places that are difficult to explain by factors other than luck, and he even mentioned in the report vaguely that he was carrying an officer from the wreckage of the USS Mainz armored cruiser. sword.......

However, after the war, when Su Xiong learned about Lacey, he said to the rookie of the US Navy: This is a materialistic world, and idealism can only obtain psychological comfort. (According to the author's words, apart from crossing, this is a historical military, not fantasy and fantasy!)

Okay, let’s analyze from the very beginning, why even after the U.S. Navy first gained first-hand advantage, the hit rate of American warships was so low, and then the hit rate of Arkansas became very high? The reason is simple. The Americans made a mistake that they often make in naval battles, that is, they misjudged the type of Japanese navy ships, which led to a misjudgment of distance!

At the beginning of the battle, the US Navy’s rangefinder was locked on a Japanese former dreadnought ship. Prior to this, in the information obtained, the US Navy had encountered the Japanese fleet’s battleship by default. There are former dreadnoughts, but what is the length of the former dreadnoughts? What is the length of the real King Kong and Fuso class? The hull length difference between the two is more than 40 meters! And because of the light problem, the U.S. Navy did not correct this error, so the problem came, because the wrong ship type judgment directly led to the failure of ranging, so that it appeared when the U.S. Navy fired first but none of the hits. Among them are Japanese pots, but most of the problems are American. Of course, even a few shots won’t help...

As for why the Arkansas hits so high? The reason is simple! The distance is closer, only 6000 meters! Moreover, the ship type is judged correctly, the Americans have good fire control, and the visibility is fair enough. Then tell me, why can't it be hit?

The second question is why the Japanese fleet suddenly slowed down when the Arkansas was about to attack. This question involved the tactical strategy of the Japanese Navy at that time. First of all, the Japanese Navy had acquiesced that the American warships participating in the war would be annihilated. Therefore, according to the previous plan, the Yamaya others had to return 4 super fearless ships. In response to the order, the former dreadnoughts of the Third Battleship Squadron continued to attack the US positions on the shore, and the 4 ultra-dreadnoughts prepared to return to their squad, and then sprinted into the depths in the dark.

It was a coincidence that when the Arkansas launched its offensive, it was when the Japanese fleet was preparing to change its formation. When it changed its formation, it would naturally disband the fleet and control the speed. In this case, the Hyuga at the end of the queue. The battleship was captured by the Arkansas... Of course, there must be a component of luck in this, and the timing of the Arkansas attack is too short!

The third question is why the Japanese Navy gave up the attack on the Arkansas. The reason is even simpler. The Arkansas has been hit hard and has been washed on the beach. In fact, it has been abandoned. Well, you tell me, the Japanese fleet What is the point of continuing to waste your precious shells? The Japanese army is indeed **** and brutal, but it will never use its precious shells to attack a meaningless target!

You know, the battle tonight has just begun, and the Japanese Navy still has a lot to do. The main Japanese fleet has to set aside enough artillery shells to deal with the Suxiong fleet and attack the American transport fleet. Yamaya's third battleship squadron was also used to bombard US positions and to deal with the pursuit of the US main fleet. In this case, when the shell itself was very tense, the Arkansas was abandoned, so why waste precious shells?

Maybe someone said can be solved with torpedoes! Not to mention that the torpedoes are equally precious. The most important thing is that the Arkansas finally completed the beaching, which means that it was stranded, so good, tell me, how can the torpedo set the depth to attack a stranded ship? I'm afraid that the boat that hasn't touched it will hit the sand first, right?

So, the final conclusion is that although Colonel Lacey has experienced a series of seemingly incredible things, but to be honest, these things can be analyzed by experienced and capable naval officers. Of course, you have to say that there is no luck at all, it is impossible. After all, there are many accidental factors in history. Whether it is now or in the future, people are willing to believe in certain metaphysics for some reasons, so the topic of Colonel Lacey and his saber will continue!

At this time, it only took about half an hour from the beginning of the exchange of fire between the two sides until the Japanese fleet killed the entire US Sixth Battleship Squadron. According to the British radio ranging results of the US Navy’s main fleet, it will take about 45 minutes for Benson’s main fleet to reach the battlefield. During this time, the Japanese need to complete the final tactical corrections!

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