The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2582: Vanguard Battle One

"At 2 o'clock, a Japanese destroyer was found! A distance of 2500 meters!" When the flares from both sides lifted off and the searchlights swept across the sea, the two sides found the other's destroyer almost at the same time! Just like the western cowboy duel scene in later movies, the two sides drew their guns at the same time. The only difference is that there are three or two kittens on the German side, and a group on the Japanese side!

There is no so-called sneak attack, so the victory or defeat depends entirely on the strength of the fleet and the actual combat level of the two sides. The number of Japanese is dominant, but the performance of the battleship is poor, and the actual combat level? The German destroyer squadron, which has fought countless times with British destroyers and even light cruisers, told colleagues from the Far East with practical actions that you are still too young! It’s not enough to just follow the textbooks!

"Disrupt the opponent's formation and lead the battle into chaos!" After judging the battlefield situation, the captain of the destroyer V99 quickly conveyed the order through the light signal. Su Xiong is all elite. Although the five German large destroyers are typical artillery destroyers, they are facing at least a dozen Japanese destroyers, and there will definitely be Japanese light cruisers. At this time, if you dare If you set up a battle line and stand up against each other, then the Japanese destroyers and light cruisers can teach you to be a new man in minutes, so in order to delay more time, the German destroyers must first disrupt the Japanese formation and then play a single ship. Advantage!

"The front deck artillery attacked the target at 2 o'clock, and the rear deck artillery attacked the target at 9 o'clock! Be careful to avoid torpedoes!" The destroyer V99 that rushed to the front encountered an opponent for the first time, and then, unfortunately, it was flanked! However, as a heavy artillery destroyer with a displacement of 2,000 tons, the V99 was not afraid to meet up, and the bow like a long knife cut the waves, and the warship rushed towards the opponent at a speed of up to 32 knots, almost in the blink of an eye. Face to face with the Japanese destroyer at 2 o'clock!

In just over 40 seconds, the gunners on the front deck of V99 used the simple rangefinder on the naval gun to calculate the distance between each other. The opponent was first found at 2500 meters, and the gun battle was launched at 1800 meters! The three 150mm artillery guns spewed a deadly rain of bullets. The destroyer V99 was like a knight with exquisite martial arts. The three artillery on the front deck slashed at the opponent like a long knife in his right hand. The tons of shells were like long swords. The blade of the sword, and the two 150MM guns on the rear deck are like shields, blocking attacks from the opposite side!

boom! Accompanied by a series of explosions, the bow of the Japanese destroyer on the left was suddenly shrouded in flames and shrapnel. The German bombardment was fierce and precise. Three 150MM cannons easily suppressed the three 120MM cannons on the opposite side, discarding a large amount of lightning equipment. After that, the German artillery destroyer received a comprehensive strengthening of artillery and defense. In this kind of local engagement, the advantages of single-ship performance were fully utilized!

Along with the movement of the battleship, a series of shells washed from the bow to the stern of the destroyer. The Germans carefully kept their distance and never approached within 1200 meters! After all, based on battlefield experience, if a single destroyer wants to use a torpedo to hit a relatively navigating enemy destroyer, it is almost impossible to reach 1,000 meters away. If you are hit, you can only say that you are too unlucky!

The destroyer V99 controlled the distance very well and gave full play to its advantages, and the flying shrapnel and a little luck made the destroyer V99 reap the rewards. He reaped the first result today! A shell weighing 45kg landed in the torpedo tube of the Japanese destroyer on the left. The violent explosion detonated the high-pressure gas cylinder in the tube, and the resulting series of explosions directly affected the Japanese destroyer with a displacement of 1,000 tons. Become an extra large firecracker! The pillar of fire rising into the sky and the falling fragments gave the God of War the first sacrifice of this battle, and this was just the beginning.

The Japanese fleet has a wide frontal formation, suitable for search, but not conducive to engagement. The simple and direct chaotic tactics of the German destroyers and the superb tactical level made the Japanese destroyer squadron accustomed to rushing to torpedoes feel very uncomfortable. There is no way to rely on the firepower of the Japanese destroyers' simple 3 120MM guns or 1 120MM gun and 3 3.1-inch guns. It is not realistic to expect them to use their guns to output power against German large destroyers.

After killing a Japanese destroyer and penetrating the formation of the Japanese destroyer at high speed, like a cavalry returning, the destroyer V99 made a circle on the sea, and launched towards another Japanese destroyer from behind. Attack, and when it was suddenly hit from the rear and at the same time attacked by other German destroyer units, the Japanese destroyer units were in chaos. The Japanese have a numerical advantage, but everyone is mixed together, and the battlefield situation is very chaotic, which makes the Japanese destroyer squadrons who lack actual combat experience very difficult. Seven minutes later, another Japanese destroyer sank to the bottom of the sea with numerous wounds under the attack of the German 150MM artillery.

"What's going on!" Shimura Hayao, who had been watching the battle on the front line, frowned and said with dissatisfaction. He has clearly felt the pressure of the avant-garde fleet. According to normal circumstances, the Japanese destroyer squadron with a numerical advantage should easily penetrate the opponent's destroyer frontline and then destroy or drive it away, and then continue to maintain the team. Shape search for the existence of the German main fleet. But now, the two sides have fought into a pot of porridge, and the entire reconnaissance frontline has stalled. This is already a strategic failure, because it is equal to gaining time for the German main fleet!

"Let the light cruiser go up, quickly get rid of the German destroyer squadron on the opposite side, the main fleet is a compass point to the right, we bypass this battlefield." Betty said grimly, his response has been perfect, even from tactics From a point of view, so far, his performance is slightly better than Su Xiong, but in the actual execution process, the execution is not good! The Japanese destroyer team failed to suppress the opponent, what can you do? Good plans also need good execution.

"Huh?! What do you mean?" Shimura Hayao was puzzled by Betty's order. The Japanese light cruisers are very expensive and there are no more battleships! Well, if you want to bypass this battlefield, then why send light cruisers to deal with German destroyers? Isn't this unnecessary? Even though the Germans have excellent single-ship advantages to gain some advantages, it is not enough to say that 5 destroyers have killed all 16 destroyers on their side, right?

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