The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2586: Rush Hour Three

Hayao Shimamura sent out a signal of inquiry. Yamashiro's response was simple, saying that there was nothing wrong with it, but if you look at the fire on the opposite side from your position, why didn't you feel that the fire was reduced? Okay, maybe there will be some spiritual effects, but no matter what, Hayao Shimamura is a little confused about the current situation!

Of course, this kind of so-called counseling certainly cannot mean that everyone just turns around and can't leave. It's impossible! At this time, even if the Japanese fleet wanted to leave, Su Xiong did not necessarily agree! So next, Hayao Shimamura's actions fully reflected the madness of the Japanese nation in the face of a dilemma!

"Let the light cruisers and destroyers board. The plan we made before to hit each other with artillery warfare may be difficult to achieve, and whether our capital ship was hit hard or wasted too long is very unfavorable to our plan. "Yes." suggested Hayao Shimamura.

"Well, is it possible to directly use the destroyer to sprint the side secondary gun array of the battleship?" Betty frowned slightly. Although the destroyer is cannon fodder, even in the Royal Navy, the use of destroyers is quite cautious, if not a last resort , Is definitely not easy to attack the battle line of a large-scale battleship, the large number of 150MM secondary guns and 88MM rapid-fire guns on the opposite side are not vegetarian! But Betty did not object, because he agrees with Hayao Shimamura's point of view, it is definitely not a good thing to delay for a long time!

As a result, the Japanese fleet came up recklessly! It seems that I cherish my few light cruisers, which are less than the number of battle ships. This time, all the destroyers rushed up!

More than a dozen destroyers rushed towards the Su Xiong fleet like wolves smelling blood. The last few destroyers in the fleet obviously could not stop so many enemies. In desperation, Su Xiong could only order to stop the release of smoke to prevent it. The smoke obscured the view of the secondary gun. The Japanese fleet opened some distance appropriately, but still maintained firepower contact with each other!

"The enemy's firepower is too fierce! We can't hold on! The Weimar battleship at the back of the line was shot by the set fire!" Riddle said with some worry as he looked at the last Bavarian-class battleship in his battle line. Because of its location, this poor warship was attacked by at least 3 Japanese battleships, and violent explosions and fires were uploaded on the Weimar from time to time.

"Order, Weimar can choose to temporarily evade! The other three battleships turned right to a compass point, ready to accelerate the cross-cutting of the Japanese battle line!" Su Xiong said as he looked at the deadly flames of the Japanese fleet in the distance.

"Your Excellency, our speed is not enough to cut into the T-shaped head, and the closer the distance means that we will suffer a heavier loss!" Nimitz said in a silent voice.

"Execute, prepare to speed up the crosscut!" Raidel nodded in support of this decision, and then, after a short signal exchange, the three Bavarian-class ships of the Hesse, Mecklenburg and Oldenburg The battleship quickly shook off the Weimar battleship, which had a tendency to slow down, and began to approach the Japanese fleet at a small angle at high speed! And the two leading battleships hit the Japanese fleet's flagship Fuso!

"Are the Germans crazy?" Looking at the German fleet that continued to speed up and rushed like a mad tiger, Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu also felt tremendous pressure. As the distance narrowed, the two fast battleships focused on fire. Under the attack, the Fuso once again paid a heavy price!

In less than 1 minute, the Fuso was hit three times by German 15-inch guns! Two shells successfully tore two large holes over 6 square meters in the stern of the ship. The violent explosion even temporarily failed the two rudders on the left side. Another 15-inch shell hit the Fuso A turret directly. The artillery was stuck due to vibration.

The continuous hits made the Fuso uneasy like a heavy hammer hitting the armor. However, in this case, Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu was still tense and stubbornly fighting, keeping the battle line stable. As more and more Japanese battleships noticed that Su Xiong's fleet was starting to attack its flagships, they also began to readjust their firepower to deal with the three close German battleships.

The three German battleships struggled forward in countless water columns, and the heavy artillery shells that fell on the hull from time to time left large or small scars on the battleship. However, relying on good defense and excellent design, the three Bavarian-class battleships still fought tenaciously in the sea of ​​fire and steel storm.

"Turn left to 2 compass points in 3 minutes. Before that, we will leave some souvenirs for the Fuso!" Su Xiong gave the second order as he watched the Japanese fleet redistribute firepower. The redistribution of firepower will inevitably lead to a short-term chaos, especially when multiple warships hit one warship. Because the Japanese Navy did not add paint to the armor-piercing shell to distinguish the water column, when two battleships focused on shooting a target, it was messy. The high water column makes the two battleships unable to effectively observe the landing point, and this will inevitably affect fire control. And Su Xiong's set of tactical maneuvers is to constantly disrupt the aim of the Japanese fleet in order to gain more time for the fleet.

However, in the three minutes before turning again luck finally came to Su Xiong's side. A 15-inch shell landed near the Fuso's telegraph room. The violent explosion directly affected the telegraph room and the neighboring ones. The signal room is completely destroyed! As a result, the Fuso lost command of the fleet in a short period of time. This time may be about 10 to 15 minutes!

And just as the 6 Fuso-class battleships began to gather the three Bavarian-class battleships of Su Xiong, the Weimar battleship, which had been suppressed, fired the highest gold-bearing shell tonight! At this time, the Weimar, with only 6 main guns left, penetrated the lower part of the gun mount armor of the No. 2 turret of the fast battleship Ibuki at a distance of 9,200 meters! The blow was so deadly that the explosion instantly killed more than a dozen Japanese naval officers and soldiers busy in the gun mount dressing room! Then, more than a dozen shells and a large amount of propellant accumulated in the dressing room were detonated!

The power of the explosion was so great that the shock wave directly destroyed the blast door along with the turret! A huge fire dragon poured into the turret weighing more than 500 tons and vandalized. Nearly a hundred officers and soldiers in the turret were torn to pieces by flames and shock waves. Then, 4 shells and several pellets at the back of the turret were ignited again. , So, in a series of explosions, the heavy turret was blown up directly from the inside, and the shock wave even tore off the armor plate that was repaired by the entire turret!

The third one is here~~~! Please subscribe for a reward~~~! ! !