The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2587: Tactical gap

After being severely damaged one after another, the fast battleship Ibuki made a terrifying sound. Amidst the frantic roar of Kantaro Suzuki, the Japanese quickly opened the sea valve, which suddenly added a few hundred tons to the battleship. Sea water!

"Hang up the signal, Yichuo was hit hard, we need to temporarily withdraw from the battle!" Then, regardless of the flagship's order, Yichuo slipped out of the battle! However, at this time Kantaro Suzuki forgot one thing, its battleship Ibuki was the flagship of the Second Battleship Unit! After being hit hard suddenly, he hurriedly withdrew from the battle line to save himself, but did not hand over command! What's even better is that Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu, as the commander of the fleet, also temporarily lost the command of the fleet, so the remaining 8 Japanese fast battleships still on the battlefield fell into a state of arrogance!

At this time, Su Xiong seized the opportunity and immediately turned 2 compass points in the opposite direction! And this range deviation has exceeded the limit of all battleship fire control calibration, whether it is a German battleship or a Japanese battleship, they need to re-calibrate and then repeat the firing process again!

"Sigh." Betty sighed, then looked at Major General Stetti who was also helpless next to him. Although, at the strategic level, the Japanese fleet has an advantage in both planning and luck. Successfully caught Su Xiong's fleet, but at the tactical level in the subsequent engagement phase, the Japanese fleet's inadequate performance in combat experience and technical and tactical levels was vividly shown. It is not that Japan is not good, but it is far inferior to the Germans!

Not to mention the artillery, the Germans are obviously the best in both sides' hit rate. The Japanese hit slightly more rounds, but the number of artillery was more than doubled. So this is a bit embarrassing. Then, in the face of the German navy’s tactical maneuvers, the Japanese fleet was very unfavorable. Although Betty did not know Su Xiong’s orders, he knew that when Su Xiong first turned, his angle must be within the range allowed by German fire control. Inside. In other words, the steering does not have much impact on fire control.

However, the fire control of the Japanese is very short, and all the fire control steps must be repeated, and this is no way. After all, if it is about fire control performance, Germany is the pinnacle of this era! The German combined-type rangefinder and the American data processing system reached the pinnacle of sighting and information processing at the same time. Not to mention the Japanese who studied under the British, even the Royal Navy itself. No way! The poor posture rangefinder and not the best data processing system made the British a bit worse than the Germans in terms of hardware. This is also impossible.

Therefore, in the battle, the Japanese firepower did not get very good performance. It seemed that a lot of shells were shot out, but the hit was touching. Although the Su Xiong Fleet’s subsequent concentrated firepower shooting of the Fuso did not abolish the warship, it successfully interfered with the command of the Japanese warship. Coupled with the chaos in fire control, the Japanese fleet’s strike efficiency was further reduced. .

And the most terrible thing is that at the critical moment, the Japanese fleet, which has an absolute advantage in quantity, has actually made a big basket in single-ship performance! The battleship Ibuki of the Second Battleship Squadron was temporarily eliminated from the battleship by the Weimar at a critical moment! This is a little troublesome. It's not that this fight was terrible, but it shocked the Japanese fleet's fighting will!

Think about it. A few seconds ago, the battleship that was in good shape was beaten to death in an instant. The flames and thick smoke even enveloped the entire front deck. What do you make the battleship behind? And this is the flagship, and the flagship has not yet handed over command when it evacuated!

Although Shitaro Yoshimatsu didn't say anything, Betty had keenly sensed that Shitaro Yoshimatsu was less determined to fight. He obviously wants to back down, because the cost of smashing the German fleet is a bit high! So in the last short period of time before resuming the command of the fleet, Su Xiong seized the last precious breathing time. While maneuvering at high speed, he aimed the gun at the Japanese destroyer that rushed up!

Su Xiong hadn't planned to do anything to Fusang in the sprint just now, because the opponent is definitely not a weak player. Although it can't be called the number one in the world, it is very balanced and has no weaknesses. It is almost impossible for such a warship to kill in seconds. Therefore, Su Xiong had only one purpose, and that was to disrupt the Japanese military's operations. At the same time, take time to kill some of the destroyers that rushed up!

Yes, you read that right, one of the goals of this operation is to kill some destroyers! Su Xiong knew very well that if the battleships and destroyers of the Japanese fleet attacked at the same time, it would be difficult for the Su Xiong fleet to evacuate! The naval guns fired at long distances, and the destroyers used torpedoes to threaten and suppress the direction and speed of the Su Xiong fleet. And because of the destroyer, Su Xiong did not dare to release the smoke easily. After all, the smoke also blocked his vision. If the destroyer touched it and hit a torpedo, it would be dangerous!

Facing a few Japanese destroyers that followed, Su Xiong smiled and watched the 15-inch main guns of the three German battleships aim at the Japanese destroyers that rushed like moths on fire! So inch, 150MM and 88MM guns of various calibers formed three almost airtight fire blockades from far to near! The first Japanese destroyer was hit by a 15-inch shell fired from a distance of 5,000 meters!

The shell weighing more than 870 kilograms is like smashing a watermelon with a hammer. This Japanese destroyer with a displacement of 1,200 tons is blown to pieces! Hundreds of tons of fragments were thrown into the air, like a huge firework on the sea. The Japanese destroyer next to it tried to dodge, but it crashed into the muzzle of another German battleship, 150mm like shark teeth. The secondary artillery group frantically tilted its firepower. In just a few minutes, it shot more than two-digit shells on this poor warship. The entire deck was enveloped by gunpowder and flames, and the turbines had already stalled. Dead fish generally drift with the waves on the sea.

After that, two more Japanese destroyers were destroyed by fierce artillery fire, and then, the remaining destroyers hurriedly used all the torpedoes at a long distance and quickly moved away under the German gunfire. About half an hour has passed since the battle was fought. After the Japanese threw away more than 6 destroyers, the first wave of lightning strikes was repelled! After the command of the Japanese main fleet was chaotic and the lightning strike failed, the German fleet gained precious breathing time.

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