The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2589: Heart and battle

"Brigadier General Muller has helped us make a decision. I think we should not let his kindness and dedication be disappointed! The battle tonight has just begun, and we must continue!" Su Xiong closed his eyes and said! "Order, leave 2 destroyers to support Weimar, all other warships turn to the northeast and release smoke! Evacuate at full speed! Before the Japanese can react!"

"Su Xiong, we can send a battleship to help Brigadier General Mueller! It is impossible for the Japanese to give up their attack on the American transport fleet for two battleships! As long as they can drive away three Japanese battlecruisers, the Weimar You can escape!" Raidel said loudly.

"Haha." Su Xiong smiled bitterly. The voice is hoarse! Because he knew that his command just now might create a history! A very disgraceful history! The Bavarian-class battleship, which has not been sunk in the entire war, will be sunk today in the battle in the Far East! The worst part is that Su Xiong obviously has a chance to solve this problem!

Even in the worst case, Raidel still proposed an executable and effective solution! If at this time, Su Xiong was assigned to a battleship, then facing a 2-on-3 Japanese battlecruiser squadron would probably give up the attack! After all, the Japanese don’t know what King Kong is! If the Weimar had not lost its effective attack capability, the three King Kong-class ships would not dare to catch up directly.

With the cover of teammates, Su Xiong's fleet can evacuate the battlefield in two directions at the same time, because the Japanese fleet can no longer easily send destroyers to entangle, release the smoke, and then run a marathon with the Japanese. Anyway, everyone. The speed is about the same, if you have the ability, you chase me all night! Don't forget, the Benson fleet is still a sword of Damocles hanging high above the Japanese!

How do you chase the Japanese fleet? Are you chasing separately? Or chase one of them? Yes, the Weimar’s power is indeed damaged, but don’t forget, even so, you still need time to catch up and hunt, and the Japanese lack time. You still need to attack the US transport fleet this evening. ! Delay one more second, then the attack time will be reduced by one second, and the Japanese must leave enough time to escape. If you have the skills, chase this warship that has lost its combat effectiveness and has teammates to cover. This time cost you think!

But Su Xiong could not do this, because doing so was strategically equivalent to making the German fleet give up the ability to continue participating in the battle tonight! Because the German fleet disbanded itself! If you choose to escape separately, it means the dissolution of the German fleet. In the case of electronic interference, it is difficult for the German fleet to communicate. Therefore, if even after escaping, Su Xiong wants to use 3 Bavarian-class battleships in his hand It is also quite troublesome to regroup. This also takes time!

And what if Su Xiong took his two battleships to the core area to support operations? The effect is very limited. The Japanese can easily block Su Xiong with 3 Fuso-class battleships, and then the remaining Japanese fleet will chase and kill the American transport fleet! You know, at this time, if you lose one battleship, it means you lose a third of your combat power! The difference between 2 and 3 is a qualitative change!

From a personal emotional point of view, Su Xiong really did not want to lose this battleship. After all, he fought hundreds of battles in the Indian Ocean that year. Su Xiong completely took the Scharnhorst and Gneisenau completely. The two battleships were taken home. However, in the Far East, he just threw away a Bavarian-class battleship, which would be a pain in his heart forever! Perhaps he will not be punished for this decision after the war, but the pain in his heart will accompany him forever! Especially if he obviously has a chance! Riddle's suggestion is really feasible!

As for the three Bavarian-class battleships to cover Weimar together? That is tantamount to bringing everything back to the original point. The Su Xiong fleet will continue to fight the Japanese. Obviously, the number of battleships and the number of main guns is not even half of the opponent's, and the destroyers are not even a quarter of the German fleet. If it goes down, it will definitely collapse! Under the absolute power gap, this is an unchangeable result.

In fact, sometimes there are some hidden hints on the battlefield. For example, if Su Xiong splits his fleet and retreats in two directions, then in the eyes of excellent naval officers, this is actually equivalent to withdrawing from this in disguise. Battle. There is no threat to the Japanese fleet, and the German fleet, which itself is a secondary target, will naturally not be continuously attacked by the Japanese fleet. To a certain extent, this is a silent compromise. Everyone understands and will continue to follow the tacit understanding between them. Moreover, it is absolutely impossible for the Americans to blame Su Xiong for deployment on the battlefield!

But unfortunately, he can't do this, because this is on the battlefield, and he needs to consider the whole battle as a whole! In his opinion, although the loss of the Weimar battleship will make him heartache. However, if the Japanese navy is allowed to steal the American transport fleet, then this result is absolutely unacceptable. Perhaps, the Americans who are defeated tonight will bear more than 70% of the responsibility! After all, it was an unforgivable mistake that the Benson fleet, the strongest strike force, was taken away.

But judging from the results this defeated disaster will not be something Germany is willing to bear! Although Su Xiong does not have much responsibility in tactics, the world often depends on the results! People only know that the German fleet failed to prevent the Japanese fleet's slaughter of the American transport fleet, so the prestige that Germany just established in World War I will be weakened and shaken! And this kind of reputational blow is even more unbearable for the Empire than losing a capital ship! Therefore, just from the perspective of politics and international prestige, Su Xiong absolutely cannot withdraw from the battle to protect a capital ship! The situation is difficult, he has to continue to work hard!

From an economic point of view, if the German fleet does not play the role that the Americans want, then the United States will inevitably react in ways that the Germans do not want to see when it comes to economic assistance to Germany and bilateral trade. Therefore, it has been understood. Su Xiong, who has no separation of military, political and economic families, can only choose to abandon the Weimar. So, at the last moment, Su Xiong rarely rejected Raidel's suggestion!

When Raidel heard these words, he felt his heart was breaking! However, as the chief of staff, he knew that he had to carry out the orders of the chief officer!

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