The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2595: Weary U.S. Fleet

Of course, this slowdown is not a reduction in the end, just go to death! After all, this is too fake, and no one wants to die. It just keeps the speed within a certain range, so that the Americans feel that they have a chance to chase, but it's almost impossible to catch up! This requires an acting talent at the celebrity level! As for the situation, what if you are really hit by a shell and then slow down? Major General Moore’s answer is simple. This is war. Sacrifice is inevitable. It is really not good. If you lose it, you will lose it... What else?

"Let's start" the last battleship Sea Fog is ready to complete its mission, and then leave its life to the God of War to decide! Along with a dull explosion, a huge plume of smoke rose from the back deck of the Sea Fog, which was still mixed with fire light! From a distance, this is obviously the situation of being hit by a heavy artillery shell!

"Fucking? What's the situation? Which battleship hit the target?" In the distance, the plume of smoke that suddenly rose in the night was so conspicuous that many people saw it. At this time, at least three battleships were heading towards the target. The designs were the New Mexico, Tennessee and New York respectively. Who hit it? I don’t know, I hit it anyway! This hit makes Americans feel very chatty! But they became happy afterwards, because the last battleship hit seemed to be slowing down? !

"Your Excellency Commander, we hit an enemy fast battleship! It slowed down!" An officer reported to Benson in excitement.

"Very well, catch up and kill it!" Benson nodded with satisfaction looking at the plume of smoke rising from the stern of the ship in the distance, and his mood became better. If he can sink another fast Japanese navy ship As for the battleship, then the battle tonight is roughly tied.

"The fleet accelerates again!" Benson thought for a while and added another order. However, with this order, some warships in the US fleet quit!

"Your Excellency, the boiler has been overloaded, and there are some problems with the steam pipe. The weird noise from the inside of the pipe makes me feel uneasy." An officer reported to Captain Daniel of the battleship New York.

"Hold on again. If we lower the steam supply of the boiler at this time, the warship will slow down. We will be thrown away by the main fleet." Colonel Daniel frowned. Just two minutes ago, Benson gave the order to accelerate again. This puts tremendous pressure on the US battleships that served before New York. After all, the battleships before New York used steam engines!

If the standard for a real dreadnought is a unified large-caliber main gun and steam turbine as power, then the German Nassau-class battleships and Helgoland-class battleships in history are not qualified, after all, they use steam engines. As for the Americans, the New York-class battleships, which are the first-class super-intrepid of the US Navy, also use steam engines! This makes this class of warships a bit embarrassing! You can understand that the F15 fighter is equipped with two J79 turbojet engines!

And now, it has been floating on the sea for more than a month, and the maintenance condition of the New York-class battleship was not good. After the long high-speed chase battle before, the power system is extremely exhausted. If you stick to it, not only the boiler and the steam engine. If you can't bear it, people can't bear it anymore. Because of the lack of maintenance of machinery and the failure to remove marine life attached to the bottom of the ship, the American furnace workers need to work harder to run at a higher speed! During the war, both the British and German navies had firefighters who died due to fatigue, and the Americans were no exception. On the New York USS, four firefighters had fainted tiredly, and two of them were in very different conditions. it is good!

This is the case for the new warship of New York, let alone the earlier warships at other times! So unexpectedly, something reasonable happened. A steam pipe of the battleship Wyoming was finally damaged due to excessively high air pressure. A large amount of high temperature and high pressure steam poured into a cabin, killing two of them. US Navy personnel, which in turn caused an uncontrollable drop in speed. The captains of the early American dreadnoughts, who had already felt something was wrong, began to warn Benson through telegrams and semaphores!

"The battleships behind can't stand it. Because of maintenance and technical problems, battleships using steam engines are not suitable for this kind of continuous high-speed chase." Ma Jifen said to Benson.

"Which warships are there? Damn, at the most critical moment, our warship was off the chain. I really don’t know what the Navy Department did!" Benson was also very upset when he heard the news. This time, he took the US Navy Department Also scolded.

"Pre-New York-class battleships are not suitable for continued pursuit. If you want to be safe, then you must also add the Oklahoma, which is the last battleship with steam engines for us and other nations. "Ma Jifen said.

"If this is the case, we have only 7 battleships left." Benson is caught in a dilemma. His fleet has only 13 battleships, 3 of which are dreadnoughts, and there are 3 super-dreadnoughts using steam engines. Ships, that is 6 ships. And if these warships are to be temporarily withdrawn from the battle, then he will only have 7 ships in his hand, and the opposite is almost 1V1. In the case of equal numbers, the Americans are not afraid to fight against the Japanese! Because the Fuso class is too strong!

"I feel that we should stop chasing, we have chased too far. The situation has begun to exceed our Since we met the enemy, we have been chasing for more than two and a half hours!" A wave of anxiety surged into Ma Jifen's heart.

"Stop the pursuit? Just 3 hours ago, we lost a complete squadron, a dreadnought ship and 3 former dreadnought ships were sunk, transport ships and army positions were also shelled, and we are only destroying it now We have two Japanese dreadnought ships. If we can’t work harder, then this battle is obviously a failure for us. I am not worried about the loss of the fleet and my personal reputation, because the powerful industrial capabilities of other countries can fight the battle. Make up for the damage. What I am worried about is the impact of the battle tonight on the morale of the nations." Benson said with a sigh.

"This is the first large-scale naval battle against a powerful country with other nations. No matter how difficult it is, we must stick to it, because if we fail, there will be considerable Psychological shadow, we will lose our ambition to compete in the world! Do you understand what I mean? What we need to face now is not a simple military issue, but a political issue!" Benson said earnestly.

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Recommend a new book by the same group of author Si Zhe, "The Colonial Struggle of Empires", which is rare to write about the foreign history of Portugal in the early period of the Great Voyage. Interested readers can take a look~~~!