The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2605: Counterattack two

As a result, this poor light cruiser died very simply! Tons of explosives threw the wreckage of this light cruiser directly into the air hundreds of meters, and the entire battleship was completely broken into pieces in the violent explosion! As a result, there were almost no survivors on this light cruiser! And little Fletcher was promoted after the battle because of the clean killing of a light cruiser! And won a special commemorative medal-Naval Destroyer Melee Medal! Only the destroyer commander who has fought with the enemy at a distance of less than 1000 yards and obtained a kill record will have such a medal!

The remaining U.S. lightning squadrons also made gains. The Tama light cruiser was the third to be sunk. Under the siege of at least 2 destroyers and 2 torpedo boats, this light cruiser took away an American destroyer before it died. , But then was hit by at least 4 torpedoes! The Tama, like the Oi, died very simply. The Americans did not intend to stay alive. Even when the battleship had been broken in two, the American guns and torpedoes still did not stop!

Old Fletcher’s plan has been very successful so far. It is almost a little bit advanced according to the content of the script. If nothing else, the five light cruisers of the Japanese light cruiser squadron will eventually be in no more than half an hour. completely annihilated! However, at this moment, the sound of a cannon from afar broke everything on the battlefield! The horrible whistling of the British 15-inch naval gun tells everyone that the Fuso class is here!

"This is probably the biggest failure today!" Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu said with a gloomy face looking at the American armored cruiser in the distance. In fact, the Japanese fleet's losses in the battle with the Suxiong fleet before were even greater than it is now, but in the Japanese. Now, it is worth it to pay some price for the battle with the most powerful battleship in the elite German high seas fleet, but now, with the Japanese fleet having an overwhelming advantage on the entire battlefield, it has been beaten by 5 old American armored cruisers. A sneak attack is unacceptable! Therefore, after hesitating for a while, Shigeru Taro Yoshimatsu decided to bring three Fuso-class battleships to the rescue site, rescue the remaining Japanese fleet and remove the last nail in the sea!

Shigeru Yoshimatsu did not bring the other two King Kong-class battlecruisers. On the one hand, he did not think it was necessary. After all, three Fuso-class battleships were enough to fight five old armored cruisers. The other two King Kong-class battlecruisers were enough. You can also continue to hunt down transport ships. On the other hand, Shigetaro Yoshimatsu was still worried about King Kong's protection. After all, there was only 8-inch side-string armor. In close night battles, the 10-inch L50 heavy artillery against the Americans was still a bit stressful. So in the end, the two battlecruisers did not participate in the battle.

"It's three Fuso-class battleships!" Colonel Nagel put down the telescope in his hand and said. "The Japanese seem to have insight into everything, and they did their best to avoid the loss of their fragile capital ship."

"Yes, the Japanese are a bit too sophisticated, and I doubt if the Japanese is directing them." Old Fletcher exhaled. He now knows his future destiny. The five American armored cruisers will fight to the last minute. They can't run away and will never go back! They have to use their sacrifices to hold the Japanese fleet, even if only part of it!

So, like a brave man facing the dragon, old Fletcher gathered the fleet and prepared for A to go up! However, before his 10-inch gun was enough to find his opponent, tons of 15-inch shells roared over, smashing the entire American armored cruiser squadron!

The armored cruiser Portland was the first to suffer. He was stared at by the Fuso. Although one of the turrets had been abolished in previous battles, the remaining eight 15-inch guns were quite lethal! At a distance of less than 12 kilometers, with the help of flares and searchlights, the battleship Fuso vented its anger at the American armored cruiser with a projection output of more than 12 rounds per minute!

In this battle, old Fletcher can finally learn the power of large-caliber naval guns at close range! The first 15-inch shell hit the Portland twin 10-inch naval gun. This level was as clean as a heavy hammer hitting an egg! The entire turret was torn apart by a bombing! Flames as high as tens of meters rose into the air, and scattered fragments even fell on the rear deck of the old Fletcher flagship!

However, before the Americans could react, the second round of hits followed! This time, it was two 15-inch shells! One shot easily knocked open the armor belt in the middle of the Portland hull, and the shell plunged into the power compartment, blasting the ordinary boiler on this poor armored cruiser into a pile of debris, a lot of flames and cover. High-temperature and high-pressure water vapor gushed from the breach. The Portland also slowed down due to severe power damage. Another shell hit the motor compartment behind the No. 2 turret. The blow was also fatal. After the explosion, the armored cruiser Portland lost more than half of its power!

However, the most memorable old Fletcher is the encounter with Atlanta! Just 5 minutes after the battle with the Fuso-class battleship a 15-inch shell fired from the Ise successfully penetrated the armor of Atlanta's No. 2 ammo! However, the mere 10-inch Harvey hardened armor is like paper under the attack of the powerful 15-inch cap-piercing bullet! The projectile completely passed through the outermost 10-inch armor, and then tore the last layer of armored partition outside the ammunition depot. With the activation of the bottom fuze, the explosive in the warhead was detonated, and a dazzling yellow ball The light shone in the ammunition magazine, and after a while, dozens of tons of propellant and shells were detonated.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Atlanta large armored cruiser that was still fighting the previous moment was directly torn into two pieces! The first half of the battleship was directly torn to pieces by a violent explosion! The second half continued to advance under the action of inertia. However, the massive water inflow immediately caused the slender hull like a long sword to quickly cut into the sea. Due to gravity problems, the stern just turned up. Letcher can even see the idling propeller at the tail of the hull!

"Atlanta is over!" Old Fletcher felt a bit sore in his eyes. At this moment, he finally realized the power of the capital ship. This was not an attack on the target ship during training, but a real killing on the battlefield!

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