The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2615: After the war

Well, I was really a little excited before, and my attitude towards friendly forces was a bit bad, so this matter ends here. "Benson nodded and said. Benson and Sims can be dissatisfied with Su Xiong's final attitude, but everyone, including the US Army, must bear Su Xiong's love! It is precisely because of Su Xiong's resolute restraint that they let him The Japanese fleet had to allocate half of its forces to deal with it. From this point of view, if the two naval personnel participating in the war must be awarded, Su Xiong is definitely the first, and the second is Raidel !

At the same time, in the U.S. Army Command, Chief of Staff Marshall is persuading his immediate boss—the black old man Pershing—again.

"The battle is over, and the result is an established fact. Anger and cursing will not make things better. I think the most important thing you need to do at this time is to negotiate with the navy about the next thing. Of course, I support you. General Benson sued the court. But you must pay attention to your emotions when you meet. After all, we have to face other navy generals, most of whom are innocent." Marshall’s persuasion was polite and courteous. Generally speaking, It is to separate feelings from doing things.

"Okay, I will pay attention. In addition, I sent a telegram to General Su Xiong, saying, on behalf of the entire U.S. Army, I thank him for his rescue. I am taking out the saber I used in South Africa as my response A gift from Marshal Su Xiong. General Raidel also has a copy." Pershing said.

"Okay, I'm going to prepare." Marshall nodded and said.

"In addition, let Benson come to the army headquarters, I don’t want to board his flagship! Also, send a transport boat to meet General Su Xiong, I suspect that there is probably no complete transport boat in the German fleet now. "Pershing said.

"Well, I will contact the Navy." Marshall shook his head helplessly.

Three hours later, when the day was lit up, the heads of the United States and Germany finally gathered in Pershing’s command room. Pershing took the lead. On the left were Benson and the navy generals, and on the right were Su Xionghe. Riddle. The atmosphere at the beginning of the meeting was very dull, like the tranquility before the storm.

"General Pershing, the navy is concerned about what happened tonight..." After hesitating, Benson spoke first. After all, the navy is to blame for this.

"Well, right or wrong is not the most critical issue. Finding the responsible person and imposing punishment is a matter of a military court. I am a soldier and not a judge. I just want to know two things. First, tonight, the Navy of the United States Why was it played in the palm of the hand? What was the whole battle like? Why did General Su Xiong fail to tell us such important information in advance? Why did General Benson your fleet be drawn away?"

"The second thing is that I have decided that the US Army will continue to fight and will never withdraw. If one day, Washington issues an order to withdraw troops, then I will join my colleagues who have died on this island. , I swear! Now, tell me how you plan to let this battle continue?" Pershing interrupted Benson's apology without mercy. He is really afraid to discuss the issue of responsibility now. He is worried that if he can't help it, he will personally repay Benson! And, as Marshall said, this meeting is to solve practical problems, not to ridicule!

"Fuck, to be honest, I haven't figured it out until now." Benson also had a headache after hearing Pershing's statement, because although he knew he was deceived, he was fighting against the Su Xiong fleet and the Japanese fleet. He is really not sure about the matter, and this missing part happens to be the most important!

"Well, let me talk about it. Although it is a bit hurtful, I must explain one thing, that is, your country's radio technology is really inferior to the Japanese, or inferior to Japan supported by some countries." This time Su Xiong stood up decisively.

"First, let's sort out the tactics and engagement process of the Japanese fleet. We must determine one thing, that is, the size of the Japanese fleet. I would like to ask General Benson, how many capital ships do you think the Japanese fleet has?" Su Xiong asked.

"Well, there are at least 18 ships. According to our witness records, we can determine that the Japanese joint fleet has 10 battleships, 6 King Kong and 4 14-inch artillery fast battleships, and the enemy we are pursuing has 2 ships. Slow old-fashioned quasi-fearless and 6 fast battleships." Benson said with some uncertainty.

"Then you must be mistaken. If it is credible that the Japanese decoy fleet has 4 fast warships and 4 slow warships, then 6 fast warships are absolutely impossible! The Japanese is now the only fast warship Quasi-fearless should be the 4 Rurik-type warships left by the Russians in the Far East. They currently have no other fast warships." Su Xiong said.

"But there are really 6 ships in the battle line." Sims on the side said.

"It may be a light cruiser in disguise. I can understand what the Japanese think. In the process of attacking your country’s ground support fleet, the Japanese dispatched about 10 warships. According to the intelligence description, there should be Fuso. In this case, there must be a similar number in the decoy fleet so that it will not arouse your suspicion. Therefore, the Japanese will use light cruisers to pretend to be fast battleships." Raidel said.

"Then the question now is if you can camouflage fast battleships with light Then why don't the Japanese simply use light cruisers as a decoy fleet?" Marshall asked.

"The reason is very simple. If there are 2 bad guys out of 8 people, then the bad guys can pretend to get through, but if there are 4 bad guys out of 8 people, it will be very difficult. There is a certain limit to disguise, so if I arrange If yes, then I will put the camouflaged light cruiser at the forefront, because that is the farthest place from your country’s fleet.” Redton paused and said, “Of course, another problem is that the number of Japanese light cruisers is very small. , Even much less than their capital ships."

"Thank you." Marshall said with some dumbfounding.

"Well, now we have figured out the first question, that is, why General Benson did not suspect the forgery of the Japanese fleet in the first time. If we contacted the information we obtained from the observation post on the coast before, We can be sure that the Japanese fleet was like this when it entered the battlefield." Su Xiong said.

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