The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2626: American adjustment two

This, the key is that several Lexington-class battlecruisers have already started work. If you stop work at this time, the loss will be a bit big. "Benson still wants to fight for it.

"For the disposal of the Lexington class, we can convert some of the faster-built warships into aircraft carriers, and discard the rest or use them. To be honest, it is really difficult for me to understand a ship with a 7-inch armor belt. How long can warships survive on the battleline. Their defenses may not be stronger than that of old Fletcher’s armored cruisers! As long as a suitable hit, the warship costing tens of millions of dollars and the lives of thousands of American soldiers It will be reduced to ashes in a firework!" Ma Jifen said.

"An aircraft carrier of more than 40,000 tons? Are you going to load 200 planes? This is incredible." Benson said.

"In fact, it is incredible that the South Dakota-class battleships followed the New Mexico-class defense system. We built at least Tier 4 battleships with a set of inadequate defense systems! This defense system is completely behind the times. And Lexington's The defense system can already be described as a crime! It is an oversized crispy skin!" Ma Jifen finally broke out.

"Originally, we had sufficient experience and reason to complete a better design. On the issue of defense, wouldn't the British have not enough lessons learned? Even we have ourselves, such as the New York, which was damaged by the Japanese. Battleship! But in the end, God knows how Lexington's plan was passed. Our greatest enemy is not on the battlefield, but at home!" Ma Jifen was already very embarrassed.

"So, General Fletcher, what do you mean?" Sims said. After this war, as one of the few positive models in the U.S. Navy, Fletcher will definitely be reused in the future. of. His opinion is crucial!

"Well, I agree with General Majifen's opinion." Old Fletcher didn't say much, but he made a final decision. Benson was destined to leave, and the naval fleet had actually reached an agreement, and Sims was also inclined. Yu Majifen. Therefore, during the war, they asked to revise the plan of building the battleship is likely to pass! As for the cost issue, it is not a problem at all! The real problem is the delay in the construction period caused by the modification of the design. It is impossible for the Americans to wait until the new warship is in service before launching an offensive, right?

"The establishment of our own fast fleet is imminent. The new battleship will take a long time, so we currently have only one option, which is to buy ready-made battleships directly. The Bavarian class is unlikely, but the Germans and the Austro-Hungarian Empire 14 Inch artillery battleships can be purchased," Sims said.

"What about the number?" Majifen asked.

"4 to 6 ships, but it is estimated that 6 ships may be difficult." Sims said.

"Four ships may not be enough. The combat effectiveness of the Japanese battleship is still very high. The four Helgoland-class battleships are simply not enough to contain the opponent. We can neither entangle the opponent when the opponent is withdrawing, nor delay the opponent's attack. . A fast fleet that is not strong enough is of limited significance unless the Germans still fight with us." Old Fletcher said.

The Bavarian-class battleship is a level better than the Helgoland-class. When caught off guard, it was also embarrassed by the Japanese fleet. This is still the case of Su Xiong's "micromanagement"! Coupled with better luck, there is no battle. If this is replaced by American command, it is really hard to say. In fact, the 6 Helgoland-class battleships may not have 4 Bavarian strong. After all, the six Helgoland-class battleships have a bit of advantage in terms of projection capacity, and their firepower and defense are very different. It can even be said that the 14-inch guns can hardly pose a threat to Japanese Fuso-class battleships.

"However, we are now in an endless loop. If we and the Germans can cooperate sincerely, then we can safely get through this window of space without buying warships." Majifen said.

"Actually, 4 ships are also possible." Sims insisted, because he knew that if he wanted to buy 6 fast battleships at once, the difficulty was really a bit big!

"Not enough, don’t forget. The Japanese’s two Nagato-class battleships are about to enter service. Their progress is at least half a year earlier than our fast battleships. By that time, it is estimated that even General Su Xiong will bring 4 Bavarian-class battleships. For battleships, I am afraid that the pressure will be quite high. Although the military has to submit to the war, I have to say that it is very difficult for us to get rid of the Germans in terms of fast fleets." Majifen said.

"His..." Sims also felt a headache, but he did not have a headache. If Fusang’s 15-inch naval gun could already pose a huge threat to the 343MM-thick side armor of the U.S. battleship. Under the attack of the door number's 16-inch naval gun, the side armor of the 343MM can be described as fragile. Although Japan only has 2 such warships, the US Navy has to guard it! To be honest, after some research, Sims thinks that the so-called American Iron Tortoise's side defense is actually not as good as the Helgoland-class battleship, so apart from the many tubes, the American Iron Tortoise is really embarrassing.

"We are trying to buy new-style warships from other countries, such as France or Italy?" Benson thought for a while and said.

"Italian Caraggiono can be considered, but the premise is that the defense must be increased, and the construction period must be as soon as possible. We bought these battleships to fill the gap before our battleship was put into service. If the time is too late, then buy There is no value."

"As for the French? Their Normandy-class battleships are just an improved version of Bristani, and they are still using 340MM artillery The speed has been greatly improved. But the defense is general, especially for water defense. Far inferior to our battleships. Of course, the most unbearable thing is the progress of the project. None of them are currently in the water, which is of little significance to improving the combat effectiveness of the American fleet.” Ma Jifen said mercilessly.

"It's always a good thing to have more warships. We can completely transfer some unusable old-fashioned fearless into the reserve. They are really not suitable for the current war." Sims thought for a while and said.

"Italian warships can be considered, but the French do not need it." Ma Jifen's attitude is still firm!

"We can increase the motivation of the French." Sims said.

"I reserve my opinion." Ma Jifen gritted his teeth and decided to carry it to the end!

"So what's your opinion? Old General Fletcher? The future commander of the fleet." Sims said.

Thanks to book friend Qingyueye for being lonely and drunk~~~! Three shifts today~~~! Please subscribe for a reward~~~! ! !

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