The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2709: Horizontal

When the sun rose again from the east, the U.S. fleet had sailed at 18 knots for a whole night, and it was more than 200 kilometers deep into the Sulawesi Sea. When the sun rose again, the fleet was still exhausted. The speed may be high towards the target. The core fleet was downsized into two, one is a battleship squadron, and the other is an aircraft carrier squadron. They are located in the center of the entire fleet, and around them are **** formations composed of more than 30 destroyers. At a distance of 40 kilometers from this fleet, the rest of the destroyers and cruisers formed a sparse ring-shaped guard zone, sweeping out unexpected ships that may appear at any time on the surrounding sea!

Although there are no targets worthy of the US main fleet in this area, the battle has begun. In order to prevent any suspicious ships from revealing the whereabouts and positions of the fleet, the destroyers of more than 6 units and 2 cruiser units of the Americans repeated like combs. Clearing the sea. In the following dozens of hours, the war had begun, and American artillery shells had fallen on the ships of the Japanese and the British!

"Sign 5 to let them expand and expand the scope of control!" Halsey, who had been commander of the destroyer squadron at this time, issued the order again. Two minutes later, the order was sent to others by means of semaphores. The two destroyers, the US destroyer squadron that had been fanned out, have become more dispersed. They shuttled back and forth on the sea at a speed of more than 22 knots, searching for their targets.

The **** of war did not make Halsey wait too long. While eating breakfast, a sentry noticed a warning that a suspicious ship made Halsey immediately throw away the bread and cans in his hand, and walked to the bridge in a few steps. Following the direction pointed by his subordinates, he could see a black plume of smoke in the distance where the sea and the sky met.

"Tell folks, we will start the first battle of this battle! The remaining ships continue to search, we rush to kill him!" Halsey said excitedly.

"Don't we first determine the target? If it is a French or other neutral ship, we will get into a lot of trouble." An officer said.

"It doesn't matter, the US government will help us deal with these things. If it is a Japanese ship, we will directly kill it. If it is a neutral ship, we will control the ship." Halsey ordered.

On the opposite side was a slow merchant ship. Halsey estimated that the speed would be about 6 knots per hour at most, slow like a snail. The destroyer DD370 he was riding in rushed past at a high speed of 28 knots. Halsey leaned on the sun to make full use of the sun and the cover of the battleship painting. In addition, the destroyer itself burned oil and smoked little, so he went all the way. Come, almost nothing was found.

"Well, it's a Japanese merchant ship, ready to open our communication jamming equipment. Go up and kill them with naval guns. Our torpedo may be left to some big guys." Halsey put down the telescope in his hand and said, although There is no battle yet, but everything has been determined. The Americans are very careful and have considered that it is impossible to avoid ships completely during this journey, so in order to prevent the other party from sending reports, interference devices are set up specifically for the commercial frequency band. When the interfering equipment starts to work, the civilian communication equipment within a radius of ten kilometers will be unavailable.

When the Japanese finally discovered the destroyer that rushed up, it was too late. Electronic interference seemed unnecessary, because Halsey did not give them a chance to report! After approaching, the fierce firepower of three 120MM and two 75MM guns instantly engulfed this merchant ship with a displacement of only more than 3,000 tons. Along with billowing smoke and pulsating flames, the Japanese merchant ship sank to the bottom of the sea in just a few minutes, and in order to prevent someone from gaining information about the fleet by rescuing the Japanese crew after the fleet passed, Halsey Ho I did not hesitate to choose to kill the roots!

Of course, the U.S. fleet did not just run into some little guys on this road. At noon the next day, a Japanese fleet escorted by destroyers swaggered from the northeast of the U.S. fleet’s avant-garde force. One hour ago, the U.S. Navy had discovered the fleet through patrolling seaplanes. It is unclear whether the Japanese had discovered the American aircraft, because even if they did, they could subconsciously show up in the Sulawesi Sea. It can only be a Japanese airplane. So I don't care at all.

"Six transport ships, one destroyer, and two gunboats." At this time, Jr. Fletcher was drawing up a battle plan on the flagship of the Armored Cruiser Unit, the San Francisco. This time, after all, it was attacked by a Japanese transport fleet. It is not a big problem to kill all transport ships. After all, these guys are too slow and have almost no resistance. The most troublesome are destroyers and gunboats. They may use high speeds to run. Or send the message via telegram. In this case, the U.S. fleet must catch the opponent as quickly as possible!

"In 15 minutes, our large seaplanes will come. They will carry jamming equipment and weapons to suppress and track the Japanese **** record. Two destroyer units will be responsible for encircling the transport fleet. We and another destroyer unit Responsible for handling **** warships." Little Fletcher ordered.

Immediately, the US armored cruiser squadron and three destroyer squadrons began to deploy. Fletcher’s and a destroyer squadron would stop the Japanese from the front, while the other two destroyer squadrons would attack from the side and rear. A huge pliers was already in place. The sea faintly opened, and all that was left was the moment waiting for the attack!

Six twin-engine seaplanes arrived as scheduled. Because of the bad engines of this era, it is almost impossible for a twin-engine seaplane to carry electronic equipment and sea attack weapons at the same time. Therefore, these 6 planes are divided into three. Two aircraft team One of them is equipped with electronic jamming equipment and antennas weighing several hundred kilograms. The other is equipped with small bombs and machine guns.

"We have arrived in the designated sea area and found the smoke plume of the other ship, but we are unable to determine the specific location." The SP1 lookout said to the captain.

"Then we will raise it higher and approach the target immediately after we find the target. Our airborne electronic jamming equipment has a limited effective range and must be closer. We will focus on the destroyer, and the remaining two teams will focus on the gunboat. After destroying them, we can use our discretion. Attack the merchant ship!" SP1 captain Carl ordered.

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