The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2722: Adjustment

And when other pilots passed the air defense firepower of the outer destroyer, the hedgehog-like air defense firepower on the two U.S. battleships threw tons of ammunition into the air every minute, although the ship-to-air fire control is still in its infancy. But I have to say that the dense shells are still very deterrent for small fleets that launch an assault from one direction, let alone the actual lethality...

"The attack effect was very bad, the number of flares was not enough, and the Americans responded very well. When we attacked, they had formed a relatively flexible small fleet, and there were a large number of destroyers to provide fire protection. We did not have special Airplanes suppress these air defense destroyers. In fact, we are almost an aircraft dealing with each other’s warships. American battleship air defense firepower is beyond our imagination. Dive bombers are better. After all, our speed is faster and the displacement changes. It’s relatively large and it’s very difficult for them to catch us. But if the torpedo is deployed, then such intensive firepower is definitely the nightmare of the torpedo.” Takahashi Takamori said after returning home.

In the end, the effect of this attack can be said to be quite bad. When returning, the Japanese checked the fleet and completely lost 10 bombers, and another 4 suffered damage due to landing mistakes. As for the results? It seems that maybe 4 bombs were hit? The Japanese are not sure. There is no doubt that this night bombing was a terrible failure at the tactical level.

Of course, from a strategic perspective, it’s hard to say. In response to this air strike, the U.S. Navy was unable to attack land targets for more than half an hour. Therefore, a choice was placed before the Americans, either to abandon some of the targets, or to extend Attack time. that is it!

"All officers above squadron captain and above come to my office for a meeting!" Charles said immediately after listening to the report of the participating officers. After summarizing the relevant news, Charles felt that this trial attack on the US Navy seemed to be of some use. At least, he understood the US Navy’s air defense capabilities and tactics.

"From the current situation, we have obviously underestimated the American air defense firepower. They have piled up a large number of air defense artillery on destroyers and main battleships. Although the fire control is not mature now, it is enough to force our offensive. Although we Many excuses can be found for the failure of this attack, for example, because it was at night, because the number of aircraft involved in the attack was too few, because the attack was rushed, but in any case, we must admit that if we simply rush into the American main fleet. , I am afraid the effect will be worse." Charles said.

"We have also studied targeted tactics before, such as using aircraft cannons or small bombs to suppress the opponent's air defense firepower. Can't we give up because of difficulties?" An officer said.

"The difficulty will be very great, because tomorrow daytime, we will not only face the anti-aircraft fire of American destroyers and battleships, but also face more than three-digit US carrier-based aircraft. Don’t forget, this time, the Americans mobilized half a dozen. Aircraft carriers, don’t you think that these aircraft carriers are here to be the audience?"

"Look at us again? The number of twin-engine bombers I can mobilize now is less than 140. We need to face fighters that may be as many as our bombers. Professional carrier-based fighters, not seaplanes. You know what this means. What are you doing?"

"Of course, some people may say that there will be new air power to reinforce us tomorrow, but this is obviously an unknown number. We don't know how many planes the Japanese navy can mobilize. Therefore, as the top commander here, I have the right. According to my own ideas, I decided to attack the target order and choice. Therefore, I decided to focus on the US military aircraft carrier! Out of the individual forces used for containment, focus on attacking the US aircraft carrier!" Charles is categorical Said.

"U.S. aircraft carriers also have the cover of battleships and destroyers, and the obstacles we encounter there are no less than those facing battleship detachments," said a Japanese officer.

"However, if we drop a bomb on a US battleship, it may not cause much damage, but if a 500 kg bomb falls on the deck of a US aircraft carrier, we will destroy dozens of aircraft! If you are lucky, you can destroy an aircraft carrier!"

"Everyone, according to the American thinking, they would not think that we would directly capture their aircraft carrier. Therefore, their first batch of fighter jets will definitely protect the main force of the American battleship that is retreating hundreds of kilometers away. They may have There are more than 400 aircraft, but the number of fighters will not exceed 200, and the number of fighters that can take off at one time needs to be halved! That is to say, if we can find the other aircraft carrier as soon as possible, then they are likely to be preparing for the second To approve airplanes, this is when they are weakest and when we have the greatest opportunity!" Charles said.

"If we operate properly and with a little luck, we can destroy three aircraft carriers, and the Americans have also left some battleships for the **** of the aircraft carrier. Therefore, if we complete the attack on the aircraft carrier, we can also attack. As for the remaining tasks to the joint fleet, this is my plan, so good, now everyone shows their hands to vote, who supports and who opposes?" Charles took a deep breath and said .

The entire venue was silent. Two minutes later, a British army commander raised his right hand to show his support for General Charles, then the second and the third! Soon, the British reached an agreement, and the Japanese were hesitating. They did not express their position, neither supported nor opposed it. After a while, a Japanese officer left the field temporarily. It should be for Shangfeng to ask for advice. Charles did not stop the opponent. After a full quarter of an hour, the officer returned and silently raised his right hand.

"It seems that we have reached an agreement, so good, we use this last period of time to refine the entire plan." Charles said.

The Japanese airstrike seemed to be an episode for the Americans. Under the protection of seaplanes and destroyers, Americans’ large-caliber naval guns continued to clean up the targets on the shore, blasting buildings into ruins, and the fire area reached After tens of square kilometers, let alone rebuilding, even putting out fires is a very troublesome thing. The United States seems to have won.

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