The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2734: Plan one

1 2734

"From last night to now, our destroyers have lost a lot. At least a dozen destroyers have been destroyed or need to be dealt with. However, our destroyers still have a great advantage. So far, our navy personnel have been killed in battle. 1,500 people got on and off, and more than 4,000 people were injured." Ma Jifen finally said.

And while the Americans were frowning about their loss, the Japanese who had also fought in this sea-to-air battle were heart-piercing! In this battle, the Japanese Air Force lost at least 170 aircraft of various types. In terms of number, it was less than that of the Americans. But don’t forget that many of the aircraft lost by the Japanese Air Force were twin-engine aircraft. , The cost of a twin-engine aircraft is at least 1.8 times that of a single-engine aircraft! In terms of crew losses, it is even higher than that of the Americans. After all, a bomber has at least three crew members... The price the Japanese paid for this victory was indeed huge, but they still made some after all. After all, the Americans sank two aircraft carriers and damaged one. Two other battleships were damaged, which had a great impact on the next battle!

"In this battle, we have lost a large number of elite pilots trained for more than a year. The loss is so heavy that the land-based aviation team's sea attack capability will inevitably drop by about 40%. We need at least half a year. Time to make up for the lost crew, and the skill and tactics of the newcomers will not be very high. The problems of the Japanese training system are exposed in this high-intensity war of attrition. The Japanese can only fight one wave, the war The loss caused them to replenish at a much slower rate than they consume. This kind of system is undesirable. We must take this seriously!"

"From this battle, we still have a lot of gains. At least we have proved that aviation power will gain a dominant position in the future. A fleet without sufficient aviation power to cover is fragile. The battleship that has dominated the ocean for hundreds of years will be in the future. Eventually give way to aircraft carriers and land-based aviation. Bombers carrying 500KG bombs can cause fatal damage to all types of warships except battleships, while torpedoes are equally fatal to battleships. The reason why battleships are still The fundamental reason for being the main force is that the development of aviation technology is lagging behind. If torpedo aircraft carrying torpedoes or bombers capable of carrying heavier bombs emerge in the future, battleships will inevitably be eclipsed by heavy hammer blows from the air." Lieutenant General Charles wrote in a letter to Betty after the war.

The Japanese land-based aviation forces have given certain blows to the US fleet, but so far, their role and influence have ended here. Before the Japanese fleet organized the second round of attacks, the US fleet had withdrawn from the Japanese land-based aviation The attack range of the force, in the Sulawesi Sea, the battleship squadron commanded by Sims and the fleet commanded by the old Fletcher completed the fusion. After all the important commanders arrived on the battleship Maryland for a meeting, the entire fleet began to sail westward at full speed, and they must leave the Japanese control zone as soon as possible.

At this time, in the officer’s conference room of the battleship Maryland, a new combat plan is being formulated. Everyone knows that the Japanese combined fleet will not let go of the U.S. fleet that is not in a good state, regardless of information. From the perspective of the mobility of the fleet, the US fleet has no reason to avoid its opponents. This battle will inevitably break out. The US fleet must go all out to win!

There were not many attendees, the commander-in-chief of the fleet Sims, the chief of the general staff Ma Jifen, the commander of the aircraft carrier squadron old Fletcher, and the captain of the armored cruiser squadron Jr. Fletcher. And Mitchell, chief of staff of the aircraft carrier squadron. In addition, as the guest army Riddle and the captain of the Zeppelin aircraft carrier Logan. Even if the core figures of this fleet are there.

"General Fletcher, how many planes are there in the aircraft carrier squadron? How effective is it?" Sims asked first.

"There are about 180 aircraft that can be used, 150 of which are on the Zeppelin and the Assault, and the other 30 are on the Constellation. The Zeppelin and the Assault remain intact. Through the deployment of other warships The air fleet on these two aircraft carriers is also considered complete. Although the Constellation’s rear deck is severely damaged, the aircraft cannot be recovered and the attack aircraft cannot be released, but it is still possible to release a small number of fighters. After all, the taxiing distance of the fighters is relatively short. "

"The seaplane carrier can also provide about 20 planes, but these planes have to undertake some reconnaissance missions and provide aerial corrections to battleships. Air combat and interception cannot be counted on." Old Fletcher asked.

"Then can our current aviation force block the Japanese aircraft carrier's attack? We do not require us to control the air, we must at least ensure the safety of the fleet." Sims continued to ask.

"If the Japanese combined fleet can use more than 3 aircraft carriers, then we definitely cannot guarantee air superiority." Mitchell said.

"Surely I can't beat it? We don't have a lot of planes." Ma Jifen said.

"Definitely not. Although in terms of quantity, we still have a half of the aircraft left, our number of fighters is very small. There are only about 50 aircraft. You know, in this interception operation, because of air combat or fuel We have lost too many fighters due to exhaustion and other reasons. Even if all 50 fighters take off, it is unrealistic to block more than 3 Japanese fleet attack and if the Japanese aircraft carrier and battleship detachment attack at the same time If we don’t, our surface warships can’t put up a special air defense posture.” Mitchell said.

"We can make a rough deduction. If the Japanese have 4 aircraft carriers, the number of carrier-based aircrafts is around 300, and an attack releases more aircraft, then they can release 170 aircraft in the first wave. If there are 70 fighters, there are 100 attack aircraft. That's good, now the question is, how do we defend?" Mitchell continued.

(Someone may argue that the four aircraft carriers of the Japanese fleet in the naval battle of Midway Island could only release 100 aircraft in a single wave. Here, the author explains, first, the carrier aircraft of this era is very small, so it can Put more, if the deck is allowed to be moored, in history, raiders, such as aircraft with a height of less than 15,000 tons, can hold more than 80 planes, and today’s aircraft are smaller than when raiders appeared in history. Second, in history, the Japanese fleet was not fully loaded with aircraft in the battle of Midway Island. Japan’s four aircraft carriers had only 242 aircraft, and the Americans had 230 aircraft in three. Well, I think about the rest.)

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(End of this chapter)