The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2758: Counterattack Four

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Two bombs roared down from an altitude of 800 meters. Betty almost watched the two bombs with yellow lines falling on the front of the flying dragon hull. The first bomb fell on the flying dragon windshield. Near the board! This is a high-explosive bomb, directly tore a big hole 5 meters square in the deck! The yellow flames produced by the picric acid high-explosive bomb ignited wanton on the deck, and gray-black smoke rose into the sky, but fortunately, the Flying Dragon prematurely cleared the aircraft and ammunition on the deck, so no chain damage was caused.

The damage caused by the other bomb was even greater. This bomb directly landed on the elevator at the front of the Flying Dragon. The elevator weighing tens of tons was destroyed by the explosion of the high-explosive bomb, and the support on one side was completely broken and then Smashed on the hangar deck! Even Betty felt the hull fierce!

Then came the third and fourth! Two bombs fell on the Flying Dragon again after 5 minutes! The third round was an armor-piercing projectile, which successfully penetrated the hangar deck after successfully penetrating the flight deck! In the end, the bomb exploded near the motor compartment and caused a certain degree of fire. At the same time, the Flying Dragon lost half of its power! The fourth bomb fell on the middle of the hull and also damaged a large area of ​​the deck.

"Report the ship's condition!" Betty said loudly into the microphone.

"The flight deck is no longer usable, the bow lift is destroyed, and the gas is on fire. The interior of the hangar and the motor room are also on fire, but the fire can be controlled! The hull ammunition compartment and power compartment are still safe. Flying Dragon can still move forward at full speed." A moment later an officer reported.

"Order the destroyers on both sides to come up immediately to save the Flying Dragon from the fire. Pay attention to the gasoline tank near the motor compartment! Be sure to pay attention to the oil and gas mixture. I don't want the Flying Dragon to explode inside." Betty said loudly!

After this round of attacks, the aerial dive bomber attack also came to an end. After all, the Americans have many targets. It is impossible to waste all the ammunition on an aircraft carrier. And just when Betty breathed a sigh of relief, the watcher found that the torpedo's shout made everyone once again lift their hearts to their throats!

The six torpedo planes were divided into two teams and launched lightning strikes from both sides at the same time. At this time, the Japanese newly released aircraft finally played a role. At least eight planes were desperately chasing the American torpedo planes in low altitude, and the first plane was entering range. Before the two fighters attacked alternately, they broke down and settled in the sand. The other two planes hurriedly released torpedoes under the intimidation of Japanese fighter jets. There was no precision at all in the attack from 2000 meters away. In the end, only three torpedo planes fired torpedoes within the predetermined range of 1000 meters.

The first torpedo was maneuvered and avoided by the Flying Dragon, but the depth of the second torpedo seemed to be problematic. This torpedo passed through the bottom of the Flying Dragon, and only the third torpedo finally hit the target! The location of the torpedo hit was very good, and it hit the motor compartment in the middle and rear of the hull! The violent explosion also caused damage to the gasoline tank next to the motor cabin, and a large amount of volatile gas escaped from the oil tank, making the Japanese soldiers who damaged the tube frightened.

However, the attack on the Flying Dragon is over. There are too many Japanese aircraft carriers, and this is the point of the fleet that can be assigned to the Flying Dragon!

The second target to be attacked was Fengxiang. No way, this aircraft carrier is the closest to Feilong! More than a dozen bombers screamed and rushed toward the target. In the subsequent attack, the encounter with the Fengxiang surprised both the United States and Japan!

The first bomb fell on the middle of the flight deck of the Fengxiang, and the violent explosion opened a huge hole in the deck. This hit bomb can be said to be very tricky, almost making the Fengxiang more than 170 meters long. The flight deck splits in the middle! The front and rear decks were very embarrassing.

But soon, the Japanese didn't have to worry about this problem. Three minutes later, two 500-pound bombs fell on the rear of the hull and successfully penetrated the flight deck and fell into the hangar. A few seconds later, a roar like a volcanic eruption came from the sea! A huge fireball sprayed out from the rear deck of the USS Fengxiang. The flames and gun smoke rushed straight into the sky until they finally rose to an altitude of more than 100 meters before gradually cooling down, forming a huge mushroom cloud!

"This blow really surprised us. We even suspected that the bomb dropped just now was not a 500-pound bomb, but a 5,000-pound bomb! A few seconds after the sound of the explosion, when we looked back at the sea , This poor Japanese aircraft carrier has been covered in smoke and flames, only some decks and superstructures can be seen from the crevices. At this moment, my companions and I know that this aircraft carrier is finished and we have made history !" After the war, Michael, the pilot who killed the Fengxiang, wrote in his memoirs.

The sinking of the Fengxiang is undoubtedly a great inspiration to the US military fleet that is fighting! After the battle, they finally destroyed a Japanese aircraft carrier, and the battle was so clean! The American pilots cheered the aircraft and rushed to other targets. They boldly and aggressively launched attacks on other aircraft carriers!

This blow was really powerful. Two 500-pound bombs successfully detonated the bombers placed in the rear hangar of the Fengxiang. These aircraft were reclaimed from the hangar after they stopped maintenance. They dropped the bombs, but There is no fuel in the exhaust machine, so this plane is equivalent to a fire bomb filled with 500 liters of aviation gasoline! There are a total of 12 airplanes, and once these airplanes are detonated, there is no power at all to stop the silence of the Fengxiang under the chain reaction!

After the first round of explosions the hangar at the rear of the Fengxiang was almost shattered. Some officers and soldiers of the joint fleet claimed that the rear of the hull was almost completely blown up! It's like being gnawed from behind by some kind of beast! This blow even destroyed the 4 transmission shafts and the steering gear compartment at the rear of Fengxiang. The large amount of water flooding after the explosion made the warship seriously tilted.

Subsequently, gasoline vapor continued to diffuse inside the hull, and a little bit of friction and static electricity would ignite these dangerous gases. In the next ten minutes, the Fengxiang had at least three large-scale explosions. Only 20 minutes later, this An aircraft carrier with a displacement of more than 15,000 tons sank into the sea. Except for the gunpowder that still didn't disperse, there was no trace of it. The Americans finally paid off!

Two changes today~~~! Tomorrow three more subscriptions~~~!

I recommend a book by a book friend. I rarely read Xianxia from the side, but the "Daomen Law" written by the Babao Taoist is really good. It is a story about Xianxia with historical background~~~! The Taoist master himself has done in-depth research on Buddhist and Taoist friends, has a profound accumulation, and his writing is very good. Book lovers who are interested in the real Buddhist and Taoist culture must not miss it. . Everyone can take a look.

(End of this chapter)