The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2760: Vanish

Boss, the fuel is not enough. If we delay any longer, it will become an extravagant hope even to return to the expected emergency landing. "Taylon's wingman leaned forward and said to his lead plane.

"The Americans haven't given up yet." Tyrone said, looking at the American fleet not far away preparing to launch an attack.

"We have tried our best, our ammunition and fuel are almost exhausted." said the wingman.

"Play for another 10 minutes, and then we leave the battlefield! We should not miss the last assault!" Tyrone thought for a while and said. Subsequently, the remaining Virtue fleet launched the last strike today on the Flying Eagle!

"Crashed into the Japanese aircraft carrier!" In the last fight, it seemed to be inspired by Lieutenant Bell. Many American pilots adopted the method of burning jade and stone. They abandon all regulations and launched an attack in an unimaginable way. They rushed towards the Flying Eagle from all heights. In this process, despite the cover of fighter forces, they are also stepping on the blood of their colleagues to approach the target!

When the **** force was already very weak, the Japanese interception was very efficient. In the end, only 4 of the 12 attack aircraft broke through the blockade. They dropped 1 500-pound bomb and 3 torpedoes on the Flying Eagle. This last round of attacks was very successful. The bomb fell on the back of the Flying Dragon's hull, blasted a large hole, and destroyed several aircraft. And the three torpedoes also hit 2! These two torpedoes brought more than 800 tons of water into the Flying Eagle and damaged 7 boilers!

In this last round of offensive, there was another plane that caused damage to the Flying Dragon. This is a fighter plane. It did not carry any anti-ship weapons, but regarded itself as a bomb, and then ran into it. On the sidestring of the Flying Eagle, the blow was not fatal at the beginning, but it was a fire on the huge hull. Soon the fire was under control, and the Japanese did not take it seriously.

From the time the first aircraft attacked, the last remaining aircraft in the US fleet left. About 45 minutes passed. In this attack, the US and German air teams lost more than 90 aircrafts of various types. The rate is nearly 80%! However, their achievements can be described as brilliant. After facing the interception of more than 80 Japanese aircraft, the US and German fleets successfully sunk an aircraft carrier, inflicted 2 heavy losses and injured 1 ship. Among the four aircraft carriers, only the Flying Dragon still maintains a certain aviation capability. When the strength of the United States and Germany are exhausted, it is also time for the Japanese to launch an attack. But before launching an attack, Betty must find a way to solve the problem of where the first batch of planes will land...

"Telegraph to the first wave of attacking fleets, so that all aircraft will immediately return to the Talau Islands. The fleet is no longer able to contain aircraft." Betty ordered. Although the Flying Dragon still retains some aviation capabilities, theoretically the remaining deck length is sufficient for attack. The plane landed, but think about it, there is a big hole with a diameter of more than 4 meters at the back of the deck. How unreliable it is to land like this, and repairs will take time. Therefore, Betty can only reluctantly give up the first wave of attack aircraft groups and let them fly to the Talaw Islands.

"Send the Flying Eagle to ask them to immediately prepare for the second wave of attacks." Betty said.

"Launch the second wave of attacks? The Americans have already won this time. They have lost more than 80% of the combat effectiveness of the aircraft carrier of the entire combined fleet. A single aircraft carrier attack is not enough to threaten the opponent." A Japanese navy officer said.

"I feel that we made a mistake, a very serious mistake. We overestimated the strength of the US aircraft carrier detachment. Their number and combat effectiveness should be much lower than ours. If they have 3 complete aircraft carriers, then you think Now, more than an hour has passed since the enemy's attack began. It stands to reason that their second wave of aircraft groups should have entered our search range. But where are they now? No more! Until now, None of their fleets appeared, and the possibility of losing their targets was ruled out. It can only be said that the Americans did not have a second wave, and they did their best in the first wave!"

"Think about it, if the Americans are really as strong as we thought, then why did they use an air carrier as a decoy? The Americans may only have 5 aircraft carriers, and they were sunk off the island of Tarragon. 2 ships were damaged, 1 was hit hard, and the fleets of the other 2 aircraft carriers were also damaged. Therefore, they could only use various tactics to distract and confuse us, and then try their best to make a wave. We were indeed hit hard, but they were the same. Almost all aviation power has been exhausted!"

Betty said with a wry smile, telling the truth, this time Betty feels that she has been swiped by her opponent once again, but with a good hand, she has lost her advantage for various reasons! But Betty thinks he still has a chance to hit backhand, at least, he wants to know whether his guess is accurate!

The flying eagle itself has also been traumatized. The so-called aviation capability is only an aircraft that can release about 70% of the previous normal wave, and it can only be released but not recovered. Considering the loss of the aircraft, the flying eagle can release this time. 24 carrier-based aircraft are good, if Betty's idea is wrong, then this wave is really sent.

"Our situation will not be worse. It is still early and the enemy cannot lose us. Therefore, if the opponent is really as strong as we thought before, we will lose the war today, and if they are just bluffing If it is, then we can at least recover some of the losses today, don't you think?" Betty's last sentence still dispelled the Japanese's suspicion. As Betty said, the situation is really bad now!

At this moment, a telegram forwarded from the Talaw Islands regained the confidence of the Japanese. Just 20 minutes ago, the twin-engine bomber that took off from the Talaw Islands finally found the position of another US aircraft carrier detachment. Two aircraft carriers, and one of them is the German Zeppelin aircraft carrier!

"Well, all questions have been resolved. The Americans only have two intact aircraft carriers, and they have released almost all of their aircraft in the previous battle. Our victory is right in sight." Betty let out a sigh of relief, not only Only his counterattack plan was passed. Another reason is that the other three aircraft carriers of the Japanese fleet were finally saved, and this war can continue!

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