The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2779: Bait One

   It is said that there are 100 Hamlets in the eyes of a hundred people. Although the judgment of the situation in the war is not so exaggerated, in the eyes of the Japanese Navy and the Japanese Air Force, the information obtained by the same destroyer deployment is different. The Japanese Navy believes that this is a preparation for the US Navy to use the destroyer to give it a go, while the Japanese Air Force thinks it is a preparation for the US fleet's air defense operations...

   "Open all the smoke cans, the seaplane is ready to release smoke!" With the order, more than 60 warships in the US fleet began to release smoke. This is definitely the most spectacular smoke effect in naval history! A cloud of smoke gushes out of the smoke canister. The smoke spreads in the air and then joins together to form a fog wall that stretches for several kilometers. This is definitely an action that has been planned for a long time. The Americans fully considered the wind direction and heading. The problem, in just a few minutes, the entire U.S. fleet was covered by a thick layer of thick fog. Even in the air tens of kilometers away, you can see a cloud like a cloud on the sea. The heavy smoke not only blocked the sight of the Japanese fleet, but also blinded the Japanese bombers!

"Our eyes are dark. We never thought we would encounter such a situation. This time, the Americans not only released smoke from battleships, but even seaplanes pulled out smoke strips over the fleet, which made the smoke. Soon it spread to an area 500 meters above the fleet. We could only see some ship shadows in the gap of the smoke. We could not even determine whether the ship shadow below was a battleship or a destroyer. All attack plans were in this sudden change. It’s meaningless to change downwards. If we drop the bomb at this time, it’s tantamount to blindly hitting with our eyes closed, and the torpedo machine cannot easily launch an attack. A cloud of smoke has formed hundreds of meters around the US fleet. Some daring guys ran into the wall, but they found nothing. At least 3 torpedo planes were lost during the attempt. It may be because the smoke was too large, which caused the pilot to make a mistake in the altitude judgment and fell directly into the sea. The anti-aircraft firepower of the United States is also unable to play a role, but in this case, the Americans do not need anti-aircraft firepower." said a Japanese pilot who participated in the air strike.

   Not only is the Japanese Air Force a little stunned, even Betty is a little dizzy, because he has not seen so many naval battles! To tell the truth, the Americans can be considered innovative this time, reaching a new level in firework special effects! In fact, the operation of releasing smoke if it can't be defeated has occurred very early, and it is not uncommon in wars. A naval battle will definitely not end without releasing it several times. But this time, I have to say that the Americans really played tricks, just like Ruprecht's special camouflage in the Norwegian Sea Battle!

In the past, when a destroyer released smoke, the smoke screen spread slowly and was very uneven. It could only block most of the horizontal view. It was useful for aerial reconnaissance aircraft, but when a seaplane was involved in releasing smoke, then The view over the fleet is also completely obscured, and the Americans must have done a lot of deductions before. The height of the smoke released from the air is very tricky, just at the height of the bomber! So, this is really embarrassing!

   "What's the situation? What does the U.S. fleet want? Do they expect to use smoke to cover their retreat?" Hayao Shimamura looked anxiously at the smoke in front of him and said, the smoke can't be released forever, the Japanese navy can actually afford it. But the point is that the Japanese Air Force can’t afford to wait. For this air strike, the Japanese Joint Fleet has bought "one-way tickets" for these aircraft. Even so, these bombers are still not staying in the air above the theater for long enough. The Japanese fleet can wait for one Do it in hours, but most Japanese bombers and torpedo planes can't afford to wait! Once the time exceeds a certain point, the Japanese attack aircraft must throw all the ammunition down!

"The situation is not easy." Betty's two eyebrows are twisted together. He does not know how long the smoke of the US fleet will last. He is not even sure whether the US fleet will use the cover of the smoke to launch against the Japanese fleet. Assault, this is a multiple choice question with only two options, and it is difficult for Betty to make a choice!

As the smoke spread, the entire battlefield quickly fell silent. The US fleet stopped shooting early, and the Japanese fleet's naval guns stopped roaring. Dozens of Japanese twin bombers hovered in the air, like hungry vultures. They were looking for prey, but found nothing. With the passage of time, many of them finally couldn’t wait. This was not only because of fuel problems, but also because of psychological problems. Under tremendous pressure, they tried to launch adventurous attacks. !

"The Japanese are really calm. I thought that Japanese bombers would throw bombs indiscriminately. On the Western Front and in the Mediterranean, many British pilots usually do this when they encounter sudden changes." Ma Jifen Said. Although the situation in the sky cannot be clearly seen, the seaplane has been in communication with the fleet.

"We can't wait any to the current wind direction and the amount of smoke released, we will run out of smoke in 20 minutes at most. We have to force the Japanese to attack, so we need bait "Sims said decisively. A few seconds later, Sims gave his most correct command in this battle!

   "Order the Second Armored Cruiser Squadron to attack!" Sims said.

"Okay, Commander, they will definitely live up to their mission!" Majifen said. The Second Armored Cruiser Squadron is the weakest in the entire U.S. main fleet. It consists of three old-fashioned armored cruisers. They have only one purpose. , That is, as a bomb magnet, a target for the Japanese land-based aviation team, a reason to drop bombs and torpedoes!

   As for whether the target of the attack is super fearless? The Japanese Air Force, which is already in a state of impatience, may not have enough time to think about this problem. On one side, there is not much fuel left in the tank, and on the other side is a large warship that suddenly emerged. (Even the former fearless armored cruisers, the displacement of these warships is more than 15,000 tons.) Then most of the Japanese air forces will naturally attack!

A few minutes later, the armored cruiser Juno suddenly rushed out of the smoke. Half of its slender hull was exposed to the Japanese fleet's vision. This was undoubtedly a huge temptation for the Japanese bomber forces that had been waiting for a long time. Without much thought, at least a dozen dive bombers and torpedo planes roared towards this battleship that seemed to be out of smoke protection because of a navigation error!

   The second one is more~~~! Please subscribe for a reward~~~!

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