The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2803: Blackwing Knights One

"Dear knights who are loyal to the Hohenzollern family and the Empire, I, Prince William, on behalf of the Royal Family and the Governor-General of Poland, welcome you! Here, we will witness the arrival of a historical moment, and we will relive us In the past oath, the nobles should be loyal to the royal family, and the royal family protected the nobles!” In the Governor’s Mansion of the Polish Governors’ District of the Kingdom of Prussia, facing hundreds of nobles and officers from East Prussia and other places, Prince William filled with The words of passion and bewitching stood on a high platform to speak.

"I have always believed that the Junker nobles and the Imperial Corps are the fundamental forces for the rise and development of the German Empire. We and your predecessors have risen in the dense forests and plains of East Prussia. We defeated the Poles, defeated Napoleon, and The Prussian Black Hawk flag was hoisted throughout the entire German Empire! In the end, we excluded Austria from the imperial system, and even the Southern States, which had been independent for hundreds of years, finally succumbed to the imperial scepter. Next, this is the result of our joint efforts!"

"We have protected each other until now! Together we challenged the most powerful enemy and suppressed all opponents. Under the guidance of the royal family, our sabers are invincible! We are the masters of the new world. However, external enemies have not defeated us. However, the traitors within the empire almost left us dead! After a lot of fighting, with your support, we have at least saved a considerable part of our interests."

"However, we should see that the current empire is no longer our previous empire! The authority of Hohenzollern's imperial power has declined drastically, your vital interests have been violated, and those upstarts wield big sticks to show off before us! Those speculators and the pagans in the south are eyeing the empire! Once upon a time, the empire based on the Hohenzollern family and the Junker nobles and the Protestant faith was so united and powerful! Now, we only have it. A soft government, Berlin wants to do something, it depends on the face of others! This is a shame for us all for hundreds of years! We won the war but lost the power!"

"Everyone! I want to ask you, should we take back everything we lost?" Prince William said loudly.

"Yes! The glory of the Junker nobles and the sanctity of imperial power should not be violated!" The audience shouted loudly.

"Are you willing to unite with me, the prince of the Hohenzollern family, the future emperor, and the head of the family?" the prince said again.

"Our sword will be swayed for you, and our blood will be swayed for you! Everything is for the empire!" The atmosphere in the audience reached a climax!

"I, first of all, on behalf of the royal family and myself, thank you for your allegiance. I promise that in the future all people and your family will be rewarded! And now, all of you are members of the Blackwing Knights. In the future, the Black Wing Knights will replace the Black Hawk Knights as the top existence of the empire! As a testimony to this sacred contract, as a response to your kindness, everything will be in a few days It later proved that starting from me, starting from the Polish Governor's District, this place will become our common home!" Amidst cheers and applause, the crown prince completed this important speech for him!

The carnival lasted until 11:30 in the evening, and after all activities were over, the crown prince did not rest. In an office in the Governor's Mansion, the crown prince and his staff were discussing the future.

"It seems that the father is still biased towards me." The crown prince muttered to himself in front of the huge German map in the office. After the war, the new territory of the Kingdom of Prussia was mainly composed of four parts. Poland belonged to the former Prussia and part of the later Belarusian region constituted the current Polish Governor’s District. This area covers an area of ​​40,000 square kilometers, including the former Russia. It belongs to the northern part of Poland and Warsaw. This place was eventually handed over to the Crown Prince to rule by the Kaiser.

There is also a Governor's District, the Baltic Governor's District, which is located further to the north and is handed over to the management of Prince Albert, the brother of the crown prince. The third area is the eastern border area, which is mainly the border area with Russia. Because of the hostile relationship between the two countries, it was handed over to Mackensen. To be honest, Mackensen had some issues with the German emperor. After the fallout, this famous general in the war should have been at home. But I don't know how the Bavarian Kingdom in the south operated, and eventually it remained in the army and was responsible for the military and political affairs of a military district.

As for the last area, the Transcaucasus region belongs to the Kingdom of Prussia, where there are rich products. But this part was firmly grasped by the German Emperor, and no one gave it! The person stationed there is the former German Prime Minister Holweger! One of the most loyal servants of the Kaiser.

For this result, the crown prince was quite satisfied. The Transcaucasus region is too far from the German core. Although there are products, they are not familiar with the land and cannot cultivate their own strength. The economic conditions in the eastern border area are terrible, and they have to face a certain degree of military pressure. is not suitable for their own development. Although the Baltic Governorate's district is not smaller than its own, it also has ethnic problems, and it is still a bit far from Berlin, and its economic and infrastructure conditions are not as good as its own Polish Governor's District.

Take a look at the pocket kingdom in my hands now. It has a larger area than the kingdom of Württemberg before the war, with sound infrastructure and good agricultural development. After all, this is part of the Bode Plain. Industry can also be considered, because this is also an important heavy industry base in Russia. And to the north is East Prussia, the land of the Longxing family of the Hohenzollern family! Some nobles have full interest in the land and resources of the Polish Governorate, and the crown prince can use his power to provide them with convenience in exchange for their loyalty!

The coup d'état during the war left a deep impression on the crown prince! The body can be said to be scars. When the entire Hohenzollern royal family believed that they were determined to win and were ready to enter a new peak, the Social Democratic coup almost made their crown fall. In the eyes of the crown prince, there are too many people. Betrayed them! The frontline officers, parliament and government, and southern Bavaria, one counts one! They are all falling behind! This incident made the crown prince extremely insecure! He has never been so paranoid about the power and strength held by his opponents like now!

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