The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2806: Wild

"And the different positions of you and the Grand Duke will also bring about differences. Your Excellency is in power. He is the supreme ruler of the Grand Duchy of Baden. He does not have to please anyone in the Grand Duchy. He is the Grand Duchy, so he is more He likes to develop in a way that promotes the entire country, and he values ​​domestic political stability. He doesn't like to provoke confrontation to gather the hearts of a certain group of people. And you are different, you have not yet put on the crown. "The old earl's words express his attitude very vaguely. He somewhat disagreed with what the crown prince did. His decades of experience made him understand that the power that seemed to be the easiest to gain was the easiest to lose.

"I can understand and support you for doing this now, but you must not indulge in it. As you said, this is just a stopgap measure and will be changed in the future!" The old count emphasized.

"The premise is that I can have a future! I can have a future!" His face was full of anger and helplessness. "Perhaps, now, only you and a few people can still regard me as a crown prince. The last two years are definitely the darkest moment in my life. I have been betrayed, betrayed from outside and from within. The Social Democratic Party launched a coup, and the officer corps was hesitating at a critical moment. Bavaria was sitting on the sidelines to reap the benefits of the fishermen! When everything subsided, the family also doubted and questioned me! Father decided to support my brother as a backup! Grand Duke Deng gave up his support for me for his own personal gain. I am just an honorary crown prince! Who knows that in the future, my father will use a paper edict to destroy me!"

"Then I will be the first crown prince to be abolished in the German Empire. They will mock me, insult me, and call me a trash! I will never allow this to happen! I will use everything. Way to stop!" Then, the crown prince looked at the old count and said: "Help me, Malwitz, help me, you will become the next Bismarck, and the relationship between us is like my grandfather and Prince Bismarck. Relationship!"

"I'm old, and I don't have much desire for power." The old count said: "But my duty will still allow me to offer you loyalty and wisdom. Complaints and anger cannot solve any problems. If I can, I I hope we will discuss some more realistic things, such as the attitude of His Majesty the Emperor to you and Prince Albert, and what we should do in the future. What do you think?"

"Listen carefully," the crown prince said.

"First of all, I need to clarify that you think that His Majesty is more inclined to your younger brother between you and Prince Albert. This is a wrong judgment. Think about it, if His Majesty is really inclined to Albert In the words of Prince Te, then why did you come to the Polish Governor’s District instead of him? No matter from any aspect, the Polish Governor’s House is better than the Baltic Governor’s District. It is closer to the German mainland and close to it. East Prussia. It’s the place where the Hohenzollern family’s Longxing is located. Compared to the Baltic region far away from the mainland and unfamiliar with people, your location is really superior."

"Secondly, to be honest, everything you have done is somewhat out of the ordinary." At this point, the old earl paused, because he really couldn't think of more mild words. Some of the things the crown prince did can make you always inclined. His Grand Duke of Baden was very dissatisfied. This is no longer beyond description!

"You don't really think that His Majesty the Kaiser does not know these things, do you? Even the Grand Duke of Baden knows it. His Majesty can only know better! And he has not issued any opinions now, I am afraid that there is no other explanation besides shelter Right?" the old count said.

"Maybe my father just wanted to make an excuse, and he would launch it when he thought the time was right," said the crown prince.

"This conflicts with the first point I said. Your Majesty, if your majesty is just looking for an excuse, then it is undoubtedly the best choice to arrange you to the Baltic Governorate, because the situation there is a hundred times more complicated than here. It couldn’t be easier to find something wrong, and next to you is the border governorate of Mackensen. General Mackensen is loyal to the Kaiser and has the most combat-ready regiment in the entire Kingdom of Prussia. You have no chance at all. Yes!" the old count said solemnly.

"Then what is the purpose of father putting Albert there? Everyone, whether it is the emperor himself, the Grand Duke of Baden, Holweger or my father-in-law, they all told me bluntly that in the future of the German Empire Upper Prince Albert will be a very important part. For the power upstart of tomorrow, how could his father be in danger without protection? You know, before him, no prince has ever received his treatment." The prince's tone was very gentle, but he still had a bit of resentment towards the emperor.

"You are not the same as him. You grew up in the court, at the core of Berlin's power. You have been learning royal power for decades. What you are good at is the overall grasp of the country's political situation. You are not dealing with a certain thing. Things. But Prince Albert is different. From the beginning of his liaison and coordination with, he is dealing with specific things. I have to say, in dealing with specific things. Prince Albert is more experienced than you. His Majesty the Emperor is indeed ready to reuse Prince Albert, but his positioning is different from yours. He allows you to stay in Poland so that you can maintain contact with the old Prussia and stay in Poland This relatively well-governed place gradually becomes familiar with government affairs. It allows you to maintain a sense of presence in the center and the place."

"And what about Prince Albert? He was sent to the Baltic Governorate, far away from the center. Even if Prince Albert had certain ideas, it would be difficult to realize it. Politically, it is difficult for him to get to the next level, but if If he can maintain the stability of the Baltic Governorate and make some achievements, then he will still have the opportunity to serve as a minister in the future. And to say a bad thing, except for Prince Albert, who can the Emperor let him serve as this? What about the governors of important regions? There is actually no essential conflict between you and Prince Albert. You are the future emperor, and the prince is the future prime minister. Your relationship is somewhat similar to that of the king of Bavaria and his brother." Said the old count.

"What about you? If Albert is the prime minister, then what do you do?" the crown prince asked.

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