The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2831: Meet one

"I really didn't expect your Excellency to come to Vienna to visit me personally. I've always been ready to visit your mansion in Bavaria or Prussia." Seeing the old friend who is still energetic. Kemal himself was a little haggard.

"Don't take it to heart, I just drop by." Von Seckert said.

"By the way? As a Bavarian officer, your Excellency actually stopped by to Vienna. This really surprised me." Kemal said thoughtfully. His heart is not as calm as the surface. The reason is as he said, what is the reason for a German officer to drop by to Vienna? This excuse is not normal! If von Seckert had not deceived himself.

"The territories and strategic scope of the empire has expanded beyond Europe. Africa, the Middle East and even South Asia are the focus of the empire. So as a German soldier, I must be prepared to serve overseas." Kurt said with a smile.

"Overseas?" Kemal's head began to turn quickly, Africa? Well, there may be something wrong in Africa, but it won't happen that senior generals like von Seckert will lead the way, right? As far as the fighting power of the indigenous Africans is concerned, a school-level officer can be settled, right? Did Seckett used to be on vacation? Obviously impossible!

South Asia? The Germans have a colony called Ceylon in South Asia. But a governor has already been appointed there, and that governor is also a soldier, and von Seckert used to have no reason at all. And if neither of these two places go, then combined with the current situation, there is only one place where von Seekert can go, and that is the Mesopotamia! That's right, this is it! Here, the Germans can get 6 million tons of oil production every year! The rebellion and turmoil obviously affected the income of the Germans. In this case, it is only natural for the Germans to ask for the stationing of troops in the oil field and along the road. The Turkish government, whether it is Sudan or Leta, who controls the Mesopotamia Pasha could not refuse!

And what does it mean if the German army is stationed in a large number of Mesopotamia? Once the situation in Turkey really gets out of control, then Germany can completely occupy the Mesopotamia and take it as its own! The land is fertile and the oil resources are abundant. Kemal can't think of a reason for the Germans to give up! And this is undoubtedly tantamount to dismembering Turkey!

"I know you want to ask my whereabouts. This matter should have been kept secret, but considering that we may need your help, I can tell you that I will be the commander of the Bavarian Corps in Mesopotamia because the kingdom is here. There are important assets, and it seems that your government has been unable to maintain the situation, so for the benefit of the empire, we can only send troops to station directly." Von Seckert said with a trace of regret on his face.

Is von Seckert really going to serve as the commander of the so-called Bavarian Corps in Mesopotamia? Naturally impossible! At least this is the case now, because the crown prince has already said very clearly that only after Turkey has experienced an unforgettable civil unrest from top to bottom, will they examine German friendship and assistance, and will completely break with the Americans, and now , The situation is far from what the crown prince expected, and now it's nowhere! Even this corps hasn't even started preparing for its establishment!

However, this does not prevent von Seckert from using this as an excuse to threaten Kemal! Kemal did not know the plan of Crown Prince Ruprecht. From Kemal's point of view, Ruprecht had a good reason to do this and he had enough ability. Because no one in Turkey can reject Ruprecht! Not even the two Pashas who are pro-American! It is very difficult for the Germans to completely quell the unrest in Turkey, but if they only want to take a share of the broken Turkey, it couldn't be easier! And once Germany enters, in the future, even if Turkey establishes a new government, it will be almost impossible to regain its own territory!

"No! You can't do this, you are splitting Turkey! I will never allow this to happen! We are still allies! This is against morality!" Kemal exclaimed.

"Kemal, you are no longer the Marshal of the Ottoman Empire, so I don’t want to talk to you about the relationship between the two countries. Let’s talk about you personally. As a comrade-in-arms who once fought with us in Asia Minor, you should It is very clear how much the empire, especially the Kingdom of Bavaria, paid in Asia Minor. We came from afar and fought fierce battles with the British and French forces, and drove them away from the land of Asia Minor. After the war, we gave your country in accordance with the agreement. Due benefit."

"Well, then, I would like to ask, why are you helping the United States with the Mesopotamia issue? Don’t you know the potential conflict between the two countries? Don’t you know that the Americans have ideas about Turkey? Before you do In these things, why didn’t you think that we were allies? We used to fight together? The reasons you chose at the beginning are also applicable to the current empire. We are all for our own interests, when the situation is irreversible. , We must be prepared." Von Seckert said.

"No, the situation can be restored. As long as your country is willing to help, I believe that Turkey can still turn the crisis into and if the empire can be preserved, then I think we can provide sufficient compensation for your country." Kemal said excitedly. He now thoroughly wants to understand that the Germans just want Turkey to be their little brother, and the United States is letting Turkey die! In this case, it's clear who should be confused with!

"Kemal, my friend, I hope you can calm down. The price to be paid to help Turkey restore order is too high. We cannot do business at a loss. This is not like we save you personally. A price of several million marks will do. You ask us to save a country, and the price we need to pay is in the hundreds of millions, and we must be prepared to bear tens of thousands of casualties! This is impossible."

"And, don't you think it was funny when you made this request to me? You are now a person abandoned by the Sudan, and you are infamous. You have nothing now and can't represent anyone. Even if we really want to save Turkey, we can also discuss this matter with the Sultan of Turkey instead of looking for you. So, I am here today and we will only talk about personal matters. Is it okay not to talk about state affairs?” Von Seckert said.

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