The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2855: Aviation advantage?

"So what? We still have a huge advantage. We have 8 first-line fleet aircraft carriers and 1 training aircraft carrier. What about the Japanese? According to our estimates, they had 5 aircraft carriers before the Sulawesi Sea War. One ship was sunk during the war. There are four remaining. Taking into account the training of pilots and daily rotation, there should be only three aircraft carriers that the Japanese can fight at the same time. Even if one ship is replenished through some means, it is only four. . Although, I don’t think that our battleship squadron can suppress the Japanese under the same strength, but in terms of aircraft carriers, I think we still have a huge advantage.” Sims said indifferently.

As for the Sulawesi Sea War, is there any positive spiritual blessing for the US Navy? That's for sure. At least the US Navy believes that after the repeated baptism of the Japanese land-based bomber force and carrier-based aircraft force, the US Navy believes that its carrier-based aircraft air defense performance is still very high. Hardly resisting Japanese land-based bombers near Taragen Island, and then using a semi-aircraft carrier to fight against four Japanese aircraft carriers and also to kill one aircraft when fighting Japanese carrier-based aircraft forces is also good enough. Although there is indeed a subtle tactical arrangement, the Americans believe that if the two sides fight with similar strengths on paper, the combat effectiveness of the American aircraft carrier should be stronger than that of the Japanese.

Of course, if you analyze it carefully, there are still some problems. First of all, the air defense firepower of the US Navy aircraft carrier squadron is indeed relatively strong. There are two reasons. The first reason is that the hardware itself is good, and the large number of anti-control anti-aircraft artillery and primary The fire control of the warship itself makes the warship's air defense firepower very strong, and the number of carrier-based aircraft carried by the US aircraft carrier is also relatively large. In this case, at least in terms of quantity, it is indeed sufficient. Second, the American pilots who participated in the battle were also considered elite, with at least 800 hours of training and more than 400 hours of combat experience. These people cannot be overkill at this time in modern times.

However, if you analyze carefully, you will find that in the successive battles in the Sulawesi Sea, the performance of the US Navy's carrier-based aircraft force can be described as good, but at the same time, the role of the German carrier-based aircraft force cannot be ignored. In the air battle on Taragen Island, the German Navy actually shared nearly 40% of the air defense pressure. In the subsequent confrontation with the Japanese aircraft carrier, more than 60% of the aircraft group responsible for the naval attack were German carrier-based aircraft units. In the first aircraft carrier battle after the end of this war, the U.S. Navy almost did not undertake the task of attacking ships. Therefore, the Americans can indeed say that the Japanese aircraft carrier performed worse in the sea attack, but would you say that the US naval aircraft carrier has a stronger ability to attack the sea than the Japanese navy? Haha, this is inconclusive, you almost didn't participate anyway, who knows!

How should I put it, the US Navy aircraft carrier squadron is a bit like a squad of posters. When watching others fight, I can find a lot of problems and feel that I am very strong, but when I am on board, I am not as good as others! Apart from other things, at least the Japanese Navy can concentrate 4 aircraft carriers and launch a very organized and super large-scale attack fleet. This is its own ability. If you let the US Navy do it, they may not be able to do well in actual combat conditions!

In the documents of the German Navy, Raidel and others mentioned that perhaps the Japanese navy’s carrier-based aircraft forces still have many problems at the tactical level, but they are correct to concentrate a large number of aircraft carriers to use multi-carrier joint attacks, which is better than the Americans. It is emphasized that the method of concentrating the strength of a single or two aircraft carriers to make a full-deck attack is much more advanced.

Therefore, the Germans’ conclusion is very simple. If the number of aircraft carriers on both sides is two, the Americans may have the advantage, because the Americans have more aircraft on a single carrier, and the Americans’ deck operations are indeed powerful, which can be done in the shortest time. Prepare as many aircraft as possible, and the coordination problem between the two aircraft carriers is easier to solve. Therefore, relying on the advantages of fast reconditioning and more aircraft, the Americans should be able to gain an advantage in the aircraft carrier duel.

But if the number of aircraft carriers at war between the two sides rises to 4 or more, then the situation is different. As the number of aircraft carriers increases, the proportion of tactical coordination between different aircraft carriers increases, and the release time is too long because of the full deck attack. Long, because of the increasing complexity of coordination between different aircraft carrier groups, the American attack group will appear intermittent, which is a bit of a tactical meaning. There is no Japanese feeling like a wave of A, so in this case, the combat effectiveness of the US Navy's aircraft carrier detachment will be weaker than that of the Japanese Navy.

Of course, this is only a qualitative analysis. If it is quantitative, the situation is much more complicated. After all, the attack effect is affected by various factors. In addition to the strength of the offensive side, the defense situation of the defending side is also a reason. In fact, the Japanese shipboard The combat effectiveness of the fighter force is still very good. The only problem is that the number of Japanese navy's carrier-based aircraft is too small, resulting in a small number of fighters... The Japanese fleet’s air defense firepower is clearly at least one grade worse than that of the Americans.

So in the end, in the opinion of the Germans, under the same strength, the aviation combat capabilities of the United States and Japan are actually half a catastrophe, while the Americans believe that they have a huge advantage. Of course, in terms of the overall size of the aircraft carrier squadron, the Americans naturally have an obvious advantage.

"Do you have any thoughts on the aircraft carrier squadron?" Magifen asked.

"I propose to divide the aircraft carrier detachment into two groups. The first group is used for the battle on the island of New Guinea, with experienced officers and soldiers. After all, the army has just occupied Various constructions have just begun. During this period of time, we need to provide aviation support for the army, and at the same time use the mobility of the aircraft carrier to intercept and kill Japanese transport ships in the nearby waters.” Sims said.

"The Japanese ships in the nearby waters are all British ships." Ma Jifen said in a soft or hard way.

"Although the White House has restrictions, we can adjust them according to the needs of the battlefield. Food and the like are hard to say, but as long as weapons, ammunition or other certain military supplies are found, we can confiscate the ship in order to allow the children of the United States We bleed less, I am willing to take this risk." Sims said firmly.

"Well, Sims, I respect you as a man." Ma Jifen complimented: "What about another group of aircraft carriers?"

"Another group of aircraft carriers and the main force of the fleet act together. Let them train first, and then let them face the Japanese combined fleet after they gradually adapt to the cruel battlefield." Sims said.

The third one is here~~~! Please subscribe for a reward~~~!
