The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2901: Please enter the Urn One

Does the Kaiser know about the private meeting between the Grand Duke of Baden and the Crown Prince? It is naturally known, but the experienced Kaiser did not tell this matter. What use is it? Directly intensify the contradiction between the two sides? Shows the terrible environment in the Kingdom of Prussia? If Prince Albert wanted to tell the prince about this to alert the other party, and the prince knew that this matter might go violently, then the emperor wanted to quell the dissatisfaction from allies and cover up the matter first.

Before the prince’s visit, the Kaiser told the Prince of Baden that the Grand Duchy of Baden could not participate in this action against Turkey. This was actually a gesture of favor. On other occasions, the Kaiser also implied that the personal behavior of the crown prince did not represent the Kaiser, and the Grand Duchy of Baden could ignore it. Of course, it is inconvenient for the Kaiser to speak directly about the subsequent behavior. After all, the Kaiser still has certain confidence in the crown prince and does not want to bring too bad influence.

In fact, the Kaiser also did a lot of paving the way for the crown prince to lead a visit to Bavaria this time. Before that, the Kaiser had confirmed through his own channels many times that Ruprecht could indeed give up his dominance in the Middle East Right, when the crown prince finally said that as long as the crown prince was "not excessive". The crown prince will not attack the crown prince on certain matters, and then the emperor finally decided to let the crown prince go. The so-called pitiful parents in the world, the emperor has done a lot on this issue.

Of course, there is a problem that the Kaiser overlooked, and that is, in these letters, the Kaiser did not specify how he would do it. Because the Kaiser also felt that this matter was not difficult. However, in the memorandum of this meeting, it was stated that in order to ensure the smooth progress of the plan, the Crown Prince needed to consult Crown Prince Ruprecht about the plan!

"His Royal Highness, Berlin has issued a note. The delegation led by His Royal Highness Prince William will arrive in Munich two days later to contact us on the transfer of Middle Eastern affairs." Earl Schelling told Crown Prince Ruprecht Report.

"I know, get ready for work. This time, a crown prince of Prussia, a prince with real power and a prime minister are here. This is a very high standard." The crown prince nodded and said.

"His Royal Highness, I do not understand why you gave up your dominance in Middle Eastern affairs at a critical moment. We have been preparing for this for several years and paid a huge price. We helped Kemal escape from death for the sake of Middle Eastern affairs. For his family’s safe departure, we paid hundreds of millions of marks in arms, isn’t it just to shape a new Turkey according to our wishes? Now, when we are about to reap the fruits of victory, you give up , Watching the Kaiser destroy the previous plan, and then came up with a plan that can be described as crude. This is simply a shame to me!" Earl Schelling said bitterly, and the words were rarely radical. .

"I gave up the plan?" Ruprecht put down the book in his hand, and then looked at the red-faced subordinate with interest. "Everything is in progress. If I remember correctly, according to our plan, Marshal Kemal should be in Munich within a week?"

"But we have already announced that we have given up our dominance, and some preparations are indeed going on, but I don’t know the significance of these things! As long as we declare that we agree to let the Kaiser to lead this matter, then even if we join, we will only end up Give us some symbolic rewards. Instead of doing this, we might as well not participate. Anyway, the Kaiser also guaranteed our previous interests." Count Schelling said.

"I'm only temporarily giving them the dominance of Middle Eastern affairs. Believe me, the things I have spent so much trouble to arrange are impossible to solve so easily. Why did I plan for more than 2 years before finally launching? The plan is only 80% certain, and the plan made by the Kaiser hastily will succeed?" the crown prince asked with a smile, his words full of confidence.

"But if your plan has such a high probability of success, why don't we implement it ourselves and temporarily give it to the Kaiser? This logically does not make sense." Earl Schelling said.

"When I do anything, I always attach great importance to cost. In fact, this plan is a bit huge. It may be risky to rely on our family’s investment alone. You know, we cannot fail, and the empire does not allow failure. So we must prepare more, and the Kaiser is unwilling to join us, so what should we do? Naturally, we must find a way to get them in."

"There is an idiom in the East called please enter the urn. We all understand that the Kaiser was jealous of Turkey's resources and market. The only thing that restricted them was investment and share. They wanted to get the biggest piece! So they gave us at the center. Set up barriers. That’s good. Now, we give them the leadership and let them do it first. The Kaiser’s level is limited, but some preliminary work can also be done, such as dealing with the rebels to stabilize the situation in Asia Minor. Still no problem. In this way, they are doing things for us, because they don’t prescribe the most critical thing!"

"The so-called one who travels a hundred miles is half and ninety. The Kaiser’s actions will eventually fall into trouble in This kind of dilemma is not determined by the military, but by the political and domestic environment. On the surface, The Kaiser gained an advantage, but he could not solve this problem fundamentally. Then there was a long time of fighting and consumption. You can compare it to the situation during the Boer War. It was of that kind. Great wars almost never happened, but guerrilla warfare was endless. Kind of. Actually, the Boer War was only a few months away, but the entire war was delayed for 2 years. The British spent 200 million pounds in military expenditures for this! And the Americans just wanted us to fall into this state!"

"However, people may go to extremes when they are in a hurry, and the country may go to extremes when they are in a hurry. Therefore, the German army may take some very bad measures in Turkey. The final result may affect the relationship between the two countries in the next ten years. But this can't solve the problem. When the Kaiser realized that the contribution is not proportional to the reward, he would consider giving up. We can jokingly call it cutting meat!" At this point, the crown prince smiled slightly.

"So, after the Kaiser has done most of the things, in the face of an unresolvable deadlock, we will regain the dominance of the Middle East?" Earl Schelling asked. "Then I want to know, where are our cards?"

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