The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 2902: Please enter the Urn II

First of all, we will arrange an excellent leader for Turkey. He is well-respected in Turkey and will be more easily recognized by the army and the people! He will be more comfortable in dealing with Turkey’s internal issues. After all, the Turkish people don’t like them whether it is a decadent Sultan or Pasha. If a former national hero returns in high profile at this time, it will be very useful for us to stabilize the Turkish political situation. Significance. "

"Secondly, we planted a bomb in Persia! Only we have the fuse to detonate this bomb! No one else! It will be the key to our solution to the Persian problem. With the help of Reza Khan, we will move from the Transcaucasus and the Caspian Sea. Dispatched, you can quickly control the northern part of Persia, and then stage the ties between Russia and Persia. Once the ties between Russia and the Americans are broken, then all problems are solved. We fundamentally cut off the influence of foreign forces, and we We have chosen suitable leaders for the two countries. In the end, as long as we are more flexible in political and military skills, the Middle East will be completely stabilized."

"From the perspective of expenditure, we may only spend about 30 to 40% of the total, but the ultimate dominance is in our hands! Because Kemal and Reza Khan are definitely more inclined to Bavaria than Prussia. The emperor will pay a lot, but will eventually make us wedding dresses!" The crown prince said with a smile.

"Will there be problems with this plan? For example, things may develop to the point that we can't handle them. After all, we are fighting in two areas with a total population of more than 30 million and an area of ​​4 million square kilometers. I don't doubt. Your ability and judgment, but I am worried that the Kaiser will make things very bad." Count Schelling thought for a while and said.

"I'm naturally prepared for this. It is estimated that the direction chosen by the Kaiser will be Asia Minor and the Balkans, because it is the closest to the German mainland and the most convenient for deploying troops, but in fact, this is not the key to the battle! The most important thing is In the Persian Gulf! As long as we can control the Persian Gulf, then we can retreat and defend the exit of our oilfields and attack the Mesopotamia. And we can directly control most of the Persian coastline, so that we will be stable!” said the crown prince.

From a military point of view, the German army would not have a big problem in fixing the situation in Asia Minor and the Mediterranean coast. After all, it is very close to the starting base, the supply line is relatively short and it is the core of the Sudan-controlled area. However, it is difficult for this kind of control to extend to other regions, especially the two river basins, which are far away, but at the same time it is also a contested place! Therefore, in order to prevent the situation from getting out of control, even Bavaria has to leave a nail in the Mesopotamia, and this nail is Basra!

"The situation is a bit chaotic. In Turkey, the Sultan and Pasha are hostile, and the Persians want to take advantage of the fire during the Turkish civil war. The German Emperor wants to help the Sultan, we must find the right opportunity to get Kemal back to Turkey. All The opposition is our potential enemy." Count Schelling said, he felt that his head was a bit messy, like a bucket of paste!

"Hehe, this is chaotic? The conflict in the Ottoman Empire is definitely more than this, there are also ethnic issues, religious issues, religious and secular issues. There are too many, so this time, the Turkish Empire will inevitably lose some territory. This is not only because Turkey’s domestic power is limited, but also to alleviate internal conflicts,” the crown prince said.

"So what about the Mesopotamia? Do we have needs in the Mesopotamia?" Earl Schelling frowned and said.

"We will control Basra and increase the oil fields and investments in the Mesopotamia. But in any case, we will not directly occupy. Nor will we station regular armed forces in peacetime. We must take care of the emotions and dignity of our allies, whether it is This is true for both Turkey and Persia. In peacetime, we only need economic interests." The crown prince said after a full minute of silence.

"That's a shame. The Mesopotamia brings me more than 3 million tons of fuel every year, and the Tigris and Euphrates rivers have turned this area into fertile soil." Earl Schelling raised his eyes and said regretfully. .

"Yes, some regrets." The crown prince also sighed and said, telling the truth, as a traveler, the crown prince knows how rich the Mesopotamia will be in the future! 3 million tons of fuel oil, 30 million tons of oil is a trivial matter if you develop it! The Mesopotamia is the land flowing with black gold!

But this piece of territory really cannot be taken. The Germans can set up bases and military ports there, can extract oil, and even maintain a certain scale of military presence. However, if such a large area is torn from Turkey's hands forcibly, it is obviously impossible. Yes, because in this way, in the eyes of the entire Turkish society, the personal settings of the savior set by Prince Ruprecht will completely collapse, and the Arabs in the Mesopotamia will not agree with the behavior of the crown prince, so for To prevent exceptions from being not human, Ruprecht’s strategy in Mesopotamia is for Germany to obtain economic benefits. Turkey can keep most of the Mesopotamia, and some areas may become independent. After all, there are a large number of Arabs and Kurds here. People, as for the ultimate independence, or how big the newly established country is, it depends on the capabilities of both parties.

In the eyes of the crown prince, it does not matter if there are contradictions between his younger brothers. It is even permissible to make a seemingly tense situation. Otherwise, there is no contradiction between the younger brothers. How to show the influence of the boss? Take a look at the later generations of the United States to Japan and South Korea, so that there are conflicts between the younger brothers, all begging for themselves, and at the same time ensuring that the fight is not broken. This is the attitude the boss should have. In the future, there can be regional powers in the Middle East, but there must not be only one. Turkey and Persia should maintain a dynamic and stable state. In order to facilitate the empire to maintain sufficient dominance in the Middle East! that is it!

The so-called gains and losses, it is a pirate that just can't get in! The boss who only eats meat on his own and the younger brother cannot drink the soup has no future. Shearing the wool can be done when necessary, but it should not be done too much. Later generations of the United States have already told what to do as a world leader. Therefore, the crown prince never goes too far in doing things.

"Will the Austro-Hungarian Empire directly participate in this operation?" Count Schelling asked at last.

"It will participate in the name of the Kingdom of Bavaria." The crown prince thought for a while and said.

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