The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 321: Italy II

"We and Germany are allies, but we are not the younger brothers of Germany. What's more, we still have various contradictions with Austria-Hungary. Italy is an independent country. Our likes and dislikes should be based on the needs of the kingdom, not Bound by a treaty." King Umberto I said.

; I have to say that historically, the Italian foreign policy is still very good. Although from the German point of view, Prince Ruprecht is very angry at Italy’s betrayal, but this "sacred egoism" "It has indeed benefited Italy a lot. After World War I not only obtained land from France and Austria-Hungary, but also had the same naval tonnage as France.

"The fundamental reason why we signed the Tri-Nation Alliance with Germany and Austria was to balance the influence of Britain and France in the Mediterranean. Italy is an emerging maritime country. The existence of the Mediterranean fleet of France and Britain makes us feel insecure. Under this circumstance In 1887, the fundamental purpose of signing this treaty with Germany and Austria was to give us an extra bargaining chip in our relations with Britain and France."

"Do you know the bargaining chip? It is something that can be used for exchange. We are different from Germany. The contradiction between Germany and France is irreconcilable. The contradiction between Britain and Germany may also intensify over time, but we and Britain and France It is possible to coexist peacefully. So we left a back door in the agreement. The biggest use of this treaty is not to serve as a shield for the Kingdom of Italy, but to force Britain and France to face us squarely, leaving a chance for the improvement of relations between the two sides."

; "I never thought of having **** with the British for Germany and Austria. Never!" Umberto I said.

"The Germans have never treated us as equal partners. Germany and Austria think that we are very weak and even despise us. They have repeatedly prevented our attempts to obtain colonies, and even claim to do so. It will disperse our military power, and now, the Germans are born again to obtain colonies from the Portuguese. This approach is difficult for me to accept!" said the Duke of Abruzzi.

; Italy is called "poor imperialism". This is very reasonable, let alone the first-line imperialism of Britain, France, Germany and Russia. Even the weak Austro-Hungarian chicken can look down upon Italy. Except for several eye-catching performances by the Navy in World War I, the Army did not actually bring much pressure on the Allies...

; But it cannot be denied that Italy has a strong desire to rise from the top to the ordinary people! He even established the world’s third-largest navy. Although this record was broken before it was kept for a few years, the Italians can also say that Lao Tzu was the third elder brother anyway!

In history, after 1903, after the new Italian government began to focus on economic construction, the Italians who had gradually gained money began to get ready again. The Italian navy began to rework a new expansion plan, requiring the naval power to reach France. 60% of the navy, while having a four to three advantage over the Austro-Hungarian Empire! And this kind of eager naval expansionism also quickly infected the people. The famous Italian nationalist poet wrote in his script "Ode to Warships", "Armed to the bow, sailing to the world".

; Imagine that the Germans suddenly acquired a colony of 2 million square kilometers in Africa, but did not let the Italians touch it. In this case, it is no wonder that the Italians are aggrieved.

; "But if we do this, will we anger the Germans?" The Prime Minister was still a little worried.

"We are only neutral, and we are not inclined to either side. What's more, no matter whether it is Portugal, France or Germany, it has nothing to do with us. Germans will not make too many enemies at this critical moment. Of course, if Germany is willing to expand If we can give us some convenient words, we can also support Germany." Umberto I said with deep meaning.

Although pasta has planted a big somersault in Ethiopia and has been honest for many years, what is it called? Wild fire, in spring. Especially this time, the expansion of the Germans once again stimulated Italy. So they set their sights on Africa, but at this time Africa has almost been divided up, Ethiopia is no one to touch, and Libya seems to be a good choice, and now Libya is still the territory of the Ottoman Turkish Empire... .

What made His Royal Highness the prince unexpected is that his actions in Africa actually stimulated the little brother of Italy. What's more unexpected is that the Italian-Turkish War that broke out in 1910 in history is now brewing... ... What is even more unexpected is that a series of changes happen continuously like dominoes!

; The Italian strategy can be said to be correct, after all, for the country, interest and right-handedness are the kingly way, but Italy has made a mistake, or made a mistake frequently, that is an overestimation of its own strength! They tried to exchange German support in the colony with a verbal statement without any cost. The country targeted this time is Turkey.

;If it is historically, Germany’s attitude towards Turkey is ignorant, but now it’s different, because the prince knows that It is Turkey that can really stand with Germany in the end, not 25th and 5th. Aberdeen Italy! How to improve Turkey's power and let him play a greater role in World War I has always been a question for the prince.

; Therefore, in the eyes of the current prince, Turkey is a younger brother who is ready to develop at any time. Now there is the doctrine of outsiders beating younger brothers, and it is not a powerful country like Britain and France, or a scum spaghetti! To paraphrase the internet terminology of later generations, the worst Italian is the Italian on his own side. Facing a hostile Italy requires 3 divisions, facing a neutral Italy requires 5 division guards, and facing the Italian side of his own needs 10 A teacher helps.... ‘

;The reason why Italy was able to get Turkey in the end was because Turkey was weak enough and there was no land transportation between the mainland and Libya. Not to mention the Italian Navy. The Pisa modified armored cruiser of the Greek Navy could stabilize the Turks, plus When the Shanghai-Italian-Turkish War broke out, it happened that the Balkan War also broke out, and the Balkan coalition forces had all reached Istanbul. How could Turkey still be in the mood to care about other things?

; To deal with such an opponent, the prince thinks it would be a waste to let Germany take a shot, and Austria-Hungary is enough to settle it. Of course, it is not the time yet. At this time, the prince has arrived at the Port of Kiel, and in the port, the first thing that catches your eye is the German High Seas Fleet!

;Thanks to the book friend fly Doomhammer, bighill1982, the fisherman's; ~~~, and the book friend Xiao Da takes all; support~~~! The second is more~~~, please subscribe for support~~~!
