The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 359: Breaking the game one

"Hehe, I really didn't expect Ruprecht to start pinning his hopes on external forces. Should I say that you are naive, or are you deceiving yourself?" Princess Mary stood up, walked slowly behind the prince, and then slowly Lean down and said.

; "Actually, the three kingdoms of South Germany can have their current status, largely because of our Austro-Hungarian Empire, don't you deny this?"

; "After the Prussian-Austro-Prussian War, Prussia won the victory and gained the dominance of the whole of Germany. Prussia annexed the Kingdom of Hanover, Nassau, Hesse-Kassel, and the Free City of Frankfurt. But at the same time, we also and Prussia has reached an agreement that the three kingdoms of Bavaria, Saxony, and Württemberg can be incorporated into Germany, but they must remain independent!"

"Imagine that if there was no Austro-Hungarian Empire, Bavaria would not be able to escape the final annexation of Saxony and Württemberg?" Princess Mary had already considered the prince’s face and excluded Bavaria temporarily, but The prince knew that if there was no Austro-Hungarian Empire, or if the Austro-Hungarian Empire did not make a statement, then Prussia would definitely be bolder in engulfing other countries. Even if Bavaria is still independent, if the other two kingdoms are gone, what is the significance of Bavaria's independence?

; "And if the First World War is over and everything is as you expected, what will the result be? Russia has collapsed, and Russian successors are rebuilding their country on the ruins. Austria-Hungary has collapsed, my The country has become fragmented. France and the United Kingdom have been hit hard, and they are shrinking in the corner of Europe to heal the wounds of the war. Don't mention him as **** like Italy. Then tell me, who can restrict the extremely powerful Prussia to do it now. What to do?" Princess Mary showed a triumphant smile on her face.

; Princess Mary's words dispelled the last trace of luck in the prince's heart! If Prussia's unprecedented strength gives it the power and confidence to crush other kingdoms without injury, then after the war, the collapse and weakness of other great powers will leave Prussia without a trace of fear in its actions! Other countries have been beaten in World War I for fear of being poor. Who cares about the internal struggle in Germany?

Now one of the important reasons why Prussia cannot move the three kingdoms is the restraint of other powers. Once the First World War is over, the whole of Europe will be beaten up and down. At that time, Prussia will have no external constraints! Moreover, after the victory of the First World War, the Kaiser’s prestige must have greatly increased. Under such circumstances, who would carefully consider Bavaria’s contributions and sacrifices in this war?

At that time, the three kingdoms of southern Germany faced the extremely powerful Prussia, and it would only take a few days to succumb. Anyway, the prince did not think that with the Bavarian armies, he could stop the huge Prussia! Not in Bavaria, even worse in Saxony and Württemberg!

; As for the personal friendship between himself and the Kaiser? This is completely based on the exchange of interests, and Prussia can not eat Bavaria, as a monarch, he needs a capable minister, not a powerful and independent prince! Throughout the dynasties, there have been such things as slashing vassals both inside and outside, and the rulers will always try their best to strengthen centralization!

;The prince thinks about it carefully. In addition to the unification of the decree, the German capitalists also hope that Bavaria can collapse. The reason is simple. The prince has already reaped too many benefits by using Bavaria’s political status and national strength, and a national government supports it. , The prince can ignore the protection of some places to expand his market. Among other things, the naval guns are a very obvious example.

At the same time, because of the Royal Government, until now, the technology and profit of hardened armor are still firmly grasped in the hands of the prince, neither other companies nor the Kaiser can interfere! Using the kingdom status, the prince also circled the most profitable place in the German colony. It can be said that this kingdom status has brought too much economic benefits for himself and the entire Kingdom of Bavaria! At the same time, it also damaged the economic interests of too many companies. If no one was jealous, the prince would not believe it, but they didn't have the ability now!

; And once World War I is over, considering the industries and huge interests under the control of the Kingdom of Bavaria, even if the Kaiser has a good relationship with him, I am afraid that someone in Germany will try to trick the Kaiser against Bavaria, right? Then, what will the prince rely on to protect himself? The answer is simple, there is no way...

;Now, the prince wants to understand that after World War I, if the German Empire can still exist, then Prussia has 10,000 reasons to weaken the independence of other kingdoms, whether it is politically or economically! Then the prince suddenly found himself trapped in an endless loop. Germany failed in World War I, and the Kingdom of Bavaria was ruined, but even if it won, he still seemed to get no benefit.

; As for whether you can take advantage of World War I to gain some benefits from the newly added territory to the east? This prince is really not sure, let alone the Prussian central government will not agree, even if it agrees, what if? Bavaria is deep in the European interior, and you want to reach Eastern Europe. Don’t you think it’s too far? ! How can Bavaria, with a population of less than 10 million, have enough human and financial resources to control and build new fiefdoms?

; You know, the strength of Prussia is not only because of a simple, there are also a large number of grand duchy, pro-kingdoms and free cities as its wings! Such as Baden, Hesse, Oldenburg, Brunswick, Bremen, Hamburg, etc., these places are the little brothers of Prussia. Although they are very small, if they are added together, it is also a strong force! So Prussia can digest these new territories, and it is absolutely impossible for Bavaria to digest the new territories!

; Unless, as Princess Marie envisioned, if Bavaria can take advantage of Austria’s resources after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire during the war, then after the war, it will also have the confidence to bargain with Prussia. No, it cannot be after the war. , Must finalize the relevant details with Prussia after the end of the Eastern Front! Anyway, relying solely on Britain and France cannot break through the defense of the German Western Front....

;The prince is also a man of two generations anyway. He can realize that once the First World War is over, and if Bavaria does not make great progress, the kingdom will become a half-dead salted fish, and he also began to think about what he should do after Germany's victory. ....

;Thank you book friends for the thousand rewards of the boring ghosts, and the book friends of the First Guards Tank Brigade, the Lost Battle Hymn, Bai Ding Interchange, Yan Qin Qiong, Slow You K, Xiaotang246 and other book friends; ~~~. Thanks for the book friend Xiaocha takes everything, refuses to pretend to be b, youbo, zzy1991, all-purpose cat; support~~~! Today; it's over 1000, the author has done what he said, and continue to do three more!

; The author may have to release it in advance in the future, I hope you can forgive me~~~!
