The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 374: Fight hard

"Where is Mr. Calipute? What about the other cavalry? Why didn't they come?" Some people said in a panic. They are about to face an overwhelming opponent, but there are few reinforcements. "Are we abandoned?" Sometimes unknowns and rumors are more powerful than bullets!

"Shut up, you coward." Pershing jumped off the horse, and then knocked the yelling Boer to the ground! And such a rough and simple behavior caused a commotion, and almost everyone focused their attention here!

"What are you **** doing! Let go of my brother!" A Gundam Boer rushed through the crowd and tried to push Pershing away, but facing this professional soldier, this guy with no muscles and no brains was not enough. Look, Pershing's simple movements made him kneel to the side with his belly!

"Brothers, comrades in arms! We are from the United States, on the other side of the Atlantic. Before that, I never thought I would come here to fight side by side with a group of Boers! More than 100 years ago, for the birth of the United States, yours Our ancestors fought side by side with us and taught the British severely. Now, it is time for us to pay off our debt! We are fighting like you, and in times of crisis, we rushed to help!" Pershing shouted. Said.

"At the moment, my companions and I did not evade the enemy, but came from a safe place to help you. We used our lives as a guarantee, but I don’t know why in this case, some people think that the legion has abandoned it. Everyone? Everyone should have seen me and know who I am. I use my life and dignity as a soldier to assure that Mr. Calipute and the other brothers are preparing for battle! They need a suitable opportunity to defeat Opponents, and all we have to do is hold on for a while! That's all!"

Pershing’s energetic words stabilized the residents. Under the command of officers at all levels, the logistics units that were not on the front line also began to act. They began to deploy defense lines along the terrain. Artillery and machine guns were placed in two places where they could not meet. On the far high ground, the mortar was placed in a pit in the rear. Where the soil was suitable for digging, the soldiers began to prepare their own single-person bunker, and then quickly expanded to the surroundings to connect with each other.

The coachman placed hundreds of various carts to the periphery of the battle line, considering that the opponent might use cavalry to rush into the formation. These vehicles are considered to be temporarily rejected. The engineers chose the place where the terrain was flat and the most suitable place for the large forces to attack. Some people also hung up some suggested booby mines near the carriage. If someone wants to rely on the cover of these carriages to approach the trench, then the grenade exploded in the air. It has already surprised them!

"The two wings of the position are heavy firepower. There are two lines of defense on the front and mortars behind. We have 15 artillery pieces of various calibers and no less than 25 machine guns. It should be okay?" The commander in charge of the mobile artillery unit was a little worried. Said.

"Definitely, even if your artillery and machine guns are not enough, don't you still have ours? My people are the most elite fighters. With the best weapons in their hands, we can definitely stop the British!" Pan Xing put the semi-automatic rifle in his hand and put it aside. When necessary, he and everyone in the entire command must charge like an ordinary infantry!

"The British have completed the encirclement of the artillery troops. They have begun to shrink the encirclement. If nothing happens, all of them are here! A total of 5,000 people, the strength of a cavalry division!"

On a hill, Carlipte and others were able to overlook the entire battlefield, and the three teams of the British had already joined forces. Thousands of troops squeezed up from the side and surrounded the Boers on the opposite side. They began to arrange machine guns and artillery, while another part of the cavalry dismounted to prepare for foot battle. The combat location is close to the river, the soil moisture is relatively high, it will be a bit muddy, cavalry charge is not a good choice. Especially when the Boers also deployed machine guns and artillery on the opposite side.

"As long as the defending troops can block the opponent's two rounds of attack, we can rush down from behind and kick them in the ass. The British discarded a large number of artillery. Apart from the number of people, they have no advantage in firepower." El Jon said in a very relaxed tone.

The 5,000-man British army is certainly terrible, but they are now attacking and defending with a large number of artillery. The casualties are bound to be high. When they are exhausted, it is when the Boers launch a counterattack! 1500 elite Boer cavalry were caught off guard, and they could pierce through the fragile rear of the opponent!

"It's not that easy. I have always wondered about a question. Our position is in front of the artillery unit. Why can the British cavalry pass through us and find the artillery behind and only miss us? This is unscientific. It's like you saw the gold coins in the box but didn't see the box." Calypte frowned.

"You mean this is a trap?" Will Jon said suspiciously.

"I just suspect that another group of people found the mobile artillery. Yes, it must be like this. Otherwise, how could the cavalry who have thrown away most of the heavy weapons attack a unit with a lot of artillery and machine guns? The British must have reinforcements!" Calypte said with certainty and an hour later, another unit appeared in the Boer's field of vision. The front of this unit was a truck. With tractors and cavalry guards on both sides, they rushed to the battlefield with a large number of artillery, and then blocked the retreat of the mobile artillery from the other side. The two British troops finally merged. They were like a huge pliers, fiercely. Hold this walnut in front of me!

"Hey, it's awful, the enemy situation has changed!" Will Jon took a breath, and the situation in front of them was completely beyond their expectations. The new army not only made up for the lack of firepower, but also increased the number of British troops. More than double that of the Boers! Even if you launch an assault yourself, it may not be effective!

"The First Cavalry Regiment should be nearby, send people to find them." Caliput said.

"What if you can't find it?" Will Jon asked.

"Then we can only get on. Even if we fight for the light, we will definitely not allow the British to respond to their frontline collapse and evacuation!" The British army of about 7,500 people is already a very powerful force, enough for the front line. The retreating British troops hold their ground! And if the tens of thousands of British troops withdrew, then months of hard work on the Boers would lose half of their value!

"Well, the wheel of war has begun to spin, let fate decide everything!" Let's wait and see!

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