The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 378: Ended

"It's over!" When the Boer 1st Cavalry Regiment appeared behind General French, this veteran who had been running for the British Empire for decades finally ushered in the end of his military career! This battle was no longer fought. Although he soon realized that this unit was the cavalry that he had chased for more than a week, but did not eventually eat it. In terms of number, the maximum number was 1,000.

Even in terms of total numbers, the current British army still surpasses its opponents, but it is a pity that the British army, which is still superior in number, can no longer fight! French and George’s British forces totaled about 7,200 people. In order to break the line of defense in front of them, the British had thrown in more than 700 people, and 2,000 people were trapped. They couldn't get in or come out!

Colonel George's position was raided, and there may be some people left to resist, but it can be regarded as being wiped out by the establishment. There are about 1,500 troops in this force, and 4200 people have been lost in these two items alone! In addition to the 800 people taken away by Velen, that is 5,000 people, that is to say, there are 2,200 people beside French! But what are these 2,200 people? Logistics personnel, dying patients who were tortured by long-distance attacks and diseases, command staff, and soldiers who had not had time to rest just after the rotation.

He knew that there were only 1,000 people on the other side, but his subordinates didn't know! After a long-distance attack and a series of battles, the mental and physical strength of these people has reached the limit. The opponent's attack route is very good, and his side lacks machine gun firepower and has no cover. How to stop it?

But even so, French still did not give up his last hope. He ordered the cavalry who could finally launch a charge to prepare to attack. If the opponent rushes directly into his home formation, then his cavalry has a chance to launch an outflank from the flanks and go to Bo A handful!

But it is a pity that this cavalry did not give French a chance. The cavalry of Velen has been encircled and attacked by the dominant Boers. The cavalry who lost their speed suffered several times the infantry itself, and suddenly appeared in the rear. The Boer cavalry made the morale of the British to the extreme. Invisibly, the combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. If nothing happens, this unit will be either tortured or forced to withdraw from the battlefield. These 800 men are considered useless. No need to consider the battle.

Paul decided to use the best tactics of the Boer cavalry-dismount to fight! After his cavalry arrived on the battlefield, the troops dismounted in unison, and then began to assume machine guns and grenadiers, gradually approaching the opposite British army, and tried to establish contact with Caliput.

During this period of time, the British cavalry tried to break through Paul’s line, but after being fired by machine guns, grenadiers and semi-automatic rifles, the British were forced to retreat after dropping more than 100 men. At this time, Calypte finally After expelling Velen’s cavalry, the two Boolean armies established contact, and then formed a tendency to encircle French. Now the British general has completely failed. His army lacks heavy artillery, and the personnel are exhausted. The troops were caught in the middle. Problems in the rear directly affected the fortification in front.

When the intensive firefights sounded from the rear position, the attacking British army finally collapsed. Many British troops even chose to surrender directly, throwing away everything that could be used as a weapon in their hands and squatting on the ground to pray for forgiveness. Most of the people fell into confusion. They tried to escape the battlefield, but were knocked down one by one by bullets behind.

"Everyone evacuated, and while the other party was not encircled, they ran out. You can run as much as you can! Follow your officer back to our control area." After French, he gave a breakout order, and he used one shot himself. The bullet ended his life. Someone is always responsible for this defeat. French chose to use his life to resist all the guilt!

"We won, and no more than 1,500 British people ran out in the end! They were exhausted, without supplies, without weapons, like a frightened bird, no one in the entire area north of Hanover can stop us." Looking at the devastated battlefield. , Pershing said triumphantly, watching a team of British people squatting together under the threat of guards.

"We killed more than 5,000 British and their servants in the First World War, and President Kruger will achieve even greater results. The tens of thousands of British troops will not be able to escape more than 5,000 in the end. After this war, the British Will consider our opinions carefully." The Boer representative Will Jon was more optimistic.

The actual situation is indeed the case. The frontal 20,000 British troops, 5,000 Australian Army and 15,000 Indian troops have indeed been destroyed. The process of losing is very dramatic. After the news that the British logistics had been interrupted reached the frontal battlefield, the British were ready to start retreating, taking advantage of the relative abundance of supplies, to trade space for time.

This tactic itself was correct, but there were some problems when it was implemented. At the northernmost end of the battle line, there was a large loophole in the middle of the troop withdrawal, and Kruger seized this opportunity to launch an attack and succeeded. It’s not a big deal to penetrate this line of defense. The Boers suddenly discovered that if they pulled the artillery to the front, they could use heavy howitzers to attack the northeast of Bloemfontein. 21 The water plant at a kilometer away...

This is really a natural disaster! When the British army hurriedly evacuated, they neglected the supply of water, which is more important than food. People can skip meals for seven days, and try without drinking water for three days! After the waterworks was dropped by a 150mm the British’s rate of collapse was beyond their imagination and beyond the imagination of the Boers!

Without enough fresh water, the horses collapsed first, followed by the troops, and the British decisively withdrew with sufficient ammunition. The Boers didn't react at first, and they found out after the British had been walking for a long time. Then, the Boers who attacked on the front line used their mobile advantages to attack the scattered and evacuated British troops. In the end, although the results did not annihilate 35,000 British troops and servants as Will Jon imagined, the number of British troops who finally ran out Reached 13,000, almost all of the Indian army became the captives of the Boers, and the number of losses of the British army reached more than 10,000!

Since the end of the Napoleonic era, the British have never paid such a heavy price in a battle! Complete failure, complete failure, and it was the Boers who caused all this! A group of Boers who are indistinguishable from African natives in the eyes of the British! A few months ago, the British were still mocking the American navy with a false name, but now, the British suddenly found that their army was weak to a certain extent!

Thanks to the book friends sc-vx, the First Guards Tank Brigade, Belisariu, Bismarck in the Ice Sea, the Lost Battle Hymn, Holy Slaying, Leaving the Ground as King, Slowly Traveling K and other book friends~~~! ! Yesterday has passed 1k, and today it is natural that there will be three changes today. After the Boer War is over, there will be no more narratives--! Thanks for the support of book friends: The Lost Battle Song, Saint Killer, Ai Hui Jiu Jiu, and Mu Zi Li~~~!