The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 514: nailed it

"I have never been so worried about the future as I am today, and I have never been so motivated to meet the challenges of the future as I am today!"-Xiao Maoqi.

I have to say that Prince Ruprecht has brought some great excitement to someone. This kind of blow that directly subverts the worldview is not something that ordinary people can calm down quickly. For the first time, Xiao Moqi realized that Germany was not like they thought. So powerful, Germany at this time has even reached the brink of disaster. "This is the crisis of the empire, the crisis of the Junker nobles, the crisis of the entire German nation!" Little Maoqi wrote in his diary.

There have been many nations and countries that have risen on the European continent, whether they are Spanish, French, British or Dutch. They are so vigorous when they rise, their future is bright, and they seem to be the elect of God. striking. But with the exception of the current Britain, most of them gradually become mediocre, even sinking down, lingering in a corner of the world. When Xiao Moqi once laughed at these failed nations, when Xiao Moqi was immersed in his uncle defeating France, and was about to repeat this victory again, the world had become different from what he had imagined.

The frustration and hope of victory made Xiao Moqi very complicated. In the following week, he was like a schizophrenic patient who kept thinking about problems from the perspective of Germany and his opponents. His Royal Highness gave him a place to live. A large-scale European sand table is placed inside. For most of this week, Xiao Moqi has been competing with this sand table. With the help of his assistants, the soldiers representing the two forces are constantly moving, simulating wars.

The stubborn little Maoqi didn't want to give up his plan at first. He kept repeating the strategy of borrowing from Belgium and then invading from the northeast of France. "We first need to capture the fortress of Liège within 2 days, and then the First Army and the Second Army will move north, and the other army will be deployed in sequence. If our railway troops can quickly repair these railways, then we will use 2 You can travel across Belgium in a week. At this time, we are about 250 kilometers away from the mainland. At this time, the French should have realized our plan. They will shrink their forces and then destroy the railway. We must walk on our legs and vehicles. Finish the last ride."

Little Mochi will continue to advance on behalf of the soldiers of the German Army, while his staff will begin to move backwards on behalf of the French soldiers. "They will retreat faster than us. As long as the French are not blind, then they will realize that there is no way out to fight us in the border area. They will retreat, and then reorganize the defense line near Paris and wait. Reinforcements from other directions, as well as British troops across the strait!"

As the deduction process continues, a brand new force has entered the battlefield. This is the British Expeditionary Force from across the Strait. They will appear on the flanks of the already exhausted German Legion and bring huge amounts to the German offensive forces. pressure. In the end, the two sides gathered near the Somme, ready to fight a large-scale decisive battle!

"We can't overwhelm our opponents!" After every deduction to this step, Xiao Maoqi sighed with a little regret. At this time, only part of the German army can be invested in the strategic decisive battle against the British and French armies. In the plan of Xiao Moqi, Germany has a total of 8 army groups, of which the 8th army will be stationed in East Prussia to defend against the Russians. The Sixth Army will be stationed on the Alsace-Lorraine line to defend against French attacks on this area. Another group army may not be able to participate in this decisive battle because of its position. The remaining five armies will arrive in France through the narrow low country.

Using eight-fifths of the German army, want to get the French and British armies in a battle? Ha ha. After careful consideration, even Xiao Maoqi didn't believe this result. The French have plenty of time to use the domestic railway lines to mobilize troops, and can rely on key fortresses for defense. With the addition of the British, the British and French armies will gain advantages in military strength and will receive sufficient supplies! In this case, if the two sides fought a field battle, it would be very good for the already exhausted German army to maintain the current front. The most likely option is to withdraw. Then, the strategy of quick fight and quick decision is attempting to go bankrupt!

Xiao Maoqi took out several plans he had planned and deduced. Although the deduction process was relatively rough, in any case, Xiao Maoqi found that Germany could not get the western route in a short time. After roughly calculating the loss of the Western Front, he had to admit that the Western Front was too terrifying, it was simply a bottomless pit that swallowed the nation's wealth and the blood of officers and soldiers! The essence of the establishment of the German Empire for decades is very likely to be lost in this battle!

"Do we still have hope?" During this time, Xiao Maoqi kept asking himself every night when he was in bed with pancakes. He tried to find someone who could solve this problem from the entire German army, but he found that no one was suitable because they all received the same education, and they have been under a fixed strategy for many years. Planning They all analyze problems from a purely military perspective.

I have to say that Prince Ruprecht’s idea refreshed Little Mochi, because he explained the war from a new perspective and from a higher level. And objectively analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy and ourselves. Of course, the most important thing is that he can propose a practical way to victory! Maybe Xiao Maoqi still has some criticisms about this plan, but he has to admit that this is the most realistic plan.

"Perhaps you are more suitable to be the chief of staff than I am, if you are a Prussian." Once, Xiao Maoqi said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"No, I am still suitable as an arms dealer and general. Because I am not good at dealing with people, I have always disliked all kinds of political things that are intertwined. Although I know that we need to balance all aspects of strength if we want to succeed, It's a pity that I just can't learn, and I can't do well." The prince said with a smile.

"Then let me do these things. The glory of our ancestors cannot be interrupted by our hands. The German Empire should have a more glorious and splendid tomorrow. I hope that our efforts can make the empire survive this crisis." Little Mochi paused. Then he said: "If you have some better suggestions in the future, I hope you can tell me as soon as possible, and if you have some troubles that need to be resolved, you can also tell me. I will do my best to help you. This is not an interest, but It’s because you and I are both people who truly cherish the country and the nation!"

"It's done! It's finally done!" The prince said with emotion.

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