The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 581: Little Brothers of the Fleet II

First of all, weapons are one aspect. Most German ships that use 6-inch guns or even 105mm guns will naturally not spend much on their weapons. These guns are all artillery guns with simple structure and no turret structure. The most expensive servo is saved.

The other aspect is armor. To tell the truth, except for some light cruisers, the thin leather belt armor of other light cruisers is almost pierced by 6-inch guns, not to mention that the British 6-inch guns are not equipped with armor-piercing shells. Yes, you read that right, but there is no special armor-piercing projectile, the strongest is the semi-armor-piercing projectile. Because it's not available in most cases, you can just use high-explosive bombs! Of course, it is necessary to prevent the British equipped with 6-inch armor-piercing bullets...

  So, if you want to form an advantage over the British light cruisers, you must first be able to defend against the British 6-inch semi-armor-piercing shells. The prince is not clear about how deep the shell can penetrate. But this does not prevent the prince from making a rough estimate, and the standard of this estimate actually comes from the design ideas during the interwar period, and this time, the prince refers to the Japanese defensive design.

  In history, when the Japanese Navy designed the top cruiser, the protection standard for sidestrings was set in this way. The power compartment was protected against 155MM artillery and underwater bomb attacks, and the ammunition compartment was protected against 8-inch artillery. The top defense standard of the power cabin is gradually reduced from 100mm down to 65mm, and the tilt angle is 20 degrees. Considering that the top artillery is a 155MML60 main gun known for its high penetration. Nearly 56KG shells can be fired at a muzzle velocity of 920 meters, while the British light cruiser naval gun 6-inch L45 can only fire 45KG semi-armor-piercing shells at a similar muzzle velocity in the first battle, and the British did not have armor-piercing shells, so the penetration ability must be poor. Many, although the closer combat distance can make up for it, but the prince thinks that the 70MM armor with a 20-degree tilt can completely defend against 6-inch shells.

  As for defense against water bombs? Don’t think about this. On the one hand, the engagement distance of the 6-inch gun in the 1st war is not very far. After all, this is the limitation of the fire control and artillery. You must know that the Japanese Navy’s 155MML60 artillery was at a distance of 20 kilometers in the 2nd war. There is still a volley of 278 meters walking, which is simply unimaginable in World War I, and it is difficult to shoot water bombs in the middle and close range. On the other hand, the defensive cost of underwater bombs is simply too large, and the weight is difficult to accept, so don’t even think about it. In fact, if a 5,000 to 6,000 ton warship is partially shot or mines underwater, it The luck component of being able to go back is greater than the design component.

  Side-string defense is the standard. The main level defense can refer to the defense of light cruisers in history. 35mm to 40mm is enough, and the 6-inch gun can block it. In order to save weight, the lower edge of the side-string armor will be relatively small, and the entire armor will be gradually reduced from 70mm on the waterline down to 45mm. Cover the entire power compartment and ammunition depot.

Then there is the layout and protection of the artillery. Overall, the German 150MM can only be said to be sufficient. After all, although the German 150MM artillery has armor-piercing shells, it can penetrate 75MM at an engagement distance of 5 kilometers or more. Sidestring armor is also questionable. After all, it is not necessarily right. The shooting angle should be considered.

  In order to ensure the power, the safest way is naturally to expand the caliber. In fact, in history, the British began to equip their cruisers with 7.5-inch guns or 190MM guns after the end of World War I. However, the total weight of this artillery is already very large. The requirements for the standard platoon of 5000 to 6000 tons required by the prince are a bit high, so the prince prefers to take out the 170mm artillery in German history. The weight of the 68KG ammunition can still be loaded by manpower, and the weight of the weapon system is also relatively acceptable.

  As for the number of artillery? Don’t think about it if you go to 8 doors. The weight is absolutely beyond the standard. Just 6 doors. Direct three twin turrets. Anyway, most cruisers in the first battle were fighting at the tearing distance and did not require long-range shooting accuracy. The protection of the artillery must also be improved. The thickness of the front gun shield is 100mm, and the side 60mm and 30mm behind are basically enough. The dressing room at the lower part of the artillery must also have a 60MM-level defense to prevent the dressing room from being killed after being hit. The middle bullet channel is partially defensive. It stands to reason that the probability of this tube being hit is not high, so just ensure that even if it is hit, the flame and shrapnel will not fall into the lower ammunition depot. If you are really hit, you will be unlucky.

In addition to the opposing light cruiser, the cruiser itself has to deal with various torpedo boats, so 88MM or 105MM secondary guns are still needed. According to the tonnage, if the remaining redundancy of the tonnage is relatively large, then the 105MM gun should be used. On the 88MM gun. In theory, light cruisers do not carry torpedoes. On the one hand, they are afraid of being smashed. On the other hand, Germany has not the luxury of using cruisers to strike lightning.

  The power system is prepared to continue to maintain 31,000 horsepower, because the historical British light cruisers are not very fast, generally around 25.5 knots, while the German light cruisers are generally around 27.5 knots. And thanks to the small water tube boiler, some German light cruisers are also very powerful in power overclocking, such as the Karlsruhe 2 light cruiser. This warship is said to have a maximum power of 55,700 horsepower! The speed in deep water can reach 29 knots! In fact, this speed is too luxurious.

Therefore, the speed of the light cruiser can also be appropriately reduced. For example, it can be reduced to about 26.5 knots, and the tonnage is controlled to a heavy load of 5,800, then the actual output power can be reduced to about 35,000. . If the ship type is optimized, the power demand can be further reduced.

"Is the price of such a warship a bit high?" When the prince said, Tirpitz was constantly calculating how much such a warship would cost. The warship needed to be equipped with waterline armor and replaced with a larger caliber. Artillery and various artillery servos all cost money. In the end, the price he gave was that the cost of such a warship was between 450,000 and 500,000 pounds. The price is obviously a bit expensive.

"From the current point of view, most of the British light cruisers are third-class cruisers. They do not even have a waterline armor belt. In order to increase speed, even the originally not very thick dome armor is weakened. The 150MM heavy gun is enough. Now, we can use 150MM artillery on the previous warships, and then upgrade after the British Navy has improved its defenses." Admiral Liao Le also echoed Tirpitz.

"In fact, the effect you want to achieve with the 170MM heavy gun is to ensure the penetration of the opponent's cruiser defense. We can try the 150MM long barrel artillery. After all, the 45KG shell can achieve rapid firing, while the 68KG shell is a bit heavy." The admiral proposed a compromise plan.

   "Yes, our first batch of four light cruisers used 150MM artillery, but the penetration depth must be guaranteed." His Royal Highness thought for a while and said.

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