The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 782: Tank battle three

With a ding sound, another 37MM shell hit the front armor of the cricket tank. The sharp warhead was smashed into fragments by the heavy armor, which did not cause any impact except a shallow trace.

"We are as comfortable as a lion hunting hyenas!" The smell of blood and gunpowder caused the loader to fall into a frenzy of battle. He did not tire of taking out a row of new 40MM shells from the ammunition depot behind him and placing them After reaching the bullet supply plate on the side of the artillery, he pushed hard, and accompanied by the sound of locking, a new row of bullets was loaded.

"At 1 o'clock, 700 meters, 1 target!" Rommel pointed out the target's position again. The gunner and loader turned the handle together, the turret moved slowly, and then the muzzle lowered slightly to fire the first round. , 650 meters, three armor-piercing projectiles whizzed and flew towards the target, two projectiles were empty, and the other one left a terrifying penetration wound on the Renault tank turret.

  The armored forces of the two sides just encountered a one-sided massacre. After entering the battlefield, the Renault tanks did not even have time to get familiar with this terrifying Shura field. They were shot into a pile of burning iron boxes by precise mid-range shooting. Not only because of the equipment problems of both sides, tactics and training also played a key role.

Although even in the second battle, the combat distance between the tanks to destroy the target is relatively close, usually around 800 meters, but it does not mean that the firing distance is so close. In fact, generally speaking, when the two sides are 1500 meters apart The orthopedics started when going up and down. In the later stage, many tankers even started shooting at 2,000 meters. They gradually locked the target by shooting with a gap, and then approached the target with a fatal blow.

  In this regard, the German armored soldiers, who can fire continuously and have machine gun-assisted correction, are doing very well, and the continuous firepower can quickly bite the opponent. And most of the French armored soldiers who went on the battlefield for the first time were very uncomfortable with this situation. Hits in time from 1000 meters away were very rare, but when the continuous sound of guns remembered, when the flames were in the car. When the explosion sounded next to the body, the French were immediately messed up!

There is no dedicated wireless communication vehicle, no reliable and accurate command system, the French battle convoy that enters the field after a long march is very messy, there is no cooperation between them, and many tanks just subconsciously move in the direction of the battlefield. Drive away, or follow the map, or follow the car in front, when they suddenly entered the battlefield and were hit by a volley of head-and-face artillery, the French tanks became more chaotic, as if they had insulted the flock in the encirclement, they were met by hunters. Slaughter!

The howling shells are like a knight’s spear. In the hands of an experienced hunter, they can easily kill distant enemies. The inverted wedge-shaped battle formation like an eagle spreads its wings and easily crushes the opponent’s first round of charge. The backbone of the thick, amazingly powerful wasp assault gun is like the claws of an eagle. The two wings composed of cricket tanks on both sides are mobile and flexible. They constantly walk through the wreckage and various obstacles, using platoon-based combat units to harvest the opponent's life easily.

   Rows of tide-like Renault tanks were destroyed by armor-piercing shells, and even a 75MM shell directly penetrated a hapless French thin-skinned "car" 600 meters away. A chariot that was still Mercedes-Benz on the battlefield a second ago turned into a part and was thrown into the air, and then fell one after another, and even hit the car of a nearby friendly army. This kind of blood and fire impact is not ordinary people. Bearable. The Bavarian Legion rumbled past the wrecked French chariot and continued to charge forward. They knew their real test had not yet come!

A red light flashed from the corner of Rommel’s eyes. In less than half a second, a cricket-like tank on Rommel’s left gave a violent beating. Accompanied by a violent explosion, the tank that was still majestic just now seemed drunk. The drunk who had been drunk generally tilted to one side, and billowing smoke gushed from the breach. Ten seconds later, two tankers stumbled and crawled out of it.

  "It's FT10, the master is here, pay attention." Half a minute later, the sharp-eyed Rommel saw the FT10 tank destroyer with blue smoke from the muzzle from the side of a hill. Although there is no radio communication, Rommel still got in touch with the platoon next door by relying on semaphores and flares. After countless exercises, the two teams had a perfect match!

The Renault chariot on the outer side quickly moved forward. They were farther away from the opponent and moved laterally. It was very difficult for the opponent to hit them. This is like a cunning lone wolf constantly teasing the opponent outside the hunter’s range, and then Provide opportunities for real killers in general. When the hills provided cover for the French, they also blocked the opponent's view. The two battle platoons, like pliers, rush towards the new opponent!

After a series of soft bangs of compressed air, a series of smoke bombs suddenly sounded from behind the French tank positions hidden behind the hills. The frightened French subconsciously wanted to turn the long car body. Although the FT10 itself is considered a This is an armored truck gun, but in fact the artillery cannot be fired in 360 degrees. If you want to deal with the next goal, you must turn the car body, and this is very difficult for a wheeled chariot, because it can’t rely on the speed of two tracks to achieve it like a tracked vehicle. Small turning radius.

  Fortunately, the French will also play mixed games. A few Renault tanks first turned the turret, but they faced nothing but black smoke. Accompanied by the roar of the tank and the harsh sound of the crawler crushing the gravel, several steel beasts rushed out of the black smoke and then used the slender 40MM cannon to point at the FT10 tank that was turning hard in the distance!

   "Free shooting at full speed!" Accompanied by Rommel's ride in the car, a string of shells were fired. The 2-pound shells roared and flew towards the target, smashing the side armor or rear armor of the FT10 easily like a death sickle. A series of bullet holes appeared in these new era French cavalry. Like death's sickle, the beating muzzle sent this small team of French chariots into **** in the first place.

  Machine guns that fire faster than artillery are also firing. The Germans were surprised to find that those Renault tanks nicknamed cars could not even withstand the steel core armor-piercing shells of the 12.7MM machine gun. These bullets easily knocked open the fragile armor of the opponent, and then churned the driver inside into a mass of flesh!

   "This discovery is worth writing into the tactical manual." Rommel said with satisfaction looking at the Renault tank that was burnt into a burning iron box by the steel-core bullet of the large-caliber machine gun and the armor-piercing incendiary in the distance.

  The second one is more~~~~! Please subscribe for a reward~~~!