The Rise of the Empire

Chapter 893: Reward one

"His Majesty the Emperor will personally go to the Kiel military port to celebrate our triumph. From now on, we will no longer be a sit-in fleet. We have realized the value of the high seas fleet. From this point alone, I think you More suitable for the leadership position of the German Navy. Marshal Tirpitz is a qualified politician, and Admiral Liao Le is a qualified office director. What does Admiral Boll say? His body and energy are not suitable for leadership. Such a fleet. I look forward to fighting together again under your command." Lieutenant Admiral Scheer said very sincerely.

"My captains and officers and soldiers also hope so. You are a person who truly understands the navy. You treat us as soldiers just like you, not just a political or strategic tool. We are eager to make contributions. We are eager for victory and hope to leave our own footprints in the process of the rise of the empire. And you have met our requirements. From this point of view, without violating the interests of the empire, I will be like General Hipper Support you." Scheer said sincerely.

"Yes, I promise that the navy will play an important role in this war. We will fight powerful enemies in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean. As long as I can make a difference, then I promise that the Empire will not Do not treat any soldier who has worked hard or even donated blood in this war! If possible, I hope the navy can enjoy the same treatment as the Bavarian Army. We will do our little work for the descendants of every martyr!" Said the prince.

This is not just a statement, but the prince really intends to do so. The families of the fallen soldiers in the Bavarian Army can get monthly pensions and will have some tilt in employment. The prince was able to do this because the Bavarian kingdom was economically strong enough, and it was a relatively closed kingdom. What he wanted to do, as long as it did not threaten the Kaiser, just do it well.

But now that the prince wants to extend this measure to the navy is not only to gain prestige, but it is really necessary. Unlike the German army, the establishment of the German navy is not only to meet the needs of Germany’s external expansion and release domestic productivity. In addition, another important factor is to balance the domestic political power. Although the Junker nobles declined, they are still powerful. The army, horse administration and agriculture are their private land. They also control the local basic power. The Kaiser was dissatisfied with this, and the newly-built navy absorbed a large number of small intellectuals and bourgeois personnel, who had gained new channels of ascendance and were eager for change. To some extent, it balances the power of German internal politics. Let the German emperor have both sides in German politics.

However, at the last time in history, it happened to be the navy that completely overthrew the skyscraper of the Second German Reich. The naval uprising in Kiel Port finally deteriorated the whole situation! And quickly becomes out of control! The main combat forces in Germany are on the front lines. Once the tens of thousands of navies in Kiel port decide to revolt, there is really nothing God can do. The diversified personnel makes the navy and the army different. The latter is the Junker nobleman. In the case of a last resort, the Junker nobleman and the royal family are one, but the navy is different, and various trends of thought will have a greater impact on the navy. At any rate, the army was able to launch a threatening offensive in 1918, and the navy became the fuse, so for the navy with less stability, the prince needed to tie them to the empire, and everything would be damaged. , All glory and glory!

And to be honest, the Navy should receive high salaries. It is normal for the technicians to get high salaries. The main naval personnel who died were submarine forces. These personnel are definitely considered high-risk occupations. Once the submarine is sunk, the probability of survival is very low. , Although the anti-submarine technology in this era is not strong, but everything is scared in case. Moreover, the environment and hardship of the submarine force are also the highest, so naturally they need to be given higher treatment.

As for the personnel of the main fleet, if they can be brought under the command of the prince, and can play an important role in the maritime anti-blockade operations and the suppression of Russia, then the prince will naturally not hesitate to give them higher treatment and a Bright future. This can be considered a disguised welfare. In fact, if Germany can win, it's really nothing! Think of it as stimulating domestic demand.

Although the prince also intends to consume and weaken the British navy and weaken the blockade through the continuous attack of the main fleet, this is only a plan. The effect will depend on the following. If in the next few months, Germany can obtain through the sea If there is a lot of foreign aid, the prince will consider organizing several large-scale battles in the future to obtain certain breakthroughs.

"So do you have any instructions for the navy?" Scheer asked.

"Now? Let our officers and soldiers enjoy a relaxing and comfortable Let's talk about anything later. Whether it is Bavaria or my frontline command, you are always welcome." The prince smiled Said.

At the same time, in Brussels, the capital of Belgium, the Kaiser is holding a report that has just been counted, venting his excitement to the high-levels of the Second Reich!

"Ah, I really want to know what my Uncle Edward will look like when he sees this report? The Royal Navy? The Great Fleet? Just today, we must all remember this historical moment. , He has been thrown into the Atlantic by us by the German Empire High Seas Fleet, and then stepped on a few more feet!" Some Sistians of the German emperor raised the documents in his hands high, and then slapped them heavily on the table. .

"You know? This is the best telegram received since the start of the war, and the greatest victory the imperial army has achieved! Since the enemy's most dominant navy has been spanked and **** by us, then tell me, now , What else can stop the advance of the empire? Is it the cowardly Frenchmen on the western front? Or the rude Slavs on the east? As for the Royal Army? I need to praise them, their performance is much better than the navy! Let me Vaguely see the afterglow of the British Empire!"

"So now, let us discuss how we can reward the planners of this battle, the greatest hero, and Prince Ruprecht who has made great contributions to the construction of the High Seas Fleet?" The Kaiser proposed the theme of today's meeting. .

The third one is here~~~! Please subscribe for a reward~~~!